Leaving to China on June 21, coming back august 18 or so. Hopefully by the time I'm in 9th grade I'm good at commentaries.
May 16, 2007, Wednesday, 10:49 PM
Well, (2)Storyteller [a map I was trying to make] didn't work, too many doodads. But! Yesterday I made 3 VODs. Nal_rA vs UpMagiC. Iris vs Reach, and also Savior vs iloveoOv. I'm extremely happy right now. Some guy was searching for Iris vs Reach on Youtube and found my commentary and posted it on teamliquid.net. Already 61+ replies and counting, I hope I can get well-known from this!
May 21, 2007, Monday, 10:30 PM
Haven't had any new map ideas but it's okay. On May 18-19 Starcraft II was announced. At first I thought that the graphics sucked, it was too confusing and too much like Warcraft 3, but it's been a few days and I like it better. I hope it'll be much better when it's released. So far, they have only released the information for new Protoss units. Can't wait to see the other ones. Another guy posted one of my VODs on tlnet, making fun of it, but VioleTAK and others told him to shutup pretty much and it got 32 replies in about 15 minutes. [I love VioleTAK and all my supporters ^^]
May 29, 2007, Tuesday, 11:02 PM
Another thread posted on teamliquid about me. I'm getting more and more attention. SCC-Caliban posted the screenies of me being bad manner to him but I apologized for it because I was being stupid when that happened. Tons of people believe that they can commentate better than me now, so they are trying to start it. Soo... some guy made Teamliquid Commentary Contest 2007, and winners may get to get on a new English commentary team. I hope I can win but if other people are good and since they hate my voice/commentary (some people) I might not win.