On November 14 2008 00:22 Suggestion Box wrote: Well since everyone wants to talk about tika instead of my OP... I honestly don't think tika wanted a practical answer--a "way out." I think he was genuinely interested in why she doesn't like him romantically.
Some of you posted stuff like, "she must think you're ugly", "she feels sorry for you", "you are a creepy stalker" etc. I don't think we can conclude this from what we know. This is just immature guessing. You take a guy you don't like, and you assume the worst and shoot that down. That takes some skill. Then when he fires back that your assumptions aren't accurate you're like "lol you have a big ego to think you aren't as retarded as we say--no wonder she hates you", etc.
I'm not saying I know who's right, or about tika's other actions with mods and etc. Only, that from what I could see, tika is really friends with the woman he's talking about. Best friends. It's not only in his head. He's not way off base about this and if you think otherwise you had better give good reasons. You don't start giving someone advice by taking half of what they've given in the premise, reasonable things that could be true for anyone, and discarding them as delusions. THAT is insulting, and I'm surprised tika remained patient for as long as he did (in the thread I linked). I don't see all this crazy you guys are talking about. You also can't know why the woman doesn't like tika, such as whether she thinks he's ugly or feels sorry for him and whether that plays into their friendship at all. That's just utterly insulting to assume. It's completely normal for a guy to really have a real friend, and develop feelings for her, etc. You assume the worse, fighting ensues.
No one has been called out for this IMO and still no one thinks they were wrong AFAICT. Sure tika deserved to be banned. But was he the only one? IMO when you respond to a heartfelt post with such garbage as you see, assuming he is ugly, a stalker, a liar, deluded, an idiot, a child--you are also bringing down the site and contributing nothing. You are as bad as any flames that ensued as a direct result IMO.
Allow me to explain something to you.
Tika asked for people to sympathise with them and share their own related experiences.
Everyone remembered this one time they liked a girl, but she wasn't really interested in them, or something like that.
Everyone remembered what they did: "Well, fuck that. I want someone to like me for who I am (if I'm interested in a long term relationship), so changing who I am is out. Some people in this world just aren't going to like who I am. Therefore, move on."
This example is so mundane... It's not worth posting. It's better to just tell the OP "Dude, quit wasting your time; She doesn't like you 'that way' (or frankly, any way, it sounds like)." In fact, the OP's story is mundane as well. Just the tale of some loser who can't take a hint. Who shares all his intimate secrets with a girl who doesn't know how to break it to him.
So then, the first few people respond fairly politely. He then acts like he's better and more mature than everyone on the board, and that they couldn't possibly know what's really going on. Why the fuck did you make the thread in the first place, if you can't accept the most obvious of answers? Because he's a fucking idiot, both in life, and on the internet. It pains me to know that he exists.
PS: When I say "change who I am," I mean there's no point in turning into some leather jacket wearing skull tattooed biker for a girl if you think she'll like that. Everyone changes throughout life though, but of their own accord of who they enjoy being, not necessarily what some girl you're obsessed with enjoys knowing.
Furthermore... This bullshit about not being allowed to make assumptions based on the way he acts... Telling us that he and his friend are really smart and mature...
I can't think of a single time a friend hasn't introduced their girlfriend/love interest as really smart and mature. I don't know if they think that's the best way to get my approval and impress me but... I'm just like "Dude, she's a ditz... Do what you want, I mean, but you're not fooling me. She's dumb as shit." Well no... What I actually say is more like a sarcastic "Oooookay," but you get the idea. People always exaggerate, especially when the person is really in need of compensating for something. The problem is, that as well as the OP being obsessed with this girl, he's also obsessed with himself, so he play his obvious faults up too.
Wow debate for the sake of debate, again? I thought we got over this in the last MS blog?
Don't act like you're above me, NastyMarine :@ lol
United States22883 Posts
"if simply being friends is really that difficult for you, perhaps we should just end it altogether. what do you think about that?"
and you answer...
"i don't know. i really don't know."
you're dying inside, you're almost fainting. do you have the strength to rally? how long can you keep this up for? is this the feeling of "hope" that keeps me alive? without this strength i would surely be wallowing in manic depression as i have done so many times before.
but how long can it last. i'm afraid. my only strength is in her own sense of enlightenment and the hope that she can forgive and accept me for what i am. and she seems to be able to do this. and for this i love her all the more. I can't help but giggle every time I read that. HOW CAN I FIND THE STRENGTH TO CARRY ON? I WANNA HEAL! I WANNA FEEL LIKE IM CLOSE TO SOMETHING REAL! I WANNA FIND SOMETHING IVE WANTED ALL ALONG. SOMEWHERE I BELONG!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: I don't care if you're upset that I'm psychoanalyzing over the internet; that is some retarded shit. This is like an alcoholic saying "I know you weren't able to quit, but I'm different. I can stop any time!"
On November 13 2008 13:24 travis wrote: he isn't a troll, he is just out of touch
I was gonna post this.
Seriously suggestion box sometimes I get the impression you never leave your house.
Hey Cheif or whatever.
You say, he asked people to sympathize. Wrong. He asked for other people's specific experience that was similar. He didn't get that. He got a lot of people Palining it up "It happened to me"--nothing specific or useful to him at all, and then a bunch of interweb manly advice like "what you should do is jack off and then forget that bitch." He specifically said he didn't want advice.
Also you say that it's okay for people to make assumptions based on how he acts. Again be more specific. The assumptions I'm attacking are the first set before tika finally turned mad against the army of idiots doing exactly what he didn't want: (a) offerring their advice with (b) no useful actual examples described. People assumed that he was a child, that he was some teen asking how to win a woman, etc. That he wasn't as close to her as he said, etc. That's just insulting, and I believe those insults came first, before the other kinds of acts you are saying it's okay to make assumptions based on. IMO the second set of assumptions, ones based on how he responded to the idiocy, are one thing, and the first are another. I am attacking the first ones. When someone makes a thread like his OP, you don't respond with "actually you don't know the woman you're some nerd", that's retarded.
On September 13 2004 22:42 mensrea wrote: Welcome to our site. Before you begin, here are the site Commandments. They are the rules of the site. They will help you get the most out of your experience here. If you don't wanna play by the rules, then you don't need to be here.
The Commandments are in no particular order. They're all equally important.
Common sense, people, common sense. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (And if you happen to be into masochism, then you're at the wrong site, anyway.)
This doesn't mean you can't get verbally medieval on someone's ass every once in a while. We don't run the place like a septic tank. But, flames are generally discouraged and we expect people to have a damn good reason for resorting to harsh language in the forums. This means gratuitous swearing is a no-no. Trolls will be burned, decapitated and banned. If you must flame, be smart about it. Creative flames will even get you respect - if the flame was warranted to begin with. Generally, you'll almost never go wrong by being nice, polite and mature. All just common sense, people.
Please, think before you chime in with your opinion on a given post or series of posts. There will usually be some history behind a given exchange in our forums, so take the time to observe what might really be going on and put the conversation into context before you decide who's "right" and who's "wrong." Above all, take into account who is posting - context is everything. Chirping in with your grossly uninformed opinions will only make you look dumb and irritate the heck out of the people who do know what's going on.
We can't tell you how many little kids we've ripped to shreds because they reacted first instead of thinking. The absolute worst examples are overzealous pinheads who automatically react with righteous indignation when an Admin bans someone for posting something that, to them, seems innocuous - never thinking that we could be banning that guy for a whole bunch of other things and that this may just have been the final straw. There's a reason why we do the things we do around here. And please don't try to be Freud or Jung. Don't second-guess the motives for why someone wrote something. Only the author knows for sure the "whys." Respond to what's written. Avoid responding with comments filled with half-baked psychoanalytical presumptions about the poster's imputed agenda or their psych profile. So, for example, when someone writes a detailed post outlining his/her strategy for countering a tank push, feel free to respond to or even criticize the content of the original post - but don't write about how the guy's just trying to impress everyone with his/her knowledge because of an inferiority complex! You don't know that and no one cares. Stop psychoanalyzing - you don't have a license to practice.
Contribute to the site. Everyone should pitch in. Some people contribute by being helpful when someone posts a question. Some people contribute by writing interesting posts that stimulate discussion or by uploading relevant and useful facts and information. Some people contribute by posting news from the gaming world. Others contribute by participating in a meaningful way every single day. Still others contribute by simply making everyone laugh. Contribution can take many forms and there's no single prescribed way to go about it. But, like good porn, we know it when we see it. Good contributors will always get favorable treatment. That's just the way things work.
IMO tika's OP was a decent contribution, and I think he got almost nothing in response. Even the people who honestly were trying to help him didn't even read or understand what he was really asking, they just skimmed it and fired away like this was rpf asking for advice on how to get in his sister's pants. Or QuietIdiot asking for help on how to feel better because Sally turned him down. It was neither, guys. Come on.
Are you illiterate? I think you'd find yourself more at home at GosuGamers.net
United States47024 Posts
On November 14 2008 06:27 Suggestion Box wrote: You say, he asked people to sympathize. Wrong. He asked for other people's specific experience that was similar. He didn't get that. He got a lot of people Palining it up "It happened to me"--nothing specific or useful to him at all, and then a bunch of interweb manly advice like "what you should do is jack off and then forget that bitch." He specifically said he didn't want advice.
Then what's the point? Sharing experiences? Blog thread kkthx. IMO a thread where you post your own troubles just for other people to listen to them is incredibly arrogant. Posting it in General is even more so, implying that your personal troubles are somehow universally valuable.
On November 14 2008 06:27 Suggestion Box wrote: Also you say that it's okay for people to make assumptions based on how he acts. Again be more specific. The assumptions I'm attacking are the first set before tika finally turned mad against the army of idiots doing exactly what he didn't want: (a) offerring their advice with (b) no useful actual examples described. People assumed that he was a child, that he was some teen asking how to win a woman, etc. That he wasn't as close to her as he said, etc. That's just insulting, and I believe those insults came first, before the other kinds of acts you are saying it's okay to make assumptions based on. IMO the second set of assumptions, ones based on how he responded to the idiocy, are one thing, and the first are another. I am attacking the first ones. When someone makes a thread like his OP, you don't respond with "actually you don't know the woman you're some nerd", that's retarded.
As I said, some of the posts he responded to did none of these, and he still responded to them with arrogance and condescension. Inlagsil's is a good example:
Guys let's not be so mean to tika: -he is pretty new to TL and doesn't understand which posts should be where -he is young and inexperienced, doesn't know that what he describes is very common -he isn't used to how people respond here (like blowing up to "sir", which is often used in a joking way on TL)
This should be put back in blogs right away in my opinion.
@tika: most people go through this at some time or another. It is very significant at the time, but not uncommon. You must stay friends with this person. What will happen over time is that your romanic feelings will weaken and then all of a sudden you will discover someone else, and then they will disappear completely. Feelings for close friends can provide a sense of security to your emotional life but as soon as another good opportunity (ie girl) presents itself (herself), these feelings will often just vanish. All you need is patience and resolve.
Misinterpreting the issue a little bit, but nonetheless a good, relevant post to the OP. Tika's response:
thanks for the encouragement altho u must realise it does not appear as "encouragement" to me but simply as a positive attitude that i do not necessarily agree with. there are ALWAYS alternatives and certainly there are alternatives to this obvious and seemingly careless approach to life. u must understand that myself and this girl are...thinkers who aim to resolve their issues in the most rational way possible. this means a LOT of consideration is involved, hence me opening this topic to the various points of view available on this website
If you don't read arrogance and condescension in this post, well, I don't know what to say. Thats not even mentioning the hypocrisy of saying he's opening the thread to multiple points of view whilst tossing aside inlagdsil's contributions.
On November 14 2008 06:27 Suggestion Box wrote: IMO tika's OP was a decent contribution, and I think he got almost nothing in response. Even the people who honestly were trying to help him didn't even read or understand what he was really asking, they just skimmed it and fired away like this was rpf asking for advice on how to get in his sister's pants. Or QuietIdiot asking for help on how to feel better because Sally turned him down. It was neither, guys. Come on.
Because it was in the wrong place. A thread in the wrong place is naturally going to provoke a less-than-positive response. He'd probably have gotten better responses if it stayed in Blogs like it should have. It was tika's own doing to reopen the damn thread in General. Why? Because he had the nerve to think it held some higher philosophical value than other peoples' experiences.
Arrogance + Thread in the wrong place = Flames
Thank you for presenting things in a reasonable way TheYango.
In order for this thread not to just continue being a back and forth, we have to establish something for certain. What exactly do you want to achieve here, Suggestion Box? (don't say "read OP, I'd like the goal to be restated clearly because otherwise I doubt you will get any responses that satisfy you)
clearasil asked me what my goals are. Obviously my goal was to attract all those people who can't read OPs and just troll and flame and make horrible posts from tika's OP.
On November 14 2008 06:51 TheYango wrote: Then what's the point? Sharing experiences? Blog thread kkthx. IMO a thread where you post your own troubles just for other people to listen to them is incredibly arrogant. Posting it in General is even more so, implying that your personal troubles are somehow universally valuable.
edit: and his post wasn't in the wrong place. if it was about a video card it wouldn't be moved to blogs. asking for other people's experiences on a matter, is very typical in general. you think just because it's' about girls, it is a blog. that's just ignorance man. it's just ignorance.
seriously I could go open 20 threads right now, change the noun to girl, and you're saying that makes it a blog instead of general. i call bullshit. bullshit on all of you!
On November 14 2008 06:27 Suggestion Box wrote: IMO tika's OP was a decent contribution, and I think he got almost nothing in response. Even the people who honestly were trying to help him didn't even read or understand what he was really asking, they just skimmed it and fired away like this was rpf asking for advice on how to get in his sister's pants. Or QuietIdiot asking for help on how to feel better because Sally turned him down. It was neither, guys. Come on.
Because it was in the wrong place. A thread in the wrong place is naturally going to provoke a less-than-positive response. He'd probably have gotten better responses if it stayed in Blogs like it should have. It was tika's own doing to reopen the damn thread in General. Why? Because he had the nerve to think it held some higher philosophical value than other peoples' experiences.
Arrogance + Thread in the wrong place = Flames[/QUOTE]
As I said, some of the posts he responded to did none of these, and he still responded to them with arrogance and condescension. Inlagsil's is a good example: Show nested quote +Guys let's not be so mean to tika: -he is pretty new to TL and doesn't understand which posts should be where -he is young and inexperienced, doesn't know that what he describes is very common -he isn't used to how people respond here (like blowing up to "sir", which is often used in a joking way on TL)
This should be put back in blogs right away in my opinion.
@tika: most people go through this at some time or another. It is very significant at the time, but not uncommon. You must stay friends with this person. What will happen over time is that your romanic feelings will weaken and then all of a sudden you will discover someone else, and then they will disappear completely. Feelings for close friends can provide a sense of security to your emotional life but as soon as another good opportunity (ie girl) presents itself (herself), these feelings will often just vanish. All you need is patience and resolve. Misinterpreting the issue a little bit, but nonetheless a good, relevant post to the OP. Tika's response: Show nested quote +thanks for the encouragement altho u must realise it does not appear as "encouragement" to me but simply as a positive attitude that i do not necessarily agree with. there are ALWAYS alternatives and certainly there are alternatives to this obvious and seemingly careless approach to life. u must understand that myself and this girl are...thinkers who aim to resolve their issues in the most rational way possible. this means a LOT of consideration is involved, hence me opening this topic to the various points of view available on this website If you don't read arrogance and condescension in this post, well, I don't know what to say. Thats not even mentioning the hypocrisy of saying he's opening the thread to multiple points of view whilst tossing aside inlagdsil's contributions. Sorry but I don't read arrogance and condescension in his post. I think he's being rather understanding and honest; he's responding to the advice very kindly and in a friendly way--that's how I read it. It's an example of him being so patient IMO. He was being honest. How else should he have played it? Pretended it was good advice? Ignored it? I think he handled it in the gentlest way possible while still being productive towards his goals. He was letting someone down easy, who clearly was more naive than him, talking down to HIM, and missing the point. He did this time and time again before flaming anyone.
And all this talk about whether it should have been moved to blogs, or whether he had any point whatsoever in resisting the moving, remaking the topic, whether he went about it a bad way, w/e is not the point of this thread at all it's just another detour you guys want to make because the real issues at hand don't play the way you want it to. It's like if we're talking about Bush's domestic policy and you guys can't think of anything but the Iraq war.
On November 14 2008 06:36 Cheif wrote: Are you illiterate? I think you'd find yourself more at home at GosuGamers.net WTF kind of shit post was that. 1 line and what are you talking about? What are you a monkey with a typewritter?
Well SB, it really sounds like you are just wanting attention now. Are you tika anyway?
Yes, it's obvious I'm tika. Your powers of judgment are so powerful that you saw right through my little disguises. It will reflect on you throughout all of history how you rightfully suspected that we were the same person, based on our posts.
I'm also that LegenD guy remember, and maybe some other banned people too. How many banned users can I be? Let's see. I'm MSLLegenD, I'm Reaper, I'm stimy, I'm tika, I'm chibi, I'm other people too.
you guys are so ridiculous. whenever you disagree with them it's -spam / jokes -ad hominem -red herring
You guys who insult people constantly with your condescending "kid" and "let me tell you something" "when you're older" remarks are the first ones to whine that someone is arrogant.
On November 14 2008 08:04 JMave wrote: Well SB, it really sounds like you are just wanting attention now. Are you tika anyway? It's a blog what do you expect. Honestly, I made the topic to have a super serious internet debate with smart people. No one showed up though, so I'm heckling the crowd. Quality blog here folks! Wall of texts followed up by, other people, doing whatever they feel like! It's a circus folks.
Honestly, my goals here are to be super enlightened and smart. No one else here is on my level?
Oh yeah and now that the bar is lowered for posting here, let me just remark that some guy here said that tika's experience was not universally applicable and therefore a blog and not a general thread. Yet you guys say, his experience is so common. Seems like a hypocracy don't ya think. Also if you applied this standard to General 90% of them should be blogs. Also, nah wait, I'm out of shit to say here.
Of course you guys supply an endless supply of bad stuff to point out, but I'm kinda tired.
Cry more, your tears make me feel powerful.
United States47024 Posts
On November 14 2008 07:56 Suggestion Box wrote: edit: and his post wasn't in the wrong place. if it was about a video card it wouldn't be moved to blogs. asking for other people's experiences on a matter, is very typical in general. you think just because it's' about girls, it is a blog. that's just ignorance man. it's just ignorance.
seriously I could go open 20 threads right now, change the noun to girl, and you're saying that makes it a blog instead of general. i call bullshit. bullshit on all of you!
You assume I say it deserved to be in blogs because its about a girl. That's not the case. It deserved to be in blogs because, as you said, he wasn't expecting advice. If you don't want advice, and its not a piece of news/discussion that would be interesting/entertaining to the community (which it clearly wasn't, given the reaction by the community), then its a blog. Look at the top few posts in the General Forum:
Overclock Failed? - Tech advice Private places to take GF - Advice (and related to girls at that) Savior's GF - News that would be interesting/entertaining (and related to girls) TL Mafia - Entertainment
On November 14 2008 07:56 Suggestion Box wrote: Sorry but I don't read arrogance and condescension in his post. I think he's being rather understanding and honest; he's responding to the advice very kindly and in a friendly way--that's how I read it. It's an example of him being so patient IMO. He was being honest. How else should he have played it? Pretended it was good advice? Ignored it? I think he handled it in the gentlest way possible while still being productive towards his goals. He was letting someone down easy, who clearly was more naive than him, talking down to HIM, and missing the point. He did this time and time again before flaming anyone.
Just as you fail to see the arrogance in tika's post, I don't see the arrogance in inlagdsil's post. Touche. If it was clear to him that inlagdsil didn't quite get the point of the thread (e.g. sharing stories), then it should also have been clear that inlagdsil would have been understanding if he made that fact clear, and attempted to proceed with the discussion from there, instead of discounting inlagdsil's opinion altogether.
On November 14 2008 07:56 Suggestion Box wrote: And all this talk about whether it should have been moved to blogs, or whether he had any point whatsoever in resisting the moving, remaking the topic, whether he went about it a bad way, w/e is not the point of this thread at all it's just another detour you guys want to make because the real issues at hand don't play the way you want it to. It's like if we're talking about Bush's domestic policy and you guys can't think of anything but the Iraq war. You seem to have missed my point. Blog-type material is less likely to receive flames if its in Blogs. You can't really expect NOT to receive flames when you put Blog material in General.
On November 14 2008 08:12 Suggestion Box wrote: you guys are so ridiculous. whenever you disagree with them it's -spam / jokes -ad hominem -red herring
You guys who insult people constantly with your condescending "kid" and "let me tell you something" "when you're older" remarks are the first ones to whine that someone is arrogant.
Please don't make generalizations. I'm trying to carry this out as intelligently as possible. If its not up to your standards, then I apologize.
On November 14 2008 08:14 Suggestion Box wrote: Oh yeah and now that the bar is lowered for posting here, let me just remark that some guy here said that tika's experience was not universally applicable and therefore a blog and not a general thread. Yet you guys say, his experience is so common. Seems like a hypocracy don't ya think. Also if you applied this standard to General 90% of them should be blogs. Also, nah wait, I'm out of shit to say here.
Of course you guys supply an endless supply of bad stuff to point out, but I'm kinda tired.
There's a difference between an experience being generally useful and it being common. In fact, if its a common experience, people are less likely to find it generally useful because its common knowledge ALREADY. There's no hypocrisy.
So let me get this straight. General is for advice. But DISCUSSION is for blogs?
United States47024 Posts
On November 14 2008 08:28 Suggestion Box wrote: So let me get this straight. General is for advice. But DISCUSSION is for blogs?
Uh, no. If you're putting discussion in General, it better be something the "general" community is going to be interested in discussing. Note the part about how it should be "interesting/entertaining to the community?" Girl problems don't usually fit there, but there are exceptions.
United States22883 Posts
On November 14 2008 08:12 Suggestion Box wrote:
You guys who insult people constantly with your condescending "kid" and "let me tell you something" "when you're older" remarks are the first ones to whine that someone is arrogant. I never used any of those, yet tika kept telling me about what romance would be over when I'm a grownup like him. Face it, your friend is kind of a jerk.