Male circumcision: Pro or Con? - Page 6
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Canada2531 Posts
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Philippines3682 Posts
But here, we make fun of Filipino guys for being uncircumcised due to the Bible! Thanks bible! ^_^ | ||
United States3230 Posts
Several gay guys have expressed interest though, I guess some of them like uncut wangs. I don't think I'll get it done, but if someone ever turns me down for that reason alone, which I've heard of, I'll cry my way all the way to the hospital. | ||
Canada6688 Posts
:< | ||
United States2828 Posts
Head of male penis - 4000 Nerve Ending Receptors Clitoris - 8000 Foreskin (the part removed during circumcision) - 40,000 You are a horrible person if you endorse circumcision, a very, very horrible person. | ||
United States10671 Posts
Shit. That's pretty crazy...... O_O I guess I'm glad to have kept mine? | ||
Canada1681 Posts | ||
United States57 Posts
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Germany2435 Posts
On September 15 2010 14:22 Therapist.. wrote: There is only one correct answer to the question, everything else is backwards rationalization from people who refuse to blame their parents for robbing their sexual pleasure. At the same time, it's really very hard to find negative testimonials from people that got circumcised during adult life. You would think that there would be a lot of "I GOT CIRCUMCISED AND IT'S ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE" stories going around with the way that people paint circumcision, but they're just not there as far as I've been able to tell. Of course, it's a biased sample because anyone getting circumcised later in life will have it done of their own choice. I dunno... it's just always seemed kind of silly to me that all of the people leading the anti-circumcision parade have never even actually experienced the difference between the two. That said, I'm not really in favor of circumcision, because there's no need to perform surgery on your infant when it's not necessary. But it's hardly the soul-damaging torture that some people seem to think it is. | ||
United States10340 Posts
I used to be uncircumcised, but when I hit 10, I keep getting minor irritations under my foreskin, frequently needing to apply antibiotic cream. Since circumcision, I've been fine. But that's one man's experience. | ||
233 Posts
On September 15 2010 10:43 PanN wrote: To any single living human being for circumcision, I hate you and everything about you. Head of male penis - 4000 Nerve Ending Receptors Clitoris - 8000 Foreskin (the part removed during circumcision) - 40,000 You are a horrible person if you endorse circumcision, a very, very horrible person. any source for this...? | ||
United States1431 Posts
"Circumcision is a horrible thing. It is nothing short of mutilation. They cut off Baby Foreskins for no medical reason, without the child's consent, and sell it to companies to grow skin Grafts. Doctors encourage Circumcision so that they can get paid money for the practice. I can deal with what happened to me. I can accept it. The fact that this idiotic practice continues today. I will not walk into your mother's Office and shake the hands off somebody who willingly cuts off baby penises. "There are also a lot of assholes in this world. A lot of guys my age, from the 1960's and such, were circumcised. Almost everybody was. Why? Well the Practice originated due to the Jews. A very long time ago Jews, according to their religious beliefs, would have the very tip of the foreskin cut off. It wasn't the whole thing, and the Glans is still protected, mostly. But some people were frustrated because the Jews could "Pass themselves off" as non-jews. So they started ripping the entire foreskin off. According to their religious beliefs, the foreskin had to be rent with a sharpened fingernail, otherwise it wasn't a true circumcision. Lot's of jews were circumcised, and these people (as almost everybody is) is insecure and embarrassed. They didn't want to see their children to look different from them, and they would be "reminded" of something they lost whenever they saw their kids. Another part of it is these assholes also wanted to inflict that which was inflicted upon them, Bullies are bullied, right? "Inevitably, some of those people grew up to be doctors, and those doctors would promote the procedure because of their own insecurities. Who's the patient? You cater to the health and safety of the patient, not your own personal desire and money. None of the studies on circumcision are legitimate studies. Most of them are run by biased doctors who have to find an excuse to do it to other people. They have to convince themselves that they are doing something good. "Without a foreskin to protect the glans of my penis, the glans itself would get callused and chafed. I would lose feeling in the glans for weeks at a time, and because it wasn't protected it would scrape against my pants and I would feel everything. My penis would be moved and stimulated all the time and I would get erections all the time. It's like tearing down your garage and leaving your car out in the open every day, 24/7. I started taping what little foreskin I had forward when I was 27, after I'd read about doing it in a book. I went out and played basketball, and I was so comfortable, that it REALLY pissed me off. I could jump around and shoot hoops, not having that chafed skin and uncomfortable movement every time I stepped. I was mad, at my asshole dad, the doctor who did it to me, and that it was done. Why was it done? No medical reason. None. It's supremely less comfortable to not have a foreskin, and taping the shaft-skin forward is not nearly the same as having it." Well, I sure hope that's a worthy bump. | ||
China130 Posts | ||
United States22 Posts
Fact: People with foreskin have to clean themselves regularly or risk infections of various sorts Fact: People that are circumcised do not have to deal with that. Opinion: Regardless of situation, if you are on the fence about what you would do for your child, ask your wife. If she is as clueless as you are, play it safe. | ||
1344 Posts
Didn't want to start a new thread so I'm necroing a random and general circumcision thread. Hope it's not against policies. Supposedly a model was made to predict that the dropping circumcision rate to the level of Europe will cost billions. One thing I find facinating is that it says that the people with the lowest income have the least chance of circumcision and highest chance of infection. Wouldn't it make sense for those with the least money to have higher chance of developing health complications anyway? Not sure if it should be taken as an correlation of circumcision with health benefits. Another interesting thing is that they had a cost per men figure at 407 dollars and more interestingly, 43 for women. What does this refer to? The transmission of STD by proxy from uncircumsized men? Morality aside, there's a question of whether insurance should make the coverage of circumcision mandatory. I doubt this will blow up as a political issue but health care is a fairly big topic at the moment in America. Thoughts? | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Should we ban fast food because of problems with obesity and heart problems and all the other negative health effects from obesity? | ||
Netherlands135 Posts
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