So. I live in the dorms at my school (have to up until junior year.) And there are some kids on my floor that play Starcraft. But only vanilla SC because BW is imba 9acording to them). lol So today they let me join up in their fastest games. Now i have played exactly 1 game of "low money" with them. I can never get them to play again because its so boring. And slow they say. I can raise a child before this game is over ext ext ext.....
So today they are come up to me and ask me to join a fastest FFA with them. So i join up and holy shit i want to shoot myself.
The game is retarded. Everyone is protoss, and i am the only zerg. Well as you probably guess because this is an FFA- everyone tries to make 154145 photon cannons ext. Basically we are talking about 60 apm noobs here.
So I end up losing the game, and really i could care less. I mean when 2 protoss players come at me, what are you going to do? I don't have lurkers, no ultralisk upgrades, and basically because of the small chokes i get stormed to death, and then choned to death. It was great.
So after the game, we all end up gathering in this kids room. I am sitting there saying gg, and trying to explain to them why we should be playing low money, why 'fast money' is really imba (because protoss are gods) and this 60apm noob starts mouthing off to me.
I quote: Ben you are a fucking retard. You don't know anything about starcraft. You play the slow way, I play the fast way. The fast way is better, no race is better than the other, and a 200supply protoss army is worse than a 200zerg army.
Basically i end up getting kicked out of their room. All because i am arguing 2 points.
1. Protoss are best at fastest. 2. I know more about starcraft than you.
They were basically trying to convince me that zerg beats protoss because zerg can 'pump units out faster' I gave them the your an idiot look, and proceeded to argue my point. I told them that it is pointless, because with infinate money, protoss can have a ton of gates up- and really the whole 'pumping units' argument is completely null and void.
Things spiraled quickly downhill from there. It just seems like you cannot have any type of logical conversation with these kids. their way is 'superior' and you are just a scrubby 'slow money' player to them. Nothing you can say or do is going to change that. So basically i now have 4 angry stuck up nerds snickering behind my back every time i walk by.
I really am getting upset about this because, i could physically murder any of those kids with out a second thought. (I doubt that any of them have ever seen a free weight in their life.)
Really? I couldn't believe that these noobs somehow think that they are almighty starcraft gods. I have officially gotten tired of this shit! How can you possibly think that starcraft should be played fastest style? WTF? And somehow think, that a kid who spends hours and hours playing SC perfecting timings,apm, BO's understands the game less than you? wtf? I couldn't stand these kids. They were logic retards, and really it seemed like nothing i could say god past their fucking long hair, pimply face skulls.
So, basically, Fastest players feel the same way about us that we do about them?
At least you know people who play sc. T.T All my wow friends laugh at me when I mention sc.
On April 17 2009 13:30 Zozma wrote: So, basically, Fastest players feel the same way about us that we do about them?
No. What Sc has a multi million dollar turny scene around the world? wait............Is that the scrub fest 'low money.?'
Ignorance is bliss.
Deal with it, they don't want to change their mind. You obviously know you are right and that's why you are on TL in the first place. Let noobs be noobs.
sounds like you suck at fastest. Maybe u should practice fastest for 1 day then come own them all, maybe that will get your point across as to how much more superior low players are.
just beat them and they'll shut up
On April 17 2009 13:34 LeoTheLion wrote: just beat them and they'll shut up
I raepd them in 'low scrub money'
None of them will play me 1v1 fastest-
United States889 Posts
They seriously don't believe that Protoss is imba in fastest...yet they all play Protoss? From my experience back when I played fastest like two years ago, about half the players in pubbies play toss. Half.
why would you ever argue with people about sc to the point of getting kicked out of their room?
I feel sorry for you. The only other SC players i know are mature, and they are not this stupid. Well, hey, if push comes to shove, just beat them up! ^^
doesn't help that toss have units that easily kill the stacked workers :3
United States5784 Posts
oh man what college nerds.
Hong Kong4685 Posts
How could a low money player lose in fastest? If they are really 60apm noobs, you should have no problem owning them in fastest.
On April 17 2009 13:43 paper wrote: doesn't help that toss have units that easily kill the stacked workers :3 All races do(only Terran and Protoss in expansion though). Protoss: Storm, Reavers. Terran: Firebats, Siege Tanks, Nukes, and splash damage from mines(if a unit triggers the mine). All you really have to do is put like 4-6 turrets/cannons/spores on both sides of your base then just macro and abuse ranged units for cannons and kills their workers if they are too stupid to protect them properly.
But he does play Zerg and there aren't lurkers so I either recommend fast guardian tech or just play Terran.
United States11637 Posts
I had the same argument when I was about 15 (2000) with a few kids in my freshman class.
I took 3 v 1 on bgh, 3 protoss vs 1. The game lasted 1 hour and 30 minutes before they got the point. I was able to hold them off indefinately with arbitors/templar/mindcontrol/cannons/reavers/scouts.
It would have been better to prove your point with superior skill in their arena then bash it.
That is how I converted all the 'low money' haters.
there was a time I refused to play bw because I thought lurkers/dt/sairs and all of them were terribly imbalanced. Evolution in starcraft thinking takes time.
Ask skew[media] how long it took me to drag him from ladder challenges to bw.
^ I agree with T.O.P. If they were bad and were massing cannons you could have simply rushed to hive and massed ultralingdefiler. I think you should practice some fastest just so you can beat them.
What you should of done was not choose zerg knowing that it is weak on fastest and beat them using another race and then rub it in. Losing after you tell them fastest is for newbs just screwed over you're credibility.