(2:25:53 AM) yubee: i don't have to explain the concept of friend zone to you (2:25:54 AM) yubee: there's a million (2:26:00 AM) yubee: more embittered (2:26:02 AM) yubee: dorks (2:26:05 AM) yubee: who will explain it to you (2:26:08 AM) yubee: and swear by every single rule (2:26:15 AM) Gene: there's a million people without enough confidence to accept that as a reason that they cant get what they want (2:26:16 AM) yubee: i'm just saying, everybody believes it's true for a reason (2:26:35 AM) Gene: thats not proof its excuse. (2:26:36 AM) yubee: it's not cause they r all dum & i m so smart! (2:26:46 AM) Gene: it is (2:26:53 AM) Gene: they accept that as a reason for why they cant get what they want
sorry gene but hey tika do u see a pattern? i'm no sherlock but i think i see a pattern does anyone else see a pattern
yubee, you're awesome. <3
On another note, I find that Tika was here not so much for advice but he wanted to hear what he wanted to hear. That what he was doing was the right thing... all that 'depth of his fathomacy' and stuff like that.
But the one issue I find that he couldn't accept was that everyone, even those who weren't flaming but giving proper answers(like yubee), were asking him to move on. Maybe that didn't click well in him. Maybe something in him got the best out of his own attitude and he couldn't accept such a simple solution to a complex problem.
I guess that's life. Its realising that sometimes you can just break through a problem. Even though it may be painful, its still for the better.
I've been in somewhat of a similar situation and I know what he feels but I guess what he did just wasn't the way. You can't make love out of nothing.
On November 13 2008 15:54 JMave wrote: On another note, I find that Tika was here not so much for advice but he wanted to hear what he wanted to hear. That what he was doing was the right thing... all that 'depth of his fathomacy' and stuff like that.
But the one issue I find that he couldn't accept was that everyone, even those who weren't flaming but giving proper answers(like yubee), were asking him to move on. Maybe that didn't click well in him. Maybe something in him got the best out of his own attitude and he couldn't accept such a simple solution to a complex problem.
I guess that's life. Its realising that sometimes you can just break through a problem. Even though it may be painful, its still for the better.
I've been in somewhat of a similar situation and I know what he feels but I guess what he did just wasn't the way. You can't make love out of nothing. you are my favorite new poster
fucking spiritofthetuna seal of approval
I'll try to come up with a dish with tuna ok. <3
i dunno what kind of thanks that is
"you gave me a compliment so im gonna describe how to cook one of your kind"
or like
"aw you're such a nice jew let me introduce you to my neonazi support group"
I meant that it will be courtesy of you my friend.
friendships are built in this thread. i approve
also... hi ub, how's the 4pooling going?
Suggestion Box, you seem to have missed the point pretty severely on this one. I suggest that you read through the comments that were left on the version that appeared in the general forum (the blog was hardly noticed). When I came across this thread, I felt empathy for the kid (I can tell he's a kid because of the obvious immaturity he displays). I berated the other posters for being mean and offered my advice. Yes his situation is common. It is true. But that does not mean it isn't significant. Much of your OP is trying to explain the story which most people understood very well reading tika's post.
So, where's the problem? + Show Spoiler +First off, tika reposted in General after it was moved to blogs, and when this was explained to him he didn't close down the post in General and instead ignored the problem (first sign that he is an attention whore). Indeed, he is "better" than the rules of TL because his situation is so much more significant than anything that we other "nerds" have ever experienced. This was the first sign of his incredible ego. tika's response to my message essentially stated that he didn't give a fuck about my opinion, but thanked me and my feeble intelligence for providing positive feedback to him. He said about himself and the girl: "you must understand we are... thinkers". Yeah, and I'm a retard? At first I thought he didn't mean it, so I told him to be careful with his wording so as not to come off as pretentious. Then I read the replies he wrote to other people and came to an unfortunate conclusion: he is a self-centered attention-seeking trolling pretentious condescending child. I started to wonder if this was a joke, if he was in fact doing on purpose to be as obnoxious as possible in order to make TLers boil, and then tell them "haha I got you". But reading more and more of his posts, and other threads in which he posted, I was quickly disillusioned. When I first posted on that thread, I came with as much goodwill as you can have on an internet forum. I was met with scorn and disdain. I am insulted by his behaviour. So, what do I believe should be done? If it were up to me, he wouldn't be banned. He is an immature brat but would just need to learn some manners to be accepted here. I would temp-ban him for a week on the condition that he apologize to all those TLers whose intelligence he has insulted. I'm sure deep down he's a good kid. But damn, he was WAY too annoying.
So this doesn't come down to the feelings he shared in the OP. That would have been a perfeclty legitimate blog. It comes down to his unacceptable attitude in dealing with people. And this, Suggestion Box, is where I believe that you have misunderstood.
EDIT @JMave & co You guys are hilarious. Feel free to post herring recipes too! (inlagd sill means pickled baltic herring in Swedish)
REEDIT you haven't missed the point. When I read your OP I thought you did because I didn't see why it was necessary to reexplain the story that I already knew. I guess I missed the point on that one. (removed some bold too)
Thing is the story doesn't even make sense :S It portrays them as these really super awsome close friends. Ok, having super awsome close friends is a great thing but someone who says "In that case maybe we should just end it." ISN'T a super awsome close friend. Seriously. It honestly seems like he is imagining the friends part of their relationship just as much as anything else. That said I sort of agree with tika about the whole "friendzone" thing. It's stupid and not real. The world is not divided in "possible friends" and "possible targets". If anything it's divided into "attractive people" and "ugly people".
I put the dip stick in. Here's what it said:
Out of thirty, eleven clearly didn't read or comprehend my OP; five decided to change the topic to whether tika overall deserved a ban (you think that's what the OP is about?--again, part of reading well is identifying the main idea); fourteen made off-topic or empty remarks not attributable to anything in particular other than a lack of respect for the OP.
Responding to anything here would be helping this go way off track. Try again guys; read the OP. Or keep on trolling, w/e I like it both ways guy.
edit: I removed a comma splice. Please make sure to point out all errors to me, they are super important.
Against my better judgment, I have decided to respond to someone who sounds particularly indignant because there's a good chance he will go on a rampage or something interesting like that:
On November 13 2008 17:18 inlagdsil wrote: Suggestion Box, you seem to have missed the point pretty severely on this one. I suggest that you read through the comments that were left on the version that appeared in the general forum (the blog was hardly noticed). I didn't miss anything. You may say something was the point, and I don't think it was, so you say I missed it. You're wrong though. Maybe this is what tika meant by you not being a "thinker"--you immediately figure that since I disagree with you I missed the point. Again, I didn't miss anything. I wouldn't make this thread any other way. I read everything. I interviewed tika''s mother. Okay? I know your astrological sign. I didn't miss anything kid.
J/k I'm not smart, and I'm not calling you a kid. You see how annoying that can be? Let's not do that to people. Why would you need to do that to win an argument? It looks pretty weak and childish imo. I mean it's just not solid thinking to need to use labels like childish, immature, etc. You can just throw those terms on anyone who is thinking something you don't. It doesn't get us anywhere. BTW did you see the part in my OP where I write over and over how tika's OP that I linked (not the ones I didn't link that everyone keeps wanting to talk about and all that other e-drama) was not precisely the way others had responded to it (and I read all the responses, seriously--they all assume he's asking how to get the girl, whining that he can't get it, etc. he's not. I explained this, and yet I still see people who don't get it--see my OP).
When I came across this thread, I felt empathy for the kid (I can tell he's a kid because of the obvious immaturity he displays). I berated the other posters for being mean and offered my advice. Yes his situation is common. It is true. But that does not mean it isn't significant. Much of your OP is trying to explain the story which most people understood very well reading tika's post. Oh, you... you just must not be a thinker after all. I think tika was onto you, guy.
So, where's the problem? + Show Spoiler +First off, tika reposted in General after it was moved to blogs, and when this was explained to him he didn't close down the post in General and instead ignored the problem (first sign that he is an attention whore). Indeed, he is "better" than the rules of TL because his situation is so much more significant than anything that we other "nerds" have ever experienced. This was the first sign of his incredible ego. Okay you caught him. He has a big ego. This doesn't prove/disprove anything about (a) the accuracy of his self image, (b) the accuracy of other things he believes that may have nothing to do with this, (c) try to refute a or b and you got further problems which I'll insert here, but we won't get that far I'm sure, guy.
Also you're talking about other shit he did to try to discredit the man. This is a red herring and ad hominem when we're talking about (in this thread I made here), tika's op, the quality of the responses he got, and other shit I don't remember but hey it's in the OP maybe someone will read it some time besides me. Probably not though, from the looks of the early polling. Guy.
tika's response to my message essentially stated that he didn't give a fuck about my opinion, but thanked me and my feeble intelligence for providing positive feedback to him. He said about himself and the girl: "you must understand we are... thinkers". Yeah, and I'm a retard? At first I thought he didn't mean it, so I told him to be careful with his wording so as not to come off as pretentious. Then I read the replies he wrote to other people and came to an unfortunate conclusion: he is a self-centered attention-seeking trolling pretentious condescending child. I started to wonder if this was a joke, if he was in fact doing on purpose to be as obnoxious as possible in order to make TLers boil, and then tell them "haha I got you". But reading more and more of his posts, and other threads in which he posted, I was quickly disillusioned. When I first posted on that thread, I came with as much goodwill as you can have on an internet forum. I was met with scorn and disdain. I am insulted by his behaviour. Well, well, guy. I came into your post with nothing but the loveliest of intentions, to give you hugs and hold your hand and prance together across rainbow rivers and dandylion sunset beaches of sugars and honeydew trees. But you guy, have earned my earnest disrespect. You've essentially showed me that you don't give a fuck about my OP, you must think I'm an idiot to come here and not read what I said or think it's so stupid you can't even give any sign that you understood it but instead use my blog as your personal space to go off about other shit from past vaguely related threads that you've got bottled up inside like a fart on a first date. But the more I kept reading your post to my blog, I quickly became disillusioned. You're some kid who thinks he's smart and has a big ego! Yeah, that's it. Guy.
So, what do I believe should be done? If it were up to me, he wouldn't be banned. He is an immature brat but would just need to learn some manners to be accepted here. I would temp-ban him for a week on the condition that he apologize to all those TLers whose intelligence he has insulted. I'm sure deep down he's a good kid. But damn, he was WAY too annoying. Oh, calling people a brat. Manners. More empty talk. Anyone can use these words to basically say "I am right. He is not." You might say, you aren't a thinker, guy. It's kind of, you might say, brat-like, immature, bad manner--to come here, and spam a bunch of empty talk saying basically, "boo tika, he dumb, me smart! he call me dumb, but he wrong, I smart!" over and over and over in every way your talented mind can think up. But translate it into the language of actual meaning and you get the same grunts over and over again. Where is your argument? Maybe you will point to those two times where you used fallacies. Those are your logical high points.
So regarding logos, surely you fail. Pathos, I suppose your high pitched squeal evokes some comradere among illiterate pigs hungry and looking for anything to fix their minds on--if you can call what they (and you) have, a mind.
So this doesn't come down to the feelings he shared in the OP. That would have been a perfeclty legitimate blog. It comes down to his unacceptable attitude in dealing with people. And this, Suggestion Box, is where I believe that you have misunderstood.
EDIT @JMave & co You guys are hilarious. Feel free to post herring recipes too! (inlagd sill means pickled baltic herring in Swedish) Actually it comes down to whatever I want because it's my blog and I wrote the OP. I don't care whether tika earned a ban by punching every mod in the balls in his other threads. I looked at one thread (pretty clear if you take a look at my hint book I published IN THE OP) and this is a pretty legitimate response to it. You say his attitude was unacceptable blah blah blah don't care, did I make a blog about his attitude? Make a blog about my fucking attitude you bitch. Just kidding I love you dawg.
BTW I'm just kidding you're not a kid that would be ridiculous. Thanks for the effort and care responding to my blog, look forward to hearing from you.
On November 13 2008 23:22 Suggestion Box wrote: I put the dip stick in. Here's what it said:
Out of thirty, eleven clearly didn't read or comprehend my OP; five decided to change the topic to whether tika overall deserved a ban (you think that's what the OP is about?--again, part of reading well is identifying the main idea); fourteen made off-topic or empty remarks not attributable to anything in particular other than a lack of respect for the OP.
Responding to anything here would be helping this go way off track. Try again guys; read the OP. Or keep on trolling, w/e I like it both ways guy.
edit: I removed a comma splice. Please make sure to point out all errors to me, they are super important. (quoting shorter post) I sounded rather indignant because at the time I was pissed. The reason I dealt with whether tika should be banned or not and not what you explained in your OP is that you were talking about tika's experience I I thought that I had already basically understood the story from his post. I don't really know what to say in response to your post other than "yeah, that's true" to the parts talking about the situation he's in. I however disagree with your criticisms of posters. We acted in a manner typical of TL, and that attitude should be expected if you post here. Yeah, I went a bit overboard there yesterday. I wouldn't have posted that today. But I just found the whole thing really annoying.
EDIT: "Oh, calling people a brat. Manners. More empty talk. Anyone can use these words to basically say "I am right. He is not." You might say, you aren't a thinker, guy. It's kind of, you might say, brat-like, immature, bad manner--to come here, and spam a bunch of empty talk saying basically, "boo tika, he dumb, me smart! he call me dumb, but he wrong, I smart!" over and over and over in every way your talented mind can think up. But translate it into the language of actual meaning and you get the same grunts over and over again. Where is your argument? Maybe you will point to those two times where you used fallacies. Those are your logical high points.
So regarding logos, surely you fail. Pathos, I suppose your high pitched squeal evokes some comradere among illiterate pigs hungry and looking for anything to fix their minds on--if you can call what they (and you) have, a mind." you do empty talk too
In my opinion, I really found his emotional static(as you call it) something that's common. Its a hard fact. We've all been through some form of it. And to one it may hurt you and devour you and when you go around asking for advice(on TL of all places) about what to do with her, you get backed down with a simple "move on".
And being in his shoes I understand why. Its like "Huh?! Isn't there more to say? I mean its burning me up inside and just move on? How is that possible?"
But there is really nothing more to say because words complicate things. What they told him to do was the best thing. Because if he didn't move on, he would be devoured by his own mind and the circumstance. That's not a good thing. If that's not a tinge of well-being then I'd have to wipe my mind. Sure they didn't do it as politely but well.. it is what it is. Gone.
Well since everyone wants to talk about tika instead of my OP... I honestly don't think tika wanted a practical answer--a "way out." I think he was genuinely interested in why she doesn't like him romantically.
Some of you posted stuff like, "she must think you're ugly", "she feels sorry for you", "you are a creepy stalker" etc. I don't think we can conclude this from what we know. This is just immature guessing. You take a guy you don't like, and you assume the worst and shoot that down. That takes some skill. Then when he fires back that your assumptions aren't accurate you're like "lol you have a big ego to think you aren't as retarded as we say--no wonder she hates you", etc.
I'm not saying I know who's right, or about tika's other actions with mods and etc. Only, that from what I could see, tika is really friends with the woman he's talking about. Best friends. It's not only in his head. He's not way off base about this and if you think otherwise you had better give good reasons. You don't start giving someone advice by taking half of what they've given in the premise, reasonable things that could be true for anyone, and discarding them as delusions. THAT is insulting, and I'm surprised tika remained patient for as long as he did (in the thread I linked). I don't see all this crazy you guys are talking about. You also can't know why the woman doesn't like tika, such as whether she thinks he's ugly or feels sorry for him and whether that plays into their friendship at all. That's just utterly insulting to assume. It's completely normal for a guy to really have a real friend, and develop feelings for her, etc. You assume the worse, fighting ensues.
No one has been called out for this IMO and still no one thinks they were wrong AFAICT. Sure tika deserved to be banned. But was he the only one? IMO when you respond to a heartfelt post with such garbage as you see, assuming he is ugly, a stalker, a liar, deluded, an idiot, a child--you are also bringing down the site and contributing nothing. You are as bad as any flames that ensued as a direct result IMO.
Netherlands19129 Posts
gold, 5/5 would masturbate again.
You are right. There's always two sides to the story. Maybe we've made up assumptions about tika. He's been flamed all too much and maybe deserves a bit of love.
But here's the thing.
Its his story. We don't exactly know what it really is all about. He described his story with, what I'm sure of, his heart. But that's that.
Perhaps this world needs more love. But how much can one give?
United States47024 Posts
On November 14 2008 00:22 Suggestion Box wrote: Well since everyone wants to talk about tika instead of my OP... I honestly don't think tika wanted a practical answer--a "way out." I think he was genuinely interested in why she doesn't like him romantically.
In my mind that's an egotistical thing to wonder. What right do you have to that knowledge about someone, no matter how close they are to you?
to be honest this all beggars the question..
and should have been the FIRST and perhaps ONLY question any of you should have put forward...
"what is there about you that she should/can/does find attractive (for a female) about you to make her physically attracted to you?"
i cant believe this simple simple question hasn't arisen. really.
Perhaps someone can explain to me how this post ISN'T just tika asking us to ask him to tell us how awesome he is?
Perhaps you can correct me, but the sense that I got was that tika wasn't looking for a solution, but simply trying to remain friends for the sake of his own "enlightenment" despite the awkwardness and agony that he was causing himself and this girl. Perhaps I'm too shortsighted to see, but that still seems incredibly...silly.
Yes there were people who posted flames and unacceptable material in tika's thread, but I don't think he mounted any significant response to them. Did you read inlagdsil's responses? They were very patient with him. He could have given a less condescending response and made some real discussion, but he still decided to turn inlagd aside as another "arrogant" person who thought too much of their own experiences.
On November 14 2008 00:22 Suggestion Box wrote: No one has been called out for this IMO and still no one thinks they were wrong AFAICT. Sure tika deserved to be banned. But was he the only one? IMO when you respond to a heartfelt post with such garbage as you see, assuming he is ugly, a stalker, a liar, deluded, an idiot, a child--you are also bringing down the site and contributing nothing. You are as bad as any flames that ensued as a direct result IMO.
Actually, no. That's not strictly ban-worthy. We'd be getting a lot more bans if that were the case.