I started watching MetaDating, if you haven't
So now I am on my first playthrough of Katawa Shoujo, first not last. Thanks to illness, everything I said last week was pure sex. My usually high pitched voice dropped into the lowest registers conjunct with a rasp. Even though every syllable I uttered painfully teared my throat, they were in high demand: people begged me for arousal, begged to pour more of those sweet sonic waves. Rare Voice cracks were also a wellspring of pleasure, they made my voice about 20% cooler, by now ... they are gone.
For most of MetaDating ep.5, Hisao is read by Bill Graner. Graner's intonation tinted Hisao's persona as an emotionally detached lout.
To hold on to this sexy version of myself, that the militantly non-smoking me could never become naturally, I started reading Hisao's lines out loud aswell, mind you as a native german speaker, I had to look up many a pronunciation. Dilligently, slowly and bewitched by the writing of Katawa Shoujo I pulled through. Hours past and alongside pronunciation, I delved into intonation, shaping Hisao to my own and my own to him! Yamaku High-School had a new Stallion, who in transsexual manner forced his voice, while the lines he dropped were intonated so badass, that they must have had been rehearsed a dozen times,
which they were...
Dearest TL, as you can see I enjoy the crap out of that interactive book, aka game. Life is good, time is plenty. I am looking for more text driven games mainly for 3DS.
Can you suggest DS/3DS games with -a vast bulk of portioned, high quality texts that do not autoscroll?
Pluspoints if -puzzle oriented gameplay -Love themed -voice overs -first person narrator -story that forks with impactful decisions
ps: No problem if some of the games you want to suggest are japan-only, I am importing.
Just dropping by to say, Katawa Shoujo was a phenomenal game. It does demand quite a bit of patience, but the feels it delivers in return are pretty intense; the only other game I can compare it to in that respect is To the Moon. Also, the orchestration was very well done.
For games, perhaps Golden Sun? I loved the first two dearly but have not played the DS version, and I did hear that it was worse. The first two anyway had plenty of text, an interesting story, and some puzzles, though most gameplay was exploring and rpg battles.
Thanks for dropping by jubil. I only heard good things about To the Moon, still, can't put my finger on it, I am just not that intruiged, but if it compares to Katawa Shoujo in your eyes I have to give it shot
I watched a Golden Sun review. Love it. Djinn = Guardian Forces and you end up with FF8 for GBA, no?^^
You should try the Pheonix Wright series if you haven't already. It doesn't have story splits like you want, but everything else is top notch. Other than that the Professor Layton series comes to mind as well as every other Visual Novel I played. If you're curious, I honestly didn't like Katawa Shojo very much, only did one play through. My top 3 are Flyable Heart: If that time, G-Senjou no Maou, and Cross Channel so look those up if you're bored.
Edit: I had high expectations for To the Moon and it blew up in my face (I'd still give it a 7 or 8 out of ten though, music was amazing). On another note, The Walking Dead game was another plot driven story interactive game that amazed me. You might want to play with other people because it helps the experience a lot (and no its not scary).
Not familiar with DS games, but a bit familiar with VN's.
What I can tell you is that Katawa Shoujo is rather on the low end of the VN spectrum, and there are tons of VN's a lot better than it. For starters: Narcissus Clannad, Little Busters(really any Keys game) Chaos; Head, Steins; Gate(actually any Nitroplus game) Sharin No Kuni
and plenty more.
3DS its all about Love Plus the problem is 3DS and I think XLs are region locked and those only came out in Japan. The other problem would be the ability to read moon runes in the first place. The new nitroplus game for Super Sonico is also in 3DS I believe.
Edit: I think there is a DS Love Plus game too I vaguely remember some guy trying to marry his DS cuz of it. Article for guy marrying his DS
On February 11 2014 15:17 ctypewriter wrote: You should try the Pheonix Wright series if you haven't already. It doesn't have story splits like you want, but everything else is top notch. Other than that the Professor Layton series comes to mind as well as every other Visual Novel I played. If you're curious, I honestly didn't like Katawa Shojo very much, only did one play through. My top 3 are Flyable Heart: If that time, G-Senjou no Maou, and Cross Channel so look those up if you're bored.
Edit: I had high expectations for To the Moon and it blew up in my face (I'd still give it a 7 or 8 out of ten though, music was amazing). On another note, The Walking Dead game was another plot driven story interactive game that amazed me. You might want to play with other people because it helps the experience a lot (and no its not scary).
Have to agree with The Walking Dead game, it was really neat to have a game that actually required finesse in handling interpersonal situations (of course, you could also be an asshole if you wanted, but I don't think that would be as rewarding, personally).
Arigato gozaimasu. I am in a hurry. Tomorrow I will research the games you suggested. @ctypewriter : I stumbled upon the Professor Layton series when researching games aswell, the artstyle gave me cancer. Have not heard of Pheonix Wright, looking forward to finding out more about it. @Nemesis : I will have to see if I can find some of those on 3DS. @Shigure : Thanks for the heads up . I am going to import. I had seen Love Plus, but it did seem to have no text, however in the video to the article you linked there were a lot of voiceovers, wonder if it has subtitles, if not i might still try though. Hehe, if by moon runes you mean the japanese writing systems, that is the reason I am looking for these text driven games, to motivate me for my studies.!^^ <3
Again, thank you guys/gals! Sayonara
So, I am back from my research of games:
Pheonix Wright: Thank you ctypewriter, if this was a class I would grade you an A+. It has exactly the meaningful dialogs I am looking for with some unique gameplay features. During my research I stumbled upon a DS game called Ghost Trick, from the same creators which I also plan to get.
@ Nemisis: You made my nights quite long, I ponder on wether going for a PS vita know, because many of the visual novels you suggested are available on it! But at the end of the post more about that.
@ Shigure: Must have Love Plus, there is plenty of moonrunes and lots of voice overs, omg :3. You seem knowledgeable, what would the PS vita be all about, Dating Sim wise or in generall? The Super Sonico game coming up is called Sonipro, there is no real gameplay trailer yet, but I will keep an eye on it.
I think a PS vita is superior hardware wise (display resolution! More complex Kanji seem really hard to decifer on a 3DS) and it is not region locked (less import tax), but there are two 3DS exclusives which I simply find no alternative to on it's library: Fire Emblem: Awakening and New Love Plus+. If any of you know of games that can compare for the PS vita, please let me know.
List of Games I decided on: 1.New Love Plus+ 2.Fire Emblem: Awakening 3.Conception II ?Etrian Odyssey IV Legends of the Titan ?Golden Sun ?Ghost Trick ?Devil Survivor overclocked
The new Phoenix Wright is M rated for more MURDER :D
Also I dont think there are PS Vita equivalents to Love Plus+ that I know of. But for Fire Emblem there is a PSP version of Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions which is really deep strategy.
Also remember that you will need to import the 3DS and the games. Imported 3DS' I've seen go for around 250-300 depending on which version/color.