I just played my placement match and sadly lost, however, what surprised me about this is not that I had lost, but that I was placed into Diamond league. I'm not quite sure how after 3 seasons of finishing in top 8 masters I was placed into diamond but nonetheless I was. We have just entered the last season and although it's not the biggest deal in the world, I planned on mainly playing HotS beta this last season in preparation of the release. Now I feel like I have OCD and need to play my way back into masters that I was taken from and show WoL that it can't stop me
I played many games and my knowledge of Starcraft 2 has changed so much since the beginning of WoL, and now that the game has decided to challenge me once more, I will accept it's challenge and destroy it! I wanted to write about this because of how confused I was being demoted back down after playing very well for 3 seasons straight, but now that it has happened I can only say...
"I did it once, I can do it again"