One scary ass mofo www.hotel626.com
Theres a guide if you want to find it online but that just takes the fun out of it. I REALLY do recommend you do this at night and earphones + sound on, so that you may never sleep with your doors open again. The fact that it looks realistic is a plus, annnnd I don't know - try it out =D I fucking died like first level. It was ridic lol
what is it about..? i dont have a webcamD:
Only open at certain hours, that's neat
Yeah, You have to attempt it at night. You don't HAVE to turn on the webcam feature, but it's more fun with it. and it's NOT for recording reactions videos and shit like that. It comes in use for a 'quest' kind of thing for a puzzle, but like I said, it's not neccessary.
United States20661 Posts
i did this at 3amish with a couple floormates it was fucking scary
soooo doing this tonight, better be worth it.
Yeah but if its supposed be scarey i should be doing it while its dark, not during the day ;p
hmm is it me or this thing really slow for me. it took forever to load last night =/
I dont understand stand how it works.
i put something like 19XX XX < 90 as birthdate and it says " this game isnt for children"
Wtf ???
btw: i had to upgrade to flash 10 and now youtube is buggy and lags -.-
edit: rolf i m so retarded
United States17042 Posts
it was pretty scary becuase of how realistic it was. Finished it though + Show Spoiler + the keypad one was freaking hard...
Lol still @ 0% load
I always love how those flash games are buggy. Didn't seem scary anyway.
Hahaha, that was actually scary.. especially the camera one.
im too pussy to even open the link
United States17042 Posts
On December 10 2008 08:51 CapO wrote:im too pussy to even open the link
just wait, the link will open you.
stuck at the door lock :|