I'm minoring in Japanese and I have to write my final (thank god) paper, 20 pages + 5 pages translation.
I'm basically done with everything, the problem is my Japanese is beyond bad so I had huge problems with the translation. I'd be really thankful if any Japanese speakers could help be out a little!
Please note that I used a scan program to scan the text and recognize the kanji, but the program might have gotten some wrong. I checked it, but maybe I overlooked something. Here are the sentences I couldn't figure out:
--- The text is kinda difficult (at least for me). Please help me!
Belgium6755 Posts
Damn, Korean/English/Japanese? You're my hero :D
I'm majoring in Japanese right now, but I'm still early on in my Japanese studies, sorry I can't help
On February 27 2009 01:36 TaP.Nuada wrote:Damn, Korean/English/Japanese? You're my hero :D I'm majoring in Japanese right now, but I'm still early on in my Japanese studies, sorry I can't help
You forgot German, which is my native language.
But hey, it's completely useless to (more or less) speak four languages if that's your only asset T_T
Hm I doubt I'd be of much help except it doesn't look like anyone (read: Haji) is answering.
(I had something here but it reads worse and worse so I'll do this later)
According to Asahi Newspaper, the time spent reading newspaper for those above 15 nationally are decreasing as shown in the following (I assume there is a diagram/graph)
Unique programs developed based on the simutaneity and quickness to report nature of television are noted as suggesting a new way for televisions to be.
Bah I need to get hw out of the way first, I'll try to go through more if Haji hasn't killed the blog by then. What I have right now look horrible in English and probably makes no sense outside of my head, so I'll try to fix them up a bit more in that sense too ><
EDIT - 4 languages? Damn, I think that's a pretty impressive asset by itself personally :p
Up until this point the time of the morning has been said to be a barren period, however, this program has successfully increased the viewing rate of the morning period.
Ok these are my guesses so far:
さらに現実感を加えたかってない強力なマス.メディアである. Furthermore it is a powerful mass-medium that adds an unpredecented feel of realness(?().
免許の申請はNHK初め正力松太郎の「日本テレビ放送網」など六つが出そろい競争が行なわれた In the beginning 6 stations, among which were NHK and Shouriki Matsutarou's NTV, were competing for a license.
要約すれば一チャンネルが使用する周波数の幅の内容が一メガでも広いほど楽になり、送信機.受信機でも構造が簡単になるわけであった。 To summarize it, if the frequency range is only one megahertz it’s more convenient, because it is also easier for the system of transmitters and receivers.
一方、NHKの実験は国内暫定方式(五二五本、二五枚、七メガ)で行なっており、日本無線通信工業会など国内メーカーとともに六メガに反対した。 On the other hand, the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation(?) and other domestic companies, which supported the temporary local standards (525 lines, 25 Frames, 7 Megahertz), were opposing the 6 Megahertz standard.
かくて七月には「富士テレビ」(後、フジテレビと改称)「日本教育テレビ」「大関西テレビ」(後、関西テレビと改称)に予備免許が与えられ、十月には民放三十四社三十六局、NHK七局を追加する大量予備免許が確定した。 In the following July an allocation plan was made … marginally revised later on.
さらに三十六年には名古屋、仙台、広島に民放局力新設され、三十七年七月、東京地区の第十二チャンネルがアメリカ軍占用の解除に伴って東京に第七番目の民放局を置く方針がとられ、同年十一月、日本科学技術振興団テレビ局に予備免許が与えられた。 Additionally, in 1961 (Showa 36.) new commercial stations in Nagoya, Sendai and Hiroshima were founded… something end of American occupation in October of the same year.
とりわけ後述のような対米宇宙中継を初め、世界のテレビ取材陣に対してNHKの果たした役割は高く評価されよう。 As will be elaborated further down(?), it was the the first satellite transmission to the US .. the role NHK played for the international reporters was deemed big.
それまで朝の時間は不毛の時間帯といわれていたが、この番組は朝の視聴率をあげるのに成功した。 Until then the morning hours had been considered a useless time slot, but this program raised the ratings and was successful.
テレビの同時性と速報性の機能を生かして独自の番組を開拓したことは、新しいテレビの在り方を示唆したものとして注目された。 The novelty of programs which made use of the instantaneousness and updatedness(lol) of television were a big influence on this new form of television.
朝日新聞社の調査によると、全国十五才以上の人を対象とした新聞の閲読時間は、次のとおり減少している。 According to a survey by Asahi Shinbunsha the reading time of newspapers among over 50 year olds nationwide has decreased as follows:
現代の新聞読者は自分の知らないことを新聞で読むのではなく、すでに知っていることを読むのを期待しているという新聞の利用価値の再確認性はテレビの発達の結果生まれたものであることが知られるのである. The modern newspaper reader doesn’t read things he doesn’t know, but anticipates to read things he already knows – this is the value of re-confirmation .. since the dawn of television. .. (lol)
Duh! Edit: Thanks for the help Ecael!
EDIT :FAIL will try again later when I'm NOT in class
That last one just makes no sense to write in English hahaha. Let me try at it again.
That the modern newspaper reader does not only read the things that he doesn't know, but expect to read things that he already knows is an utility of newspaper in the ability for re-confirmation which is born as a result of of the success/widespreadness of television via which they are notified.
Sorry, class now, I think by the time I am back Haji would have gone through the blog :p
The second one seems to be that "There were 6 license applications total starting from NHK to 正力松太郎's 日本テレビ放送網" Not quite sure how to bring in the part that they were competiting for the license though, just the fact that they are mentioned to be different applications kind of suggests competition.
EDIT - Actually what you have already reads much better than that Snowbird :p
Anyway class here too~
lol cancelled recitation has me sitting around here having nothing to do~ My apologies if these sound weird in English, just getting the meaning across is a bit hard as it is.
If possible I'd like the context of that sentence, I don't get it when separated like that. Sorry, haven't been working with the language long enough to feel comfortable trying to translate without a fair amount of context.
要約すれば一チャンネルが使用する周波数の幅の内容が一メガでも広いほど楽になり、送信機.受信機でも構造が簡単になるわけであった。 To summarize it, if the frequency range is only one megahertz it’s more convenient, because it is also easier for the system of transmitters and receivers.
To summarize, if the frequency range used by a channel is increased by even one megahertz it is much more convenient/is much easier, as the transmitter and receivers' structure becomes more simplified.
一方、NHKの実験は国内暫定方式(五二五本、二五枚、七メガ)で行なっており、日本無線通信工業会など国内メーカーとともに六メガに反対した。 On the other hand, the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation(?) and other domestic companies, which supported the temporary local standards (525 lines, 25 Frames, 7 Megahertz), were opposing the 6 Megahertz standard.
Can't you just say NHK? I thought it would be the Japanese broadcasting station or something though, not too sure what they use as English. Probably can be wiki'd. I don't understand the usage of おり here though as the other parts didn't use keigo.
On the other hand, NHK's experiment is conducting with the temporary local standards (525 lines, 26 frames, 7mhz) and along with local maker/companies like 日本無線通信工業会 (Japan wireless communication industry association or something?) they opposed the 6mhz standard.
かくて七月には「富士テレビ」(後、フジテレビと改称)「日本教育テレビ」「大関西テレビ」(後、関西テレビと改称)に予備免許が与えられ、十月には民放三十四社三十六局、NHK七局を追加する大量予備免許が確定した。 In the following July an allocation plan was made … marginally revised later on.
In the following July, preliminary license was granted to Fuji telebi (later name changed to fujitelebi), nihon kyouiku telebi, and daikansai telebi (later name changed to kansai telebi). During October , it was confirmed that a large amount of preliminary licenses were added to the 34 company and 36 stations of commercial broadcast and 7 NHK stations.
さらに三十六年には名古屋、仙台、広島に民放局力新設され、三十七年七月、東京地区の第十二チャンネルがアメリカ軍占用の解除に伴って東京に第七番目の民放局を置く方針がとられ、同年十一月、日本科学技術振興団テレビ局に予備免許が与えられた。 Additionally, in 1961 (Showa 36.) new commercial stations in Nagoya, Sendai and Hiroshima were founded… something end of American occupation in October of the same year.
Furthermore, in 1961 (Showa 36), new commercial broadcasting stations were founded in Nagoya, Sendai and Hiroshima. During the july of 1962 (Showa 37), Tokyo area's channel 12 were, along with the end of American military occupation adapted the plan/policy to place the 7th commercial broadcasting station in Tokyo, in November of the same year, 日本科学技術振興団テレビ station (what the heck is that?) were given preliminary license.
とりわけ後述のような対米宇宙中継を初め、世界のテレビ取材陣に対してNHKの果たした役割は高く評価されよう。 As will be elaborated further down(?), it was the the first satellite transmission to the US .. the role NHK played for the international reporters was deemed big.
Above all mentioned later on (maybe?), starting with the first space transmission to the US, to the international community of tv reporters NHK's role was highly appraised.
Something like that, I think that covers it all including previous posts. Someone better with the language please feel free to make any corrections necessary and point out mistakes (read Haji).
39489 Posts
um, let me know which specific parts you want help on, i'll be on msn.