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After that, we went to spend the night in Johanesburg, but all the hotels were absolutely full, literally no space for anybody in any hotel in the whole fucking city. Amazing. Some dude in reception took some other guy's card that he had from some other and managed to get us 3 rooms in a guest house. We took the offer, we were desperate xD.
So... What's a guest house? It turns out it's some big house a family managed to build where they have some rooms available for guests, but they still live there as well. It's kind of an unofficial business, we had no choice though.
They came to pick us up, but we didn't know the drivers were also the owners of the house. We had to split up, since we still needed to return the rental car, so my dad went with one of them to the rental returns place and we went straight to their home. The lady driving the car was very nice but we misunderstood her. We thought she was just the driver and she did that as a sort of extra cash job. My mom was really getting stressed, she didn't know where we were going and my dad was nowhere to be found, we could've been kidnapped and we wouldn't even know it.
So we arrive at the place, it wasn't that bad, actually I quite liked it, but my mom was completely out of it, the hostess kept asking me if she was alright, but she was white as a sheet since my dad hadn't shown up yet and we'd been there for like 30 minutes. She was really getting stressed xD.
It was alright though, the woman had a younger brother and sister working at the place with them. The brother had a speech disorder and it was bloody murder just to try to understand him. We managed some small talk, but it really was hard.
This place was in the middle of nowhere so the hosts had to drive us to a place to have dinner. I've never felt weirder in my life. They drove an audi and another pretty nice car and basically set everything up with the restaurant staff to call them when we were done. Strange society.
Following morning we got driven again to the airport. It really weirded me out again, you don't really know if you're supposed to tip them, if it's included in the price... Just strange to have somebody drive you around who isn't a taxi driver.
Cape Town was everything Africa wasn't. Modern, with lots of white people and lots of "expensive" shops. It used to be the white capital of the country and it really showed. You could have easily been in any city from the USA and you wouldn't notice a big difference. Well, except that there are no taxies

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We rented this amazing flat, 2 bedrooms, big kitchen, huge place to just sit down and relax. And the view... it was simply overwhelming. You could see the whole city from that 19th floor suite. Really, really impressive. It wasn't even that expensive ( a fifth of the price per day is what I'l be payin, more or less, in Oxford ). Same thing in New York would've been more than ten times the price.
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My memory about what we did there is a little fuzzy now, but we went to the Cape of Good Hope (incredible), and we also went to Ermanus, to watch the gentle giants of the sea... the whales. There was this "gulf" where you could see whales from the seaside from about 50 m onwards. It's truly amazing, we even caught two of them jumping over the water. We had an amazing time, even if the pictures don't really show it, we were so far away they were just crap, but it was alright with binoculars.
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Ostriches were all over the cape point
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We also visited Robben Island, Nelson Mandela's prison, and had an ex-political prisoner show us around the place as a guide. It was really touching.
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Mandela's cell
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The other visitors of Robben Island
Next place we visited was Durban, even if we didn't really see it, we went straight to some summer town called St. Lucia. The beaches were absolutely sublime. Kilometers and kilometers of the finest white sand.
We didn't manage to see any crocodiles in the saffari so we went to this crocodile center which doubled as a hospital (for crocs). It reminded me of why I dislike caged animals, they were just lying there, completely apathetic. It wasn't much fun after seeing all the animals in the wild.
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This fucker was 6 m long, if i recall correctly.
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Some buffalo.
Talking about wild, we could've died there. It was our last day, and we went to the beach. Alright, next to the beach there's this nice pond. It was a really windy day there, the sand was getting picked off the ground and it actually hurt a bit on the legs, but this place had no flying sand whatsoever. My sister was about to take a swim there when we notice some dark shapes in the water.
So there we went closer to investigate (say, 50 m away). It loked just like rocks, but then all of a sudden a hippo head pops out of the water and yawns it's head off. WTF!
I don't know if you're aware of this, but hippos are the animal that kills more humans every year. They've got enormous fangs and they're insanely territorial.
We were of course shocked that there would be such dangerous animals right next to a common beach, but that's when we saw this big-ass sign that said "beware of hippos and crocodiles", haha. It was only visible from land, if you came from the beach, it was facing the other way xD.
Anyway, we were still curious about the hippos and we have balls of steel (you can call it stupidity if you like), so we tried to get closer. I mean, come on, when are you ever gonna get the chance of getting ripped apart by hippos ever again?
That's about the time this car of, I guess you can call them rangers, came along and kindly told us that if we got any closer we might scare off the crocodile that was lurking nearby, that they wanted to catch.
By this point we rethought our strategy and decided to live another day. We just went off to find my parents, who obviously wanted to see the hippos, so back we went again. I was seeing shadows in the water everywhere, flipping out by this point. The hippos didn't particularly give a shit about us, they continued their exciting activities of yawning and sitting their big fat asses on the sand, I mean, they could've at least feigned interest in us or something, fucking assholes xD.
Back at the appartment we wanted to have a barbecue so we set out this beautiful pyramid with logs we bought at the supermarket. My dad of course, being the expert that he is, only had 10 pages of a newspaper and said that was enough.
30 minutes and 2 magazines later, we were still trying to light up the fire with paper napkins and toilet paper. Yeah, you got that right, napkins and toilet paper xD.
We FINALLY managed to get it going with half a tablet of this ligher cubes I had to go buy in town. It was supposed to be 1 cube per fire, but we had to use 6 to get the thing going and it almost went out 15 minutes later. I was even considering getting gasoline from the car.
In the end we did manage to get the barbeque done, at the cost of my family's sanity and 10 € worth of toilet paper, but by god we did it. It wasn't my dad's fault though, it was the wood that wasn't dry, the only way you could have gotten wetter logs would've been if you dipped them in water first.
Anyway, we got back to Cape Town and from there back to London, then home. It was a nice trip