Kick off the day w/ a PvT, unlucky scouting and didn't see him untill I reached the last base. He had one scv in my base doing nothing, just standing there. When I finally found him, to my horror he's pulling 6 scvs toward my main.
I know I was fucked then, and cancling my dragoon, I made for 1 zealot and the iconic shield battery. However, before my zealot was 70% finished 3 marines and shitton scv charged in. I mismicroed, thinking I'm fucking julyzerg and tried to snipe marines instead of raping the scv building the bunker. THey got in, and GG it is.
Second game, PvP. I tried to spice things up abit and I opened with 3 gate power dragoons. I knew he was going reavers as it is 12/9 positions, so I was hoping to overpower him. I looked at my number of dragoons and I thought "Hmm this is about the right timing", so I pounced. When my drgoons were halfway toward his base, a reaver popped in my mineral line and JKFLd:SJfkl;dsaj I have no fucking goons there. Lost about at least 10 probes, and he easily deflected my atk cuz of some stupid ramp. He proceed to chase me down halfway across the map, then I chase him down w/ reinforcements. But alas I can't break his ramp, and I have no fucking clue how come he has more goons than I do. I try to defend, trading some probes for reavers, but in the end he mauled me over, despite my good micro taking out 2 shuttle full of reavers w/ 2 goon loss. Watched the rep, he used first shutte to get island expo, no wonder ~~
So that's for now, 0-2 and a shinny 900 ranking, fuck.
But no giving up, not yet! I'm determined to fight it out.
Third Game:
PvT again, just going one gate cybr range goon build, but I scouted teerran, I was 6 and he's 9. Still remembering the shameful cheese on game 1, and seeing this terran so arrogantly did not wall in, I said to my self "Fuck u terran fegs, ima fucking 2 gate u" So popping down a 2nd gateway and hardcore 10/11 zlot rush is ON. Zealot got in and he barely had first marine out thx to my good delay of his rax w/ probe. I kept sending in zlots, and he has to forgo his fast tank and build in vultures to kill my zealots intead. I let him, by the time he got rid of my zealots 2 goons were on the way w/ 2 more and range comming, GG soon afterward, and I gain 130 points, break even! ha!
Fourth Game:
PvP again fucking proxy gateway pwnt me, not much more to add. I cancled my cybre and built shield batry and still lost. fdafea
God these guys like to cheese... so 1-3 now, no worries. Get some good practice going first