Before I explain the changes to my schedule, let me say that starting to streaming nearly full-time has been an absolute blast and it's helping me enjoy the game more then ever before. Also being able to interact with fans on a daily basis has been absolutely amazing and very motivating. I've also been learning Protoss and Terran, learning to edit and post highlights on Youtube every day, how to install new hardware in my PC and keep it clean and running smoothly as well as overcome hurdles with new mics/tech and doing more coaching sessions then I have in a long time.
As I've been learning so many new things and trying to improve the experience for viewers and students alike, I've slowly let my goals get ahead of me and found myself trying to cater to European, American and Australian timezones whilst learning how to use new hardware and commit to daily YouTube content - all the while coaching daily on and off stream and trying to streamline this experience. I found myself starting to fray at the edges, and unable to feel calm and satisfied as for each goal I completed three more sprung up. I was clearly taking too much on. This started to show through in my streaming where some days I would get down more than usual from losses and find myself not as cheerful and simply unable to interact with chat with as much joy as usual.
I realised I needed to consolidate and so on this last weekend I sat down to review my goals, what was most important and what I could realistically continue to achieve:
At the end of it I've written up a new schedule where I've integrated small things I didn't consider in my schedule earlier such as my post-stream rundown involving: chat interaction, answering skype messages and recording rough timestamps of highlights for Youtube.
I've revamped how coaching works so students are given builds and other homework to practice BEFORE we even start so in the session we can always put the theory into direct practice. This way it's more entertaining for the student who gets coaching before we even start a session, and the audience get to be more entertained watching actual theory in practice rather than so much theory discussion and note-taking on stream. I've also started using a google-doc on the side of my ingame overlay (thanks Filter for the suggestion) so that the stream can see the notes as I take them, whilst the game is still visible.
Most importantly of all, I've written a much stricter schedule to follow so my viewers can consistently know when to find me streaming. The down-side of this is I've basically shafted my European viewers with the current times . But the up-side is I've given myself more focus on my two key demographics - North America and Australia - and limited the schedule so that it's sustainable and something I can continue whilst always having a smile on my face and not being overly drained from late night and early morning streams. I'm really sad to make it so hard for European viewers, especially my high number of German, Swedish and UK fans that do try to tune in. I can promise that once I make my current situation stable and refine everything I can to make it work like a well-oiled machine, then I will take another look at how I can adjust my schedule to make it watchable for you guys. I love all the support you give me and want to give back, but with the timezone issues and my own health and goals concerned, this is the best choice for me right now.
One of the key things is I'll have more time to practice off stream now and can start rebuilding my skill leading up to the OSC Finals and WCS starting up early next year. I still love competing and I think my knowledge is enough that I can keep up a lot of streaming and content whilst competing at a very high level, I just need to be organised and realistic with my goals. I think with this I will achieve that.
I hope you guys weren't too bored reading this update, everything's been going really well for me and I feel incredibly blessed to have all the opportunities I do. I'm so pumped for LoTV and can't wait to see what next years WCS will bring!