I think it is very reasonable to be more angry when you are being called dishonest rather compared to when you are being called stupid.
A lot of human interaction is based on trust, and that has been a fact throughout history. If you are a person who people think cannot be trusted, you have a lot of problems in society.
I am pretty sure that stupid person who can be trusted to tell the truth and do what they say they will do is generally viewed more favorably by society than an intelligent person who cannot be trusted, and people are far more willing to interact with them, give them a job, or have them be a part of their community. Meanwhile, no one wants to have untrustworthy people around, because you need to constantly watch them so they do not cheat you, which is usually more work than not having them around.
With that in mind, it makes a lot of sense that people absolutely do not wish to be seen as untrustworthy, and thus shunned by society. Being seen as stupid is also not nice, and something people would also prefer to avoid, but not as bad as being seen as untrustworthy.
Forgive the tone but it's still so incredibly mild, given how insanely wrong what you wrote is. It's incomprehensible to me how someone can have such insanely wrong definitions of honesty, integrity and intelligence. I don't mean to offend or insult. It's just impossible to write any other way about it. This like someone taking the most disgusting kind of a slime, of completely insane levels of misunderstanding, and throwing it into the pool of shared information. I don't mean to insult you or anyone else even one bit but then again, to me, people who voice such opinions do something that's a billion times worse than any insult. [/b]
This is one of the most insanely wrong posts I've ever read. You've just sinned against the most basic of definitions with something that is so insanely, absurdly, intensely and utterly wrong, on every level imaginable, it's incomprehensible. I can't comprehend how someone would really think that. How can someone really think that way? It almost induced me to vomit.
First off, exchange stupid person for an average-intelligence, non-genius, painfully average and mediocre person. Then, what you wrote adds up, more or less. Yes, pretty much.
You've got two people. You know one of them is more intelligent than the other. By a nice degree but they're also kinda sketchy. You can't be sure. Of course, many times, you'll prefer the more average, mediocre but straight up and honest person. Sure. Absolutely. But not stupid person, holy shit.
A stupid person cannot even be honest or have integrity to begin with because that requires a level of intelligence. A stupid person isn't someone who is always going to tell you the truth because they're incapable of even knowing the truth or understanding a situation. A stupid person isn't someone who's doing what you tell them to do consistently, or even frequently. Holy shit. Do you even understand what you're writing about?
A stupid person is someone that, you tell them to do something, and then they go do something else because they misunderstood but didn't even fucking realize they misunderstood. Or they did realize but they didn't think it'd be a good idea to bring it up and ask for clarification.
Holy shit, dude. Do you even understand what you wrote? That you're pretty sure employers are more willing to hire stupid people who "can be trusted"? I don't know what dumbest of the dumb of the dumb of fucks on any planet ever would think that stupid people "can be trusted".
By definition, stupid people consistently do shit that DOES NOT make sense. Stupid people are among the most untrustworthy people on the planet because they're quite literally incapable of having any of their shit together in any reliable way. That's exactly the definition of stupid, that's why they're regarded as stupid. No one, NO ONE wants to deal with that. No one, NO ONE, wants to hire stupid people because they're completely unpredictable. The shit stupid people do DOES NOT make sense, anymore than your description does. That's LITERALLY why they're called stupid. If not, where do you have these stupid people that make choices and do reasonable, sensible, common sense things on a consistent basis? Holy shit.
By definition, it'd be impossible to claim they're stupid if they were doing sensible, common sense things on a consistent basis. That requires they're able to learn at least basic shit about what's what in this world and then keep it together. They might be painfully average and mediocre but not stupid. These are entirely different levels and categories. Holy shit. I can't believe someone would really think that. That's gotta be troll. I'm probably baited.
You don't understand what stupid means. I don't know what insane definition of stupid you have but it's completely and utterly, flat out wrong. For starters, stupid person can't even really be honest or have integrity because that requires a level intelligence in the first place. It requires a level of good grould-level thinking that allows to them to have their shit together, even if it's very basic shit. They have to at least learn some basic good principles and shit about how stuff works so they even understand what you want them to do.
That's not what stupid people do, ever. Stupid people don't understand, don't understand that they don't understand, don't understand what it is that they don't understand and are in need to understand, don't understand that it'd be a good idea to mention that, can't articulate anything for shit, and don't have almost any integrity because they can't fucking make sense of things, even at the very basic level. That's why you call them stupid. If they do, you don't call them stupid. They may be very average at most but not stupid. The only thing you can ever trust stupid people to do, is that they will do stupid shit which doesn't make sense, is incomprehensible, often harms other people and doesn't benefit them, is random and pointless, and doesn't serve anything or anyone. To say that stupid people can be trustworthy is one of the most insane contradictions you could possibly come up with, about anything whatsoever, ever. The only thing you can trust stupid people with, is that they will repeatedly do stupid shit that doesn't make sense.
Second, unsurprisingly, what you wrote about "intelligent people" has nothing to do with intelligent people and is insanely wrong. Exchange it for either painfully average and also dishonest person, and then it adds up somewhat. Except painfully average and mediocre person, who's also dishonest, is pretty much a stupid person. They fulfill the criteria because they repeatedly get themselves fucked for risky and nonsensical dishonesty, which is repeatedly doing shit that doesn't make sense, which makes them stupid. If they were not stupid, they'd be evaluating what they're doing and wouldn't continue dishonesty when clearly it was getting them fucked, over and over again. If they were not stupid, they wouldn't be doing stupid shit that doesn't make sense over and over again because that's what stupid people do. There's pretty much no combination where a painfully average person, plus dishonesty, doesn't equal stupid. What you wrote is about those people, not about intelligent people. You've probably suspected, not to mentioned recognized, about 0 of intelligent people who happened to be dishonest if you have such an insane level of misunderstanding about it.
Seriously, where do you have these "intelligent people" who go around cheating and lying in dumb ways, getting themselves exposed and getting their reputation destroyed? Where do have these "intelligent people" that don't understand that getting their reputation tarnished is pretty much game over? Holy shit.
You think intelligent people are going around, constantly risking to show everyone around that they're full of shit and untrustworthy? How the fuck could they be intelligent and do that? No, that person's exactly the definition of a dumbass and a stupid person. Typically some dunning-kruger delusional fuck up of epic proportions. Intelligent people don't do that shit. When you're dealing with an intelligent person, you will not see that shit and they will not be seen as untrustworthy. That is the last fucking thing you will ever see, ever, EVER, of an intelligent person.
When intelligent people are dishonest, they're selfish, not dumb and careless. It's very painful and difficult to deal with, if you ever had the occasion to deal with it and also be aware of what they're doing. They don't do it in dumb ways that get them exposed and have their reputation tarnished. If a person is intelligent, they know what reputation means and being labelled untrustworthy is one of the last things they'll ever let happen. If you misunderstand basic terms, such as honesty and intelligence, to such an insane degree, you're among those who'd never, ever, even begin to suspect anything, should an intelligent person be dishonest with them.
Typically, when intelligent people are also dishonest, it's very strategic. They tend to be very honest and 100% straight up, most of the time, and very trustworthy in a very real way. They typically have a shining, stainless reputation, even better than honest people. This is what especially sucks. Typically, even if they're exposed multiple times, it never quite works to make them untrustworthy. They tend to not be dishonest unless for those times when and where it pays and is worth the risk.
It is people like you who are actually the most dangerous in this equation. You know why? Because every now and then, when an intelligent person who happens to also be very selfish and dishonest comes around, they use the extreme, oversimplified misunderstanding of people like you - to tell stories and fuck up other people, often intelligent and honest people, should there be the need to do so. Because if you have such definitions of basic terms, of honesty and intelligence, wrong to such a degree, how would you ever even recognize any of it? You'd just buy a well made, only slightly altered story after well made, only slightly altered story because you don't understand what's possible and it would seem impossible that someone would fake something like that, and so on. I don't know what else to write about it. It was quite literally so insanely wrong, it became impossible to ignore.
I want to stress I absolutely do not mean offending you or anybody else, it's just that the intensity of how wrong what you wrote was, I don't know how else someone could respond to that. That was still so polite, given how off the scales what you wrote is.