Well, I will need to do shit tonnes of stuffs to show the my gratitude to alot of people who helped me during the difficult times and writing a blog probably is the easiest task among them haha.
Why, you ask? Because you know, TL has always been there during the darkest hours of my life.
2010-2013 was hell for me in real life.
I didn't mean that lowest point of my life was joyless - a lot of great events happened during that period of time, related to the likes like BW, SC2 and the rebirth of the game of my life, The International 1, 2, 3 and my early beta key of DOTA2; I have met some very nice and amazing people irl and online.
I still remember that I used to lurk alot on TL due to i watched BW (mainly strategy and tourney forums) from time to time and then I decided to join TL for SC2 in 2010. And then how I quickly got into argument with the (nazi) mods and ate some (small) warning/bans lol (I think Nazgul was one of them, it was in some idra's thread rofl but i dont think he even warned/banned me, thank god). As a forever zerg player I was (naturally) pissed off by the game and slowly playing less and using forum less frequently. Until DOTA2 happened.
In 2010-2013, if I weren't playing DOTA2 I would be watching dota2 related streams or at the very least, I would be browsing TL for dota related discussions or some random forums - it brings warmth to me whenever I think about the exciting moments of watching tournaments, screaming and cheering random shit in LR threads. Seriously I bet the random people saw me on train would wonder what is that blue coloured apps that I am on all the time and sometimes laugh out loud from using it!
Not to sound gay and all. I FUCKING LOVE YOU TL.
At the very least, TL is a little haven for me. To take a break from the rough reality. To read and talk to the like-minded people. I don't really know about all the forumers and people might call TLers elitists etc, but damn, I don't give a shit. If our conversations/discussions were to be labelled as 'intelligent discussions', then so be it. I am just so glad that we have decent people to talk about almost everything, especially we all love playing games.
Man, please exist forever, TL.
Thank you Naz and all the (nazi) mods and everyone who contributed to our community
Thank you, TL. <3
p/s: and you wonder why did that tifa theme come up to me this morning...caused I was looking for the ticket of Distant Wing Concert last night and sadly they are sold out. It would be a gift for my 2 brothers that I promised we would go to the concert when I sorted my shit out. Next year then i guess T_T
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And I shall finish some unfinished shit soon (i hope -_-) now that i got my shit sorted, and of course they would be TL exclusive.