SUSA's (one of exponentially ever-increasing
ex-flaveurs, whose list of working titles among many others include:
Back to good ol' 1st matrix Mafia
Memoirs of /involvement with forum mafia in clusters-o-AD-nuggetchunks Mafia
Post-restriction failure backstory of content void Mafia
Habla español yawn Mafia) Sig: I could score 4 hundos a day selling forum mafia AD
Original Profile Page of SUSA's:
That's 4 hundos × turdy a month, if not going so far as to × 365 a yeeeahr; kung fu is theeeahr--I just need to dare..
I can't; though, without so much as a moderatorship. Can't be bothered to entrust these 1/turdwit idiots with the /influx. All I could hope for is everyone staying the fuck away from the newblood, but they wouldn't. Once there'd be 33 games a day's worth of real people with actual personality to showcase, there's no way the dickless wouldn't start rocking the ##metoo arc--hysterical about how they always thought Bannon meta was the coolest thing evaawr! sidetracking into their pathetic "e-chievements", like... look at me, how cool I am for calling this other guy bad and reaction test-deducing his alignment, but then almost winning because he's shit and in my faction.. Right!
I would've been
at i⸸ for a year now, so the way I see it TL owes me something like 36500 × 4 of these currency units they lovingly call eh-ró around here, and sounds like a casual derivation of the formal way of saying piss in english. I would've been pissing so much money by now, t'woulda made the con artists who decided custom servers for online starcraft would be their project to get to everyone-who's-got-one's credit card balance via keyloggers coded in, and leech it dry Jealous, because
they had to give a cut to Blizzard to make theirs shit, while I have nobody but my wit and TL's already there and free (once ppl like my dad unwittingly chipped-in to invest in the administrators' lavish lifestyle and 1 month of imdbpro) platform to instrumentalize, philosophically at ease with myself, even.
Instead, I'm writing a couple of paragraphs like some others would a dozen to convey 1/12th of the full range of what I'm packing, nevertheless it gets shunned and erased.
+ Show Spoiler [©®§s] + were told the Race Bannon was strong with them
ffarts heckle like they gave Race Bannon
and now they want the gimmick cut out lest they tear down every wall & lock up everything and everyone?!
But has changed (to Race Bannon is long nuked. Nobody accesses the site seeking anything other than what ©®§s ante.
And what they ante is
[J] ... Made Me Do It Mafia
Coming soon to a prison cell across from yours
On March 28 2024 19:01 Privacy Overwhelming wrote:The appeal disambiguation approach to understanding & learning anything and everything... Tell me, step by step what's cool about something, and I'll keep juggling it and the useful, constructive information inherent in its relation radius in my mind, until the knowledge/gist manifests like plasma upon centrifuging blood.
What is the appeal of closing /mafia threads as a consequence of posts that harbor thread-conforming, superlatively subforum-relevant content being added? There is none; like the amount of mottos ZZZeroPL has, moderators
don't have brain cells left to apply to sensible moderation--just barely enough to keep cheap machinations of getting a psychopathic kick out of romanticizing the effect their labeling the authors malicious might have a-buzzin', so that's what they opt for.
What is the appeal of enforcing the deceitful appearance of sanity --which the perpetrators of sadistic moderation trihard (& can't but fail) to uphold-- by derogatorily referring to the authors and their work/play?
What is the appeal of hosting / participating in games the appeal of form, essence & pathetic trickery denial faculties of which cannot be objectively argued to exist let alone disambiguated, while fool-proof, thoroughly examined and eloquently presented appeal-cornucopia-parading alternatives amass?
What is the appeal of raising the user class of an account the username of which forces the image, coming about via amalgamating the words feces and nourishment upon the reader, if it serves no positive and can be avoided, while someone who was never fatiguing in h fighting the dullness and injustices that e-legion, quite like the morale uplifting cartoon character h username is a reference to got h final, arguably most ambitious thread out of a highly respectable collection worthwhileness-wise closed and the account banned?
What is the appeal of wondering what anyone with the power to do something to remedy all this is
waiting for?
[Warning] Quality-Assurance-Devoid Anchorhyperlinked Mashupurls Ahoy Disclaimer Mafia sounds like beiss (german for bite) noone.
Staring down the screen, but nothing within h rigid cognition can be arsed to budge, let alone cough up Bannon meta.. what do? Is it time to finally give up. Maybe just lash out at the subforum's sorry reception thereof, for now.. yes:
Add Topic to /forum/mafia:
[?] Why is so slow today MafiaBody: /International solidarity with TL Mafia, make-believe By.SnOw1 day, I suppose. Y'all been dragging like ...
It's true, recent surge in activity has beanthereblazingfarthat like the addition of pink. ASL 17 motto --of which ZZZeroPL has fuck all-- IS more color. :SeemsStill better than Kitana blue--doesn't even let one read the name of the players. Caught Bitching again!
Listen.. why don't I just follow up on the TLM+#2 gimmick by saying that what you do is nothing special. Anyone can spitpost like any one of you. So, until something in the ballpark of a Bannon-meta-akin, in-ante-finality amountment comes knocking, I will dedicate one of two accounts I make each week-day at Boutique Solidarité to prove it, without having to worry about anyone cool getting the wrong idea about me--because only forumites will be able to read it; and only while the nuke-incoming pends.
Step 0 (might not be required): Username has to harbor a tildalanchorlrkl/anchorl
Step 1: Let account age to blog-creation maturity.
Step 2: Create a blog with the blog's name exclusively spaces.
Step 3: Create a blog entry with the name exclusively spaces.
Step 4: Write, like a scrub, non-Bannon-meta crap that's not as bad as 90% of what these bots cough up nowadays, but Sn0where near ante standard.
Step 5: --- insufficient clearance level --- to visualize post-message-posting [i honestly don't even know if mods can delete this type of ghost blog] until the account gets nuked, upon which only --- Nuked --- will appear--permanently; due to unarchivability.
How can this be rendered a mafia game, though? Hmm
Any suggestions?
D-Losers-Set-2-on-Blitz-Y's color constellation is no-diggity
divine<== says SnOw at 1.
It's like, if he wins the ASL, they should introduce more snow-tiled maps, amirite? So maybe keep that in

hy Mind while contemplating mafiaization of's true exclusivity feature. Aight, catch you on the flippidy flop later.
[TEM] Es War 1× Ein Klavier
The white keys (unarchived antes) were
forbidden to outsiders, so one would immediately be able to discriminate upon hearing their compositions. But even among homepeeps there were those who didn't quite make it in time to get the memo; rendering them increasingly ever so slightly out of the loup --the mafia gets sent the whole shebang via PM-- worried being caught posh-demands-off-guard, booed off-stage. Welcome to
Mercurial Piano Composition Fashion Mafia. fringe cases like
this, it's difficult to sensibly establish whether public heck[smallgoddamnit]
![[image loading]](
[/smallgoddamnit] would do more damage than good. We hereby let it be so that the grey area of the mafia subforum provides solace for inquirers. As a host who is blessed/cursed with a sophisticated post-evaluation it-about-going and wheretowithal fixation, I take it upon myself to penalize the player most out-of-tune, & bid them sayonara every end-of-nightphase.
You might say well let's not discuss the subject matter at all, then; and simply do the usual retarded shiz, like alleging some sort of method to our spam fest. Moreso we lynch anyone who does. What would you gain from this mutiny in circumvention's clothing? I thought so; moving on.
You are a Bourbon Vanilla Townie. You'd decide to give it to the fucker, because you've had it up to here.On March 27 2024 17:21 HOLYROCKJOHNSNO wrote:
z easily.Just spam units and attack. The of moving an elephant, that has been kept captive in a tight space for a dozen or so years to a spatious and picturesque natural reserve, for it to, maybe, hesitantly commence healing itself of its neuroses would be to never ever bring this up in an unironical/otherwise gist-devoid manner, imho.
What this thread and its responses, and spectrum of potential responses which don't get sanctioned with a ban equate to is filming the elephant with an enthusiastic grin, as it does what its circumstances are left permitting it to do, i.e. move its head from side to side, 90% of time of day in disbelief as to how one can sink so low a standard of thread-creating and posting, subsequently combining the footage with a crappy song & publishing it on TikTok in a manner that alleges to-grooving; sincerely not getting the ensuing "hate".
"There Is No Speakeasy" Fallacy Straight Setting MafiaIf the host uses your input to showcase a sample VT role PM, you can't be that far off from resonating. To a pseudo-question, like what song should one hypothetically mash
with, for the sake of conveying the ludicrousness of the apparent typo in the title I say you grammar-nazi-spam my game up one more time and I'll shoot you
out of a cannon; because you're part of the
Mafia--ergo, I'll take it upon myself to warn you of lackluster resonance / dim vision of the bigger gist picture.
That being said, outside the context of better not having any higher priorities than
winning, a mashup question is always a welcome side-contemplation.. whenever rave isn't as slow-going as the mafia "community"'s gist-getting faculties.
On March 27 2024 15:31 Quarantine Deez Nuts wrote:Show nested quote +On March 25 2024 17:21 StateOfMatter`Nazgoo wrote:
--- insufficient clearance level ---
/in the middle of the N0. I go /in-ing /in my sleep. Testing. 1. 2. 12.
Because it's like they're
The inherent tragedy of my finding earphonesLong story short: I find some earphones on the side of the road, right next to where a bum --who I previously thought of as a fellow hobo, but turned out to be, probably a bum-- set up camp. It's like I gave this guy sandwiches twice, maybe, iirc (might be more) when I had a surplus, upon raiding the garbage sack with leftovers from Lou Le Duff's, across the street, while I was as-habitual waiting for a score of fruit slices and salad with ham & egg inherent in cardboard packs & plastic lids, and a sandwich to go potentially well with a plastic lunch-container of shrimp/tuna/some other main ingredient + beans & rice or something else on the side, burger with flavorful abundance of red.beet and carrot, a salmon wrap and/or a bagel from the other boulangerie, across the street from the aforementioned, and mayhaps some desert from Madam Painitenciary; later.
Bum sees me lifting and examining it and goes: "not working, that ain't!" I ask if it's his, because if it is I'm having bonafide doubts about it having been a good idea even touching the thing, the fact that I desperately needed earphones all this time notwithstanding. He mumbles something boiling down to an affirmative, so I ask if he tossed it, to make sure I'm thoroughly understanding his intervention; he nods and says yes.
The thing that warrants the title & my uncertainty whether my declassifying him to bum status is warranted, and the crux tying every temporal and emotional layer and dimension relevant to the story together is my examination instantaneously yielding the intelligence that the thing had a volume control--which means that even though the earphones might working perfectly, a downed slider's quasi-dead-playing might've fooled the guy, as opposed to him trying to berne me for personal gain.
What speaks against the former and in favor of tragedy is my evaluation of his general aptitude's yielding of a resounding heck no with regards to whether he'd be trompé by that... then again, what sleep deprivation does is unspeakable--both to my capacity to produce competent evaluations and zot's basic gadget intricacy oversight. I said maybe I can fix it; thus, l'ordi's silent treatment's weight was lifted, at the cost of disillusionment-fueled, further downspiral-wavering morale.. triggering random chunks of past and onset-intuiting disbelief, like why doesn't anyone care who the Taunus dwellers who win alongside mafia in a 555-page game are?!
If nobody is curious how I factor in proficiency of players into my processing and output of Bannon meta, why not state the arguments and disambiguation of such a failure to resonate with my resonance, so I can improve/m'en foutre (unbother)?
[Q]antemafia to-be-cancel(l)ed ^