I'm not really sure what direction I am going in now. Like I said in my Introduction, the company I had been writing for seems to have gone dark. Last I heard from the CEO we were having funding issues, now I can't get a hold of him.
My ideal goal is to get in to casting, so producing content of the like is hopefully down the pipes. For now I have been working on basic youtube videos of games that I enjoy playing. I'm trying to force myself to have AT LEAST one new video a day. In the net day or so I will start having StarCraft: How To's as well as casted games.
The reason I am not jumping straight into pro analysis content and doing some random gameplay is because I want to get my name out their first. I don't feel like anyone would have interest in some young man casting a top tier StarCraft game if he only have 1 other video on his youtube account.
But this is all a maybe. I am going through a strange point in my life where I am trying to figure out what I want to do and why. I would absolutely love to cast and bring content to the amazing fans that make up the E-Sports world. But I fear that lack of confidence will end my run very prematurely.
I will be revisiting this blog frequently (maybe a couple times a week), I encourage you to leave feedback and ask questions.
If you want to get in contact with me rapidly, I have become very active on twitter. You can find me there @jackson_rhughes.
Hope you have enjoyed where I've come from so far, and I implore you to believe in where I can go from here.
I think general rule of thumb is one blog a day?
why didn't you just compile everything into one post instead of spamming the blog section lol
I didn't know how the blog section worked until like 10 minutes ago actually. I thought it would be logged in a personal file, didn't mean to spam.
My precious views are being taken away!
On October 22 2014 08:50 MysteryMeat1 wrote:My precious views are being taken away!
I accept your terms and /bowhead in shame
Your DH preview was fairly bland and uninteresting; I didn't get a very clear picture about the tournament the players or what I should be aware of when I'm watching it.
The RedBull preview was the same copy paste from the DH preview.
The Death of Starcraft 2 article wasn't worth reading; it read like a high school essay with so many names being dropped and little substance behind it. There needs to be a point to the article. 90% of people who are going to read a SC2 article already know the game has been in the shit for a while, and already know most of the information provided. I want to be presented with something to think about, something that will make me see SC2's decline in a new way.
I thought the game recaps (that talked about the games specifically) were pretty good, I had a clear picture of what the games looked like. Arguably could have been put into a TL Recap with a little polishing.
The youtube video was okay as a highlight video, but nothing you personally said really added anything to the video. If anything it was just kind of annoying.
If you *seriously* want to be a caster then cut the bullshit.
My ideal goal is to get in to casting, so producing content of the like is hopefully down the pipes. For now I have been working on basic youtube videos of games that I enjoy playing. I'm trying to force myself to have AT LEAST one new video a day. In the net day or so I will start having StarCraft: How To's as well as casted games.
What is your angle going to be here? Are you going to be someone who tries to help lower level players like Filter or Jakatak? Are you going to have content that's based around yourself like Winter or other uninteresting personalities? Are you going to cast lower level / amateur games like macho or feardragon? Are you going to be trying to cast as many professional players / premier tournaments as possible like Nathanias?
If you want to really have people watching you, you need to make it clear what people are going to get when they click your youtube channel or twitch channel or whatever. People want consistency.
The reason I am not jumping straight into pro analysis content and doing some random gameplay is because I want to get my name out their first. I don't feel like anyone would have interest in some young man casting a top tier StarCraft game if he only have 1 other video on his youtube account.
If you really want to be a serious caster or next streaming sensation, then hurry up and start now instead of inching your way forward. You're a nobody, you're a no name. You can't expect people to watch you just because you have 50 youtube videos that no one has seen; you gotta start now with whatever you have and improve as you go along.
Unless of course you're just kind of pissing when you say that it's your goal.
Thank for the feedback Gamegene, I recognize how poorly written the first articles were, I merely posted them for cataloging.
I think an angle is something that I am struggling with, I don't want to just be another personality that everyone watches because he rages, or says idiotic things, or is just uberly nice to everyone for no reason. People on twitch like Sodapopin, Swifty and Toweliee come to mind for Warcraft, and Winter for Starcraft. Those streams don't interest me, because as you said about my dying sc2 article, it doesn't bring anything new.
People who I look up to are Day9 and Nathanias, I would attempt to cast premier tournaments like they do (although personalize it somewhat).
Starting now is interesting to me, do you mind explaining why it would be more valuable that to produce other content?
1001 YEARS KESPAJAIL22272 Posts
13 blogs is out of line, so I'm closing the other ones.
What I suggest is you put them all in this blog, while spoilering it all
[spoiler=This or that recap] put text here [/spoiler]
+ Show Spoiler [This or that recap] +
Okay? I'm closing all the other ones because it floods the blog section. It'll also make sure that more people will look at your stuff instead of ignoring you because of all your threads.
On October 22 2014 10:09 lichter wrote: 13 blogs is out of line, so I'm closing the other ones.
Understood, I didn't realize how it works. Thank you very much for informing me.
Sour Applez how does it feel to be featured in Epishade's blog? Do you have any personal misgivings toward Epishade? I would consider it a badge of honour
Eh, I'm kind of digging my 15 minutes of fame.
I'm available for a full interview on the matter tomorrow between 12-3 Central time.