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Masters or Bust - Misson complete!
It's been a while since I posted here. Well, I remembered I had actually an old "ladder" blog started, and I never really finished it. Well, technically, I did. By accomplishing it's original purpose, the goal. What was it called?
Alas, I felt like writing this down, as it's getting late and continuing my practice tonight would only mean I'd go to bed at ridiculous hour again and thus screwing up my fragile sleeping schedule. My non-european readers will forgive me the time-confusion, as it's probably just early evening time for them.
It surely has been a long journey for me, given obstacles I've been facing, but I'd never regret that time spent improving, practicing and trying to reach my goals. Just a short reminder - I originally stared as low Bronze with no RTS/StarCraft I experience whatsoever. Also, as my original post said, this was not just a journey to reach some imaginery league within a game, it was a personal quest of mine, to improve myself as a player and a person, doing what I loved. And, I can honestly say, that I've changed a lot during the course of this time. Surely, there are still obstacles, like my general anxiety. But, this journey gave me a better understanding of myself as well. It is easier to fight the inner enemy of myself when I finally understand where certain things are coming from. My physical health improved overall, as I began attending karate lessons and has kept to that till now, teaching me many things along the way. My mindset has strenghtened, I do not give up as easily, and I am generally more at peace with myself. Sure, I do have my moments at times, but honestly, who doesn't?
Why did it took me so long? Well, I will not beat around the bush. I've suffered from severe depressions for quite few years, even before this little journey of mine and I took long breaks in between my little quest. I will not go into details, as they are rather insignificant compared to the fact, that there are more positive things to aim towards. And they can be achieved, if one puts their mind into that. I do not know when these depressions may re-emerge from their remission, but it has taught me to value every single day, which is not plagued by them.
Now, that my "Masters or Bust!" is completed, it is by no means an end of my StarCraft II journey; maybe on the contrary, is it just the beginning? I intend to continue on improving. Perhaps reach that famous Grandmaster even. Who knows? I hope to get out of my shell more, to fight that general anxiety of mine more. I hope to make an appearance at DreamHacks as well. Perhaps show a good game or two. To give it my best.
StarCraft II is a journey for me. I keep enjoying it, and I am curious where it will take me in the future.
My closing words for each of you reading these lines would be - Best of luck on your journeys, no matter where those lead!
Special thanks to
(Personal list, hence why spoiler, given that some of the names are simply just names for a lot of you. Had to note them down though, so don't read unless you really feel up to it!)
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iNcontroL - I know he will not remember me by now, as it's been a while, but he helped me to start out. I do not forget. So thank you, sir.
Loophole - I've not spoken to Jason for quite a while, but he too was a huge help when it came to starting me out. Will not forget either. Thank you.
cooLhite - I wonder where he is? Played terran and we made a nice practice group back then.
Rob Feeley aka LazyMacro - My words cannot express my thanks well enough. You've stuck with me for ages!
Ryan Rushia - My SC2 mom! Helped me to solidify some of these golden SC2 fundamentals. Has been an awesome friend ever since. Was happy to meet you in real life as well, when you came visit me! Much love, thank you for everything.
Noobert - A glue-like sticky friend of mine as well. Thank you for being here and for cheering on me, always.
Lydia Hartzler - Owner of former female-only Team Fem-FX - your positive attitude has helped me through tough times of depressions. You were a shining example of positive attitude. Thank you for that.
Trumpetcool - Austin, I'm not forgetting you. Thank you for sticking with me!
My former teammates from Aspire - just too many to name - Love you guys all. You are so not getting rid of me either.
Allen Rulo - an old friend of mine, and only non SC2 one. Always sticking to my side, always supporting me. Thank you, man!
My son & my significant other - Yup, thanks for sticking with me, my depressions and sometimes pain in the ass attitude. <3
Everyone else I forgot - Kindly slap me silly until that memory of mine remembers! Blame the age
Loophole - I've not spoken to Jason for quite a while, but he too was a huge help when it came to starting me out. Will not forget either. Thank you.
cooLhite - I wonder where he is? Played terran and we made a nice practice group back then.
Rob Feeley aka LazyMacro - My words cannot express my thanks well enough. You've stuck with me for ages!
Ryan Rushia - My SC2 mom! Helped me to solidify some of these golden SC2 fundamentals. Has been an awesome friend ever since. Was happy to meet you in real life as well, when you came visit me! Much love, thank you for everything.
Noobert - A glue-like sticky friend of mine as well. Thank you for being here and for cheering on me, always.
Lydia Hartzler - Owner of former female-only Team Fem-FX - your positive attitude has helped me through tough times of depressions. You were a shining example of positive attitude. Thank you for that.
Trumpetcool - Austin, I'm not forgetting you. Thank you for sticking with me!
My former teammates from Aspire - just too many to name - Love you guys all. You are so not getting rid of me either.
Allen Rulo - an old friend of mine, and only non SC2 one. Always sticking to my side, always supporting me. Thank you, man!
My son & my significant other - Yup, thanks for sticking with me, my depressions and sometimes pain in the ass attitude. <3
Everyone else I forgot - Kindly slap me silly until that memory of mine remembers! Blame the age