"Just stop already.".
And for the briefest of moments, I do.
This is a secret between you and me,
nobody else sees it,
nobody else can know.
For one moment, I stop.
Just a tiny, teeny hundredth of a second my Leg stands on the ground.
The pleasure of that moment, is like slouching, on the sofa
everybody and your mom tells you to take to the junk yard.
You don't sit down on it, you become the sofa.
My leg doesn't rest comfortable, I become comfort.
"See, just stop."
"Just a little longer."
As if answering to the most alien acquaintance,
I reply in firmest tranquility to whomever I am listening to,
whoever he is: "No.".
getting dark stop
glimpses of black stop
Still running? check
Still running? check
People looking funny at us? nope
Still running? check
I can't recall the past 50 meters,
unnoticably I press two fingers against my solar plexus;
Heartbeat seems ok,
seems slow,
like everything else.
Icewater fills my lungs,
each breath feels like freezer burn looks.
Each colder, each burning more painful.
Asking my most trusted beloved
-"No, not now, thats at least 170 Meters."
-"No, what are you, fucking stupid? thats at least 150 Meters!".
"Now.". Now I take off,
faster and faster,
over the finish line,
I today, literally flew.