Maybe even an alpha male. Last year he got into a huge commotion with some huge bozo who didn't like the way my brother looked. Or maybe he was sleeping around. My brother tends to do that a lot. Maybe he just had a 2-inch dick and was taking it out on everyone else. But this asshole tries to jump him. Probably could have beaten him one on one, but I helped out a bit. Jumped on his back, went around the neck while my brother went in from the front and headbutted him in the balls. Eventually he summoned enough brainpower to realize that he wasn't going to win, so he took off in his direction and we went off in ours, my brother in front.
Always, my brother was in front. Even if it was just a little bit.
Two-on-one, even an average two against a monstrous one, is in the favor of the two. I let my brother take all the credit because when you're him, everyone looks up to you. Nobody looks up to me, except maybe him for moral support.
So I guess what I'm saying is that my brother is all business. That's just the way he rolls, and that's what he gets respected for.
A couple of months ago, though, the situation got a lot more dicey. With the big idiot
But these guys were something new. Never seen anything like the way they looked. Almost completely bald and incredibly pale. Like they had some sort of disease. Maybe the height of the guy from last year, but they weren't as beefy. And covered in god knows what. A bunch of dirt-colored crap I can't put words to. I think my dad saw them too in his day; they've been around for a while and probably live somewhere around here. But here they were and we knew they weren't friendly people. These guys hated us.
That day was the first day in my life I ran faster than my brother did.
I made it out. He didn't. I didn't look back to see what happened to him, but after a while I realized that everyone had left. My brother was gone and so were they. I looked everywhere I could think of, but there was no sign as to where my brother or his captors had disappeared to.
Then two months later, my brother came back home in the middle. Completely unscathed. I asked him how he did it but he had no idea either. One day he was gone, then the trippiest two months of his life, and then he went home. He remembered the ordeal but couldn't explain what was happening to him. As for when they took him and when he managed to get home, he says he remembers absolutely nothing.
But now I noticed that he didn't answer quite the same as he used to. Usually he was blunt and direct. Now he took his time explaining things. As if it was troubling for him to explain it properly.
But the downright weirdest things is his hand gestures. When he finished telling his story his hands began flipping every which way. I thought it was some sort of psychosis but he seems to be perfectly calm. Well, other than his arms. Those were still flipping every which way. It was like his hand gestures were in concord with his speech. Like something about him talking made his arms flip every which way.
Sometimes even his arms flipping every which way became concentrated. For a long time all he did was point at his nose and grunt. Not pick his nose, he's done that before. But just hold his finger there, sitting, and stare at his hand. It made him happier.
And sometimes he beats his head. It never makes a sound but he likes doing it. The only things I've seen him beat before are his chest and his dick.
And here we are now, with my brother same as ever. He's still sort of his old self, aside from the whole arms flipping around and pointing at himself business. I've asked around but nobody knows what it is.
Here is a picture of his antics I managed to obtain for reference, my brother is on the left
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