Just wanted to write a quick brag blog! Some people may remember the first blog in a series from about 18 months ago titled "Path to Korean GM" (http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?id=309898) which was all about me taking my training, including exercise and balanced lifestyle, a lot more seriously.
In the time in-between I've been right at the top of masters almost permanently, and practically built a mental block for each time GM came out I'd go on horrible losing streaks. The last few seasons I was confident I would make it in no matter what, and instead was caught travelling each time it was released. By the time i got home it would be full.
So here I was laddering last night, surprised to notice I was almost only playing top 100GMs and then I wake up today, lose my first ladder game, hop into another, win a comfortable macro game vs a Protoss and BAM!
I couldn't believe I would hit this goal that had been worked up in my head so much, in the middle of the season of all times. I know that it's always ridiculously harder to get GM mid-season so I almost fell out of my chair. It's built up into such a huge goal over this time that I'm just bursting with happiness right now.
I know in real terms its just a ladder ranking, and part of me KNOWS that I was already at this level for quite a while... but somehow that gold icon makes me so DAMN HAPPY!
Thanks for reading guys! Hope to see some TLers at ACL Melbourne this weekend!