I might not be the longest user on here and I sure had my fair share of being an idiot in the past. Having grown up a little bit though, I do realize that most of the content I do enjoy here is absolutely amazing and even the bits that I do not enjoy are made by passionate people that try their best.
There's a reason why I'm revisiting this site although I haven't been active since basically the release of LotV, and a part of that reason is all the writing I get to enjoy here.
So thanks for that. Thanks a lot!
I would hope people would give writers a little bit more love, especially when the writer creates a lot of good content on a regular basis like you do. I am not sure how realistic that is but i hope the community will improve on that front. Other than that, thanks for letting us know how you feel about it, fighting! + Show Spoiler +
TLDR: i want to write good articles for my fans and hope you cheer for me, thank youuu <3 ;D
j/k, will always cheer for you though mizi. it sucks how one terrible comment can overshadow all the positive feedback, but thats just sometimes how it works. usually the best thing is to distance yourself from the issue for a while and then reevaluate the situation, takes some of the (negative) emotion out of it and helps you to look at it with a clear mind
5/5 because I got a shoutout!
Thank you for doing what you do! You guys have given us such good content over the years that I actually never hurt Elly the E-sports elephant. (at least not on TL)
I know I have made a few remarks of ever so slight (in my eyes) criticism in the recent past, but know that I am ever so grateful for the content the likes of yourself and the other writers provide, along with LPers and everything that goes on in the TL community that makes it tick.
My bus journeys to and from work would be a shite side more boring without them <3.
On February 19 2018 22:07 boxerfred wrote: I might not be the longest user on here and I sure had my fair share of being an idiot in the past. Having grown up a little bit though, I do realize that most of the content I do enjoy here is absolutely amazing and even the bits that I do not enjoy are made by passionate people that try their best.
There's a reason why I'm revisiting this site although I haven't been active since basically the release of LotV, and a part of that reason is all the writing I get to enjoy here.
So thanks for that. Thanks a lot!
Agree with this. I haven't played Starcraft (outside of the smallest bursts) for like 2-3 years. And I just keep up to the basics in the pro scene now. But I always try and make sure to read the TL articles.
On February 20 2018 13:14 TheDougler wrote: What's this about? this
also don't worry Miz, you have our support
Your articles are fine, the kpop fetish is retarded.
I bet that if it weren't for kpop being a part of your persona there would be less proverbial sharks smelling blood in the water. Even I couldn't help myself.
Such is the nature of the internet. Be quirky at your peril.
On March 04 2018 09:35 Thaniri wrote:Your articles are fine, the kpop fetish is retarded. I bet that if it weren't for kpop being a part of your persona there would be less proverbial sharks smelling blood in the water. Even I couldn't help myself. Such is the nature of the internet. Be quirky at your peril.
To be fair, TL in general has always had an unhealthy obsession with KPop and a lot of Koreaboos in here... not to mention the KPop idol industry (yes, yes, same is true in Japan, I know) is very creepy and objectifying to begin with, so to see people who are obsessed with it is just as creepy.
Mind you, when I say objectifying, I am not some 20 year old social sciences college freshman who thinks men are evil and men looking at women is rape; I am a grown ass adult who grew up during some harsh times in the shittier end of Europe, but even I look at some of these phenomena - phenomena that have become very lucrative industries and are very exploitative of their stars - and say "man this is really fucking creepy, wouldn't it be better if we didn't do that?"
Anyway mizenhauer I don't think you're a bad person or a shitty writer, I just wish you would choose titles that accurately represent the content of your articles. We are on TeamLiquid here, not gizmodo, not Kotaku, not Cracked. The people who are interested in reading it will read it regardless; the only people you gain by clickbaiting are the people who will get angry and call you an idiot, does it really matter that your thread has 5000 pageviews instead of 3500 if the difference is people who are just there to be angry and belligerent?
Look at TotalBiscuit, back when he did industry opinion pieces he would title them "I will now talk about [topic name] for just under 40 minutes" and they still got hundreds of thousands of views and people found them to be good.