On June 09 2020 00:22 Dangermousecatdog wrote: Ewww, why is your lemonade yellow? Those picture look like orange juice. You guys know that lemon juice isn't yellow right? WTF do you add it make it yellow? Yuck. Vomit inducing.
Look up R.Whites and sprite and 7-up. They are see through or white if cloudy.
Your orange juice isn't orange? Yellow and orange aren't the same color o.O
Orange juice:
https://www.google.com/search?q=orange juice&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS770US770&sxsrf=ALeKk01Cb5Hyd09SVSy24717K_OVxX-yTw:1591629826681&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUiruTw_LpAhUJJt8KHTf7DEgQ_AUoAnoECBcQBA&biw=1536&bih=722
Glass of sprite:
https://www.google.com/search?q=glass of sprite&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjP2rCjw_LpAhVCPN8KHR2BD9UQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=glass of sprite&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyAggAMgYIABAIEB4yBAgAEBg6BAgjECc6BQgAELEDOgQIABBDOgcIABCxAxBDUJQbWOokYMklaABwAHgBgAGzAYgBiAuSAQQxMy4ymAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ei=JFjeXs-4A8L4_Aadgr6oDQ&bih=722&biw=1536&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS770US770
Now I'm thoroughly confused. Your lemonade isn't lemon-colored? It's clear or white?
Edit: To clarify, we're talking about actual lemonade, not water with a slice of lemon dropped in, right? Because many restaurants give us a slice of lemon with plain water, but that doesn't stop the water from staying clear, and that's not how we define lemonade in America. I guess it's a cultural thing.
Double edit: Yeah, it's a cultural thing. Very interesting! Source:
"Lemonade can be any variety of sweetened or unsweetened beverages found throughout the world, which are traditionally all characterized by a lemon flavor.[1] Most lemonade varieties can be separated into two distinct types: cloudy and clear; each is known simply as "lemonade" (or a cognate) in countries where dominant.[2][self-published source?] Cloudy lemonade, generally found in North America and South Asia, is traditionally a homemade drink using lemon juice, water, and a sweetener such as cane sugar, a simple syrup (white sugar and water) or honey.[3] In the United Kingdom and Australia, clear lemonade, which is typically also carbonated, dominates.[2]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemonade
Lemon juice isn't yellow. Lemon juice is clear. Adding lemon juice should never make your lemonade yellow. Unless you are adding lemon rind or skin into your lemonade, or some other colourant, there is no reason lemonade is yellow. Following that wiki ingredients would not make a yellow lemonade. Maybe honey? But even honey wouldn't make lemonade yellow, unless you add so much you are basically drinking honey.
On June 09 2020 00:40 Dangermousecatdog wrote: Lemon juice isn't yellow. Lemon juice is clear. Adding lemon juice should never make your lemonade yellow. Unless you are adding lemon rind or skin into your lemonade, or some other colourant, there is no reason lemonade is yellow. Following that wiki ingredients would not make a yellow lemonade. Maybe honey? But even honey wouldn't make lemonade yellow, unless you add so much you are basically drinking honey.
Lemon juice isn't lemonade, but I've definitely found this conversation much more educational than the OP
So...what do you put in your lemonade if not lemon juice? The whole lemon? Skin and rind and all?
Oh well, today I learned that Lemonade is yellow in USA. It's like learning water is yellow in USA.
On June 09 2020 01:02 Dangermousecatdog wrote: So...what do you put in your lemonade if not lemon juice? The whole lemon?
As per the source above, there are different varieties of lemonade, which tend to include water, lemon juice, and additional sugar/sweetener options. I'd imagine it's those additional ingredients that change the color.
Natural Orange juice is 100% not that orange, its more of a yellowish-orange, those deep orange colors only come from boxed juice.
On June 09 2020 01:12 DarkPlasmaBall wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2020 01:02 Dangermousecatdog wrote: So...what do you put in your lemonade if not lemon juice? The whole lemon? As per the source above, there are different varieties of lemonade, which tend to include water, lemon juice, and additional sugar/sweetener options. I'd imagine it's those additional ingredients that change the color. Do you even make lemonade bro?
None of those ingredients would make lemonade yellow unless maybe honey and adding so much you are drinking honey. Those bright yellow lemonade pictures on google images make me feel sick. It looks so unnatural.
On June 09 2020 01:20 Lexender wrote:Natural Orange juice is 100% not that orange, its more of a yellowish-orange, those deep orange colors only come from boxed juice.
All I'm saying is that I'm accustomed to seeing Sprite, lemonade, and orange juice as three different colors, and Google Image is consistent with what I generally expect each of them to look like.
On June 09 2020 01:21 Dangermousecatdog wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2020 01:12 DarkPlasmaBall wrote:On June 09 2020 01:02 Dangermousecatdog wrote: So...what do you put in your lemonade if not lemon juice? The whole lemon? As per the source above, there are different varieties of lemonade, which tend to include water, lemon juice, and additional sugar/sweetener options. I'd imagine it's those additional ingredients that change the color. Do you even make lemonade bro? None of those ingredients would make lemonade yellow unless maybe honey and adding so much you are drinking honey. Those bright yellow lemonade pictures on google images make me feel sick. It looks so unnatural.
I do not make lemonade. The Wiki source explains some of the different lemonade varieties. Feel free to enjoy lemonade however you want
It's yellow when you pee it out.
Where dat snitch at?36901 Posts
Everyone needs to subscribe to this thread like... Right now. This is pure gold.
On June 09 2020 02:23 Seeker wrote: Everyone needs to subscribe to this thread like... Right now. This is pure gold.
Pure gold... Unlike lemonade!
Do you even cook bro? Ever cut open an orange or lemon? Use honey for food or drink? I'm not being agressive, for all I know you indeed have never cooked in your life. I mean you don't even know what real orange juice looks like in real life somehow. Those colours are so obviously fake and unnatural.
I just googled USA lemonade brands and those lemonade look nothing like those disgustingly bright yellow images you posted. So lemonade in USA isn't even yellow itself. Somehow you confused photoshopped images on the interwebs for actual products they sell in USA.
On June 09 2020 02:27 Dangermousecatdog wrote:Do you even cook bro? Ever cut open an orange or lemon? Use honey for food or drink? I'm not being agressive, for all I know you indeed have never cooked in your life. I mean you don't even know what real orange juice looks like in real life somehow. Those colours are so obviously fake and unnatural. I just googled USA lemonade brands and those lemonade look nothing like those disgustingly bright yellow images you posted. So lemonade in USA isn't even yellow itself. Somehow you confused photoshopped images on the interwebs for actual products they sell in USA.
You don't think that most of these:
Are a similar shade of pale yellow to most of these:
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=USA lemonade brands&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjJ-9bP3fLpAhUJ7xoKHYWWDnQQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=USA lemonade brands&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIGCAAQCBAeUJYFWJYFYOQIaABwAHgAgAFciAFckgEBMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=xHPeXsmJEYnea4WtuqAH&bih=976&biw=1920
I think those two sets of pictures look way closer than comparing either to the color of orange juice or the color/transparency of Sprite, but more importantly, I'm not sure why you can't fathom that these can also look different in different cultures or have different ingredients or recipes, as already explained. Maybe you'd find the taste of American lemonade too sweet or weird or not appetizing, and that's totally fine. You're not required to enjoy American drinks. You know that not all food and drinks are identical around the world, just because they have the same name, right? Like how "chips" are different, etc. You say you're not being aggressive ("bro", twice?), but I feel like you're getting really upset about... how lemonade is perceived around the world. I think it's interesting that there are different versions
Joon is that you? 10/10 for offending white people
Is lemonade in the UK indistinguishable from water or something
On June 09 2020 04:38 Zambrah wrote: Is lemonade in the UK indistinguishable from water or something
According to DMCD, yes:
On June 09 2020 01:02 Dangermousecatdog wrote: Oh well, today I learned that Lemonade is yellow in USA. It's like learning water is yellow in USA.
Some is carbonated too, interestingly enough. I wouldn't have guessed that, but now I know!
Hypothesis: Asian skin has a yellow shade similar to lemonade
Experiment: I made some lemonade just to test this, and I also gathered a few yellow items for control purposes
1. Indo Mie Chicken Curry Instant Noodles 2. French's Classic Yellow Mustard (40% more variety) 3. Lysol Disinfecting Wipes 4. Asian male hand (92.5% Chinese, 2.2% Manchurian & Mongolian, 2.0% Korean, 1.0% Southeast Asian, 0.7% Japanese, 1.6% other) 5. Beaker of lemonade (175ml filtered water, 25ml pure lemon juice, 1 tbs sugar) 6. Banana (Trader Joe's, 2 days old)
Conclusions: Lemonade does not appear to be very yellow, or very close to Asian skin tone.
I don't think anyone besides the OP thinks that Asian skin looks like lemonade I'm sure the rest of us can agree with that.
Canada8987 Posts
On June 09 2020 05:20 Chairman Ray wrote:Hypothesis: Asian skin has a yellow shade similar to lemonade Experiment: I made some lemonade just to test this, and I also gathered a few yellow items for control purposes 1. Indo Mie Chicken Curry Instant Noodles 2. French's Classic Yellow Mustard (40% more variety) 3. Lysol Disinfecting Wipes 4. Asian male hand (92.5% Chinese, 2.2% Manchurian & Mongolian, 2.0% Korean, 1.0% Southeast Asian, 0.7% Japanese, 1.6% other) 5. Beaker of lemonade (175ml filtered water, 25ml pure lemon juice, 1 tbs sugar) 6. Banana (Trader Joe's, 2 days old) Conclusions: Lemonade does not appear to be very yellow, or very close to Asian skin tone.
Spectacular post