Circumstances have changed slightly. I'm still going to do Music Mondays, but my original intention was to simply play in front of people again. Maybe use a few of those recordings to distribute to people and see what happens. After careful consideration and consultation of one of my musician/artist friends, I have come to find that I am a few things short of having a legit recording setup right in my own house. Not only that, but I have contacts all over the place who have instruments, and I could collaborate and record an album, maybe two.
I've attempted this before, but I have never had the gear that I have now with the amount of original content that I would love to play for people. I literally have 25+ songs worth of unrecorded original content that could be my chance to show people what my mind is made of. I have new song ideas spinning around in my head, more about general humanity instead of focusing on love that I hope to start working on, but not until after this first batch of recordings.
(Side story (Because who doesn't love tangents?): I bought all of this recording equipment from my brother (keyboard included!) about 8+ months ago, and have been slowly busting it out over time. The previous attempts I've made at this, i've always had to borrow a TON of equipment and so it always fell through. This time, I've accidentally acquired literally everything I need on accident (though my brother is a musician too). Life is irony)
I'm still going to be doing Music Monday this coming monday (and every monday after for the for seeable future) and I will still be taking requests for songs. However, I'm going to take this recording music thing a little bit more seriously, and see what I can make of it. See what my masters skillz in music can get me
Anyway, check out my stream. I'm thinking of a few other times to stream during the week to get a schedule down for entertainment. I'm thinking about doing Retro Thursdays where I will play an old game I like and see if I can beat it. I'll focus on music mondays for now though.
Thanks for reading!
Here's a little teaser for the list of songs I'll be recording on my first album thingy:
Riddles and Rhymes
A Dark October Night
The Inward Pause
Slinging Stones
Whispers in the Wind
Wicked Filthy Names
A few instrumentals may make it on here as well, but I haven't really decided yet. We'll see, but the ones listed above are the ones definitely being recorded.