So it's been a while since I last typed something here but hey I need an outlet for my anxiety so here goes.
The french government is going to shit and I'm trying but I can't do anything about it. They just announced a new law to restrict filming the police and to begin filming the population with drones and using facial recognition to identify people.
This law is likely to go through although with luck the Conseil Constitutionnel (French Supreme Court) will just strike most of it down. But yeah, it's really bad.
French police has been very violent and repressive these last few years and this law will make it much worse. Police is also almost never punished for major infractions and crimes. Demonstrations in 2018 have resulted in many people losing limbs or eyes and the government is basically trying to go through with : "well now you cant film it anymore so it's not happening anymore amirite ?"
I'm really afraid that it will bring a new wave of police brutality for years to come and I'm sure that the moderate left, even in the unlikely event that they win this election, will not go back on it because they don't actually stand for anything.
In other news I broke up last year with my gf of 8 years. It was incredibly tough and I'm not through it yet. We weren't it anymore, we kinda stopped doing things together and I kept sacrificing to spend time with her. After a while it just appeared that it was the end. I miss here a lot though. She is still an awesome person and I wish her the best.
But I met a new person I like so there's that.
On November 03 2020 00:32 loginn wrote: They just announced a new law to restrict filming the police and to begin filming the population with drones and using facial recognition to identify people.
...Is this for real? Holy shit if so. I didn't even think French police did too many terrible things that they wouldn't want filmed.
On November 03 2020 01:21 mierin wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2020 00:32 loginn wrote: They just announced a new law to restrict filming the police and to begin filming the population with drones and using facial recognition to identify people.
...Is this for real? Holy shit if so. I didn't even think French police did too many terrible things that they wouldn't want filmed. To be accurate the law says it's not legal to film police if the goal of filming is to attack their physical or mental integrity. No way this law isn't used everytime someone films police brutality. Law says you can only film the police when they're nice. -_-
I think I'm done voting for Macron tbh, if it's him or Le Pen in 2022 I'll be abstaining.
I had my doubts as well so I looked it up.
+ Show Spoiler +Here is the proposition:
Art. 35 quinquies. – La diffusion, par quelque moyen que ce soit et quel qu’en soit le support, de l’image des fonctionnaires de la police nationale, de militaires, de policiers municipaux ou d’agents des douanes est punie de 15 000 € d’amende et un an d’emprisonnement.»
English Google Translate: Art. 35 quinquies. - The dissemination, by any means whatsoever and whatever the medium, of the image of officials of the national police, soldiers, municipal police officers or customs officers is punished by € 15,000. fine and imprisonment for one year.
Source: http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/dyn/15/textes/l15b2992_proposition-loi
It talks about spreading videos containing police, military and the customs. Filming them would not be illegal.
In the broader context of the article that it is supposed to be attached to: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/id/LEGITEXT000006070722/2020-11-03/
I highly suggest reading the actual law and article in question to understand the context of it.
At the end of the day, it's socialism or barbarism. This is easily reflected in recent events, such as the difference between America and Europe's failed COVID-19 response compared to that of China or Vietnam.
Sorry to hear about the break up. Glad you found someone you like haha.
On November 03 2020 11:47 404AlphaSquad wrote:I had my doubts as well so I looked it up. + Show Spoiler +Here is the proposition:
Art. 35 quinquies. – La diffusion, par quelque moyen que ce soit et quel qu’en soit le support, de l’image des fonctionnaires de la police nationale, de militaires, de policiers municipaux ou d’agents des douanes est punie de 15 000 € d’amende et un an d’emprisonnement.»
English Google Translate: Art. 35 quinquies. - The dissemination, by any means whatsoever and whatever the medium, of the image of officials of the national police, soldiers, municipal police officers or customs officers is punished by € 15,000. fine and imprisonment for one year. Source: http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/dyn/15/textes/l15b2992_proposition-loiIt talks about spreading videos containing police, military and the customs. Filming them would not be illegal. In the broader context of the article that it is supposed to be attached to: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/id/LEGITEXT000006070722/2020-11-03/I highly suggest reading the actual law and article in question to understand the context of it.
It being illegal to spread videos of cops is just as bad as not being able to film them at all
Not making a judgement about the proposed adaptation to the law. Just rectifying what he claimed to be accurate, when it wasnt. If there is a discussion about it, people should at least be aware what text they are actually talking about.
Fair, I can respect that, sorry to jump to conclusions.
France12753 Posts
We met last year I think (during NW live event). I get this feeling of impotency regarding politics in our country, and albeit it's not much and it's on a small scale, we can still influence a bit our bubble and it can have some impact overall, so we should not stop even though it can feel pretty hopeless sometimes.
As for your gf, I'm sorry to hear that. The years you were together will still be a part of you that won't go away, even if it had to stop it made you grow into the person you are today and a new journey awaits you.
Take care of you, mate.
Jesus will not come and save us. A politician will not come and save us. The recipe against slavery is DISOBEYING by the very people. As long as people accept and support government, the people will always be slaves. This is karma back at the very people.
will they at least do anything about the beheadings
On November 03 2020 02:45 Nebuchad wrote: I think I'm done voting for Macron tbh, if it's him or Le Pen in 2022 I'll be abstaining.
Same in USA, same in Serbia, and many other countires. They are all same, there is no solid choice anymore. I feel like someone is playing with us. Like we need to pick between couple of retards every 4-5 years and things are staying same.
On November 03 2020 02:45 Nebuchad wrote: I think I'm done voting for Macron tbh, if it's him or Le Pen in 2022 I'll be abstaining.
Just be aware this exact attitude is how the US ended up with Trump.
On November 17 2020 11:30 Vindicare605 wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2020 02:45 Nebuchad wrote: I think I'm done voting for Macron tbh, if it's him or Le Pen in 2022 I'll be abstaining. Just be aware this exact attitude is how the US ended up with Trump.
The situation that led to Trump is actually just so very much more complicated than that