I like dogs. I do. I would never own one though. I like cats. But I'm allergic to them and I don't like them as much as dogs. Cats are cool, dogs are cool. Any pet that is normal is cool. As long as it's someone else who owns the creature, great!
That being said, people are fucking stupid with their pets. I used to live in an area with a lot of coyotes (the animal, not the mexican border-guide). And every fucking day I would see people leaving their cats and puppies outside, and every fucking day I would see "Please help me find my kitty/puppy" posters obviously written by some little kid. Yeah right, kid. Your parents are stupid and your puppy/kitty is fucking dead as shit. Fucking people.
Now I don't live in a coyote area. I live in a city. And this one fucking kitten get's left out all night and all day by the dirt-bag, white-trash assholes who live under me in my apt. building. Not a problem I guess, except the poor thing keeps trying to get in my apartment whenever I open the door. Like, it literally sits outside my apartment all night waiting for me to have a smoke so it can dart in my apartment. Not fucking happening you flea-bag piece of shit. I am not breaking out in a fucking rash because my neighbors are the shining examples of why welfare is a bad idea. Hell fucking no.
But I'm a nice guy. I don't like seeing little creatures get hurt. I don't like dragging a cute little kitten out of my apartment. Poor thing is probably hungry/thirsty. It doesn't know any better. It just wants a warm place to stay and a bit of food/drink. But I can't offer all that. And I definitely can't be washing my goddamn hands every time I smoke a cigarette because I've touched the fucking thing and it's pure torture dealing with the rashes. I'm tempted to call animal control and have the thing taken away, but then I'm responsible for the cute little girl losing her cute little kitten. All because her parents are grade-a morons who for some unknown reason can't take care of their own fucking pets. Assholes are on vacation or some shit and they just left the fucking thing here, because their car ain't here and the house is quiet for once, so I can't even knock on their door to bitch at them about it. Fuck. I like pets, but I hate people who own pets.
Fucking assholes. I had dogs growing up, and I took care of my brother's pup during the day and when he was on vacation. Not ONCE did any pet I was ever responsible for EVER get out, get lost, or be anywhere it shouldn't have been. Not ONCE did they ever go hungry. Not ONCE did I ever just leave the fucking thing outside when I wasn't going to be there for a long time. And I fucking don't even own or like pets. What the literal fuck is wrong with people and their fucking mongrel ass pets? FUCK!
Poor little thing...
Looks a lot like this and is roughly same age:
Ugly as sin and twice as nasty, I know, but you can probably see why I don't like ignoring the poor guy. ASSHOLES! TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUCKING PETS!
Are there places where they don't kill the mongrels that they bring in, or is calling animal control a quick trip to the pet cemetery for fluffy?
Uhm..if your a nice person and you think its hungry / thirsty while being abandoned, dont you feed it? If its cold outside and you dont want it in your house, dont you find a box and put a blanket in it for the poor thing to keep it warm / out of the wind?
I mean sure, not your cat, allergies etc, but dont claim your a "nice person" because you want to get rid of the annoying cat that runs into your house when you go for a cigarette If you do give it scraps / water / box then ignore what i just said.
Also, depends where you live but yes there are no-kill animal centers in the US and the UK, not sure elsewhere
On August 12 2013 18:10 sc2superfan101 wrote: That being said, people are fucking stupid with their pets. I like pets, but I hate people who own pets. Fucking assholes. - 5/5 What the literal fuck is wrong with people and their fucking mongrel ass pets?
I've got a serious problem with helping stray animals. I just can't ignore them when they look all thin and shaggy and beat up. But I also can't bring them all into my home.
At the moment I've got two adopted pets inside, and three wandering around outside because they know I will give them food and attention. One cat sleeps in my backyard all day long.
On August 12 2013 18:10 sc2superfan101 wrote: I am not breaking out in a fucking rash because my neighbors are the shining examples of why welfare is a bad idea. Hell fucking no.
Typical sc2superfan101. Horrible personality under a thin, transparent and fake veil of human decency.
Call Animal Control if they left it while going on vacation. 100% the right thing to do. Then it will get cared for. Trust me, this is the best option.
So apparently the super came by and picked it up, don't know what he did with it. I guess the other tenants in the building called him last night and complained. Word is the neighbors are going to be kicked out which wouldn't be a surprise.
As for what I should have done with it: I don't know the first fucking thing about cats. Do they eat raw bacon or frozen pizza/eggs? That's all I have for food in my house. I don't have any bowls so I can't really put water in a bowl for the damn thing. Not to mention I don't want some stray whining at my door all night if I actually do feed/water it. I guess I could have gone to the 24 hour store at 3 AM to pick up a bowl and some cat food, but fuck, I ain't that nice. Judge me all you want, but that shit is some bullshit. There's a reason I don't have pets. If you all want to do that, you go ahead.
The box/blanket idea I didn't think of. Maybe I could have done that, of course that means driving to the store to see if they have cardboard boxes for sale... Still, I should've done that, I guess. I don't think it would have worked, but yeah, I should have tried. I'm an asshole, fuck off.
As for the welfare comment, come on. There are plenty of people who need welfare and who absolutely deserve it. You'll get no argument out of me there. The two perfectly healthy people below me with 4 kids don't need it. We have ~2% unemployment where I live and you can't walk three feet without seeing a sign begging anyone (including ex-felons) to work for them. There is no reason why at least one of these people can't get a job. Besides, even if they couldn't, that still doesn't preclude them from taking care of their own fucking pets. Fuck off if you think I should have to deal with a thing that gives me fucking horrible rashes and makes my eyes puff up like a fucking balloon whenever I touch it. You go ahead and deal with a swollen throat and an itchy face all you want to prove your good-will.
Anyway, the point is: I don't have pets, I shouldn't have to take care of pets. Fuck you ten times if you think otherwise. You go adopt all the stray pets in the world. Oh wait... you don't do that. So fuck off.
On August 13 2013 15:50 sc2superfan101 wrote: I'm an asshole, fuck off.
Couldnt have put it better.
I came back expecting a decent reply and wow. Your awful lol. Drive to the store to find a cardboard box? You dont have some random raggidy ass box in your house like a shoebox or something you threw a load of shit in ages ago? Well i guess not you dont even own a bowl. Also - animals eat anything. Throw your scraps 50 meters from your house and they'll eat it.