With United Kingdom freed, only France remains. Beware Germany!
With United Kingdom freed, only France remains. Beware Germany!
As far as Canada and the United Kingdom are concerned, there's nothing left to do. It's okay to feel like beating Germany as a revange after World War I, but it's not like we need to really do it. On the other hand, France still stands in its African desert for almost 30 years now, and we need to help them getting back their land.
And no way Germany will do it peacefully, sadly.
A wise idea would be to wait until our army is strong enough to take on both Germany and Russia, considering our actual army is like, half the German one, maybe 2/3 at most with all the reinforcements still in their way. But we proved we can't be considered wise (thanks to the polls :p), meaning the path to war will be open one last time as soon as 1944.
Canada - 1943 : Last bit of calm before the storm
Just to have an idea of who we'll fight.
That gigantic green blob sure is huge. You can count a manpower over 3.000 and an actual army of 300 divisions with the two big leaders alone. Maybe around 50 more with their allies.
To win that, we'll have to play it smart. A smart and lucky bastard.
A second problem is our allies are quite new to the playground, and they mostly don't have any army at all, except for France mostly. Well, UK still has some army, and a bunch of planes we'll using since ours are kinda outdated. And by outdated, I mean 1900ish models.
Let's review the three frontlines before leading the charge into madness.
The Scandinavian frontline is dead to us. This is the sacrificial lamb of the three. It's tempting to defend those four provinces with forts on them, but that would have been a 1945-1946 strategy. With our actual forces, it would be foolish to consider it.
The Romanian side isn't that desperate.
Since we only need to defend two provinces, + use some boats to isolate any backstab action, it's a perfect country to defend and try to bait as many divisions as possible. We just need to attack from time to time to force some strategical redeployment.
The French line is the offensive one. Large enough to take surrounding manoeuvres while having enough coast to cut the armies from their supplies and kill them dead. A deadly death at least. Oh, speaking of supplies, it would be a good idea to verify ours.
Aw, I would have wanted to see the outcome of a war without food nor fuel.
We waited 2 months to train some garrisons for the Romanian battlefield, we can wait 1 month longer for some food.
Do we need more reinforcements? Hell yeah.
More supplies or ressources? Nah, this is surprisingly perfect for that side.
A lot more questions can be asked, but it's time to seal the deal and go for it without second thought.
Canada - 1944 : Sucks to live in France, I guess
A four years long war around 1915, another one in 1938-1939, and second round in 1944.
Since our battleplan will include a huge part of improvisation, we can be sure of one thing, they'll be as surprised as our soldiers will by each and every strategies we'll use. Our first attack will take the form of a massive attack from the east of France - quickly repelled - and another one from the west.
The idea was to prevent as much as possible any flank, while creating the biggest pocket ever in the middle of the country. It could have worked if the Russian Empire didn't send 40-50 divisions in Europe, while helping Ukraine and attacking Scandinavia.
The mere concept of a blitzkrieg died at the sight of those green armies.
Oh, and did I forgot to mention the fact east France basically was a HUGE FORTRESS impossible to attack? Welp, the pocket will be created here and now, not as big as expected but Germany trapped a good section of its army in the middle of our territory. I guess we can try it.
The grey army isn't invisible, they probably used the Strategical Redeployment skill
Here they are.
After preventing any escape for the German forces - and the Russian ones trapped here too - we launched everything against one and only one of their provinces. To defend it, they had to send all but 2-5 of their divisions on it, meaning with a quick strategical redeployment, the other two provinces were surrounded, AND without much defenses.
Meanwhile in Romania, the Greek/Canadian coalition sent a huge offensive on the Ukrainian theatre of operation, and the Russian Empire had to send some divisions to save the day. No progress was made here, but in Europe...
If not for the German Air dominance against the british one, bombarding us every single day and killing some divisions despite our medium tanks with anti-air support, I would have called that a flawless victory.
The AI bugged pretty badly with that stack of units. Kinda sad but prevented an early loss at least.
We're still totally outclassed in quantity, and matched compared the quality.
And those planes. Those bomber squadrons, killing my ears and my troops since day 1.
Time to apply a change in our strategical plan! To stay unpredictable.
This time, we deliberately let some loose defenses in our west front, while powering really hard right in the middle. Direction, north France, we're getting tired of those unlimited Russian divisions. The strategy is sorely based on the hope the German Huge Stack of Units (it will be called GHSU now) doesn't move at all from Calais for a mysterious purpose.
Without the GHSU, we're not that outnumbered, and the quality of the Russian troops isn't as fearsome as the German ones. And pretty sure a little trip around the Eifel Tower will give a huge moral bonus!
Ah hahahahahahah, nice defense, Scandinavia.
We'll be back later!
Perfect, not a single movement from the GHSU!
The number of Russian troops trapped isn't really high, but with this, Britain and Normandy will be out of the competition, and France without Paris is doomed to fail in the long run. If you consider most of their army were in the "wrong" side of my newly designed border - meaning the west - the short run isn't either a good opportunity for the french army.
Oh, speaking of French, our friend the French Empire is teaching Germany some lessons about desert warfare in Africa. As soon as the German menace on that continent is gone, I'll be using the French army as an alternate source to deal pain in Europe.
For those worried about Scandinavia, maybe a huge comeback soon?
This may be the dumbest corps I've ever seen in my entire life, but this is the biggest corps on a single province i've ever seen too. And since we need more than half our army to deal with it, Russia takes the opportunity to launch a full scale attack in the south.
With a clock ticking upon our head, it's time to call our allies to help. The diplomatic and ancestral way of borrowing units from the United Kingdom. With almost all of their troops, and maybe a third or a half of ours, we just have enough to fight Calais 1:1.
I'm glad I didn't killed all of those Union of Britain divisions.
And since the French Empire now controls every single German provinces in Africa...
I'll assume control of their troops from now on.
My boats are doing a dirty but useful job at sinking every enemy ships in the north sea.
Yeah, the same fleet that sucked against the Union of Britain with the huge negative score. It works against Germany!
The French + British + Canadian Army is too much for the now relatively small Russian Army. Relatively, because each battle is at least a 3-months one. And some are closer to 6 months than anything.
Canada - 1945 : Release the dogs!
And now, it will be a never-ending struggle to pass those numerous forts.
The frontline will never be smaller than the natural French-German border. Around 110~ German divisions, and maybe 40-50 more for the Russian force...
But this is the time to prepare our light tanks. Once a single hole will be made into their line, we'll swarm it zerg style. The goal ? Force them to defend, and keep a thiner defense army. Or ignore it and lose every industries and important cities for almost nothing.
Oh it will be a great plan if this is working well.
It's possible to make bombs out of those nuclear researchs? Holy shit, that wasn't expected.
We lost Scandinavia, it's a fact, but it was a good trade. The German line is 100% open to us and our armors are piercing from everywhere, isolating every army and taking objectives for free. Can't say how relieve I am to have those forts behind me now!
A little slip from my fleet results on the Entente losing some countries and provinces in the now dead Ottoman Empire, but since we still have the best fleet in the world now, some reinforcements from Canada are directly sent there to stop any more progression.
We need maybe 8-10 months more and the German Empire is no more, in Europe at least.
Truce? Wat.
A truce?
Oh come on, United Kingdom the leader of the Entente? This is the senseless decision UK could have picked for us. Scandinavia is lost until the next war, some provinces were captured in Turkey too, and we'll have to pierce those German fortress once again.
And in the end, they didn't even lose that much army.
We'll still be outnumbered - even if not that much. And the Scandinavian bait is no more.
I'm so mad right now.
So mad, USA will be the sacrificial lamb to get rid of our frustration.
One year and a half to kill until the next round of the never-ending war.
Occupy them, we're pissed, you'll have to wait until the end of the Alliance to be free.
At least, France is now complete, except for the Alsace-Lorraine part.
I think I can understand why the United Kingdom stopped the war, but it's really not cool for our allies, at least those who died in the process. With Canada as the leader of the Entente, we never did that! Technically, Scandinavia was sacrified under UK's management.
And I planned to save them at least!
But anyway, okay, we'll wait another year, and prepare some strategic bombers to use my fresh Nuclear Bomb on the German Soil. With a friendly Belgium/Flandres, we can still flank the shit out of Germany for the round 2.
A non-agression pact?
Okay United Kingdom, you won.
I'm out.