We arrived on Friday at around 11:30 and caught some of the earlier matches. Before I post pictures, I wanted to comment on the event overall. I think everyone would agree that things ran MUCH more smoother than IPL4. Friday and Saturday pretty much ran on schedule. Because the actual event was spread over 4 days instead of 3, the schedule didn't feel nearly as cramped as it did in April.
But it being a live event, it inevitably started running behind schedule and what seemed like the millionth ZVZ, I barely managed to stay awake for the finals. I was rooting for a 3-0 Leenock sweep so I could get some rest, but of course the match had to go the distance. All in all, I had a great time and will definitely be back for IPL6 if I can make it.
Now on to the pictures!
The ESF players doing a signing
Kind of a sad picture, as outside of Symbol, the other 4 had just gotten knocked out of the IPL tournament haha. Also who know MC was such an Obama supporter!
Hyun getting ready for the GSL ro4
The excellent GOM staff doing wonders for IPL5
Hyun in the booth getting ready to face Innovation
The artist formerly known as Bogus
The ever excitable Korean casters + John
The introduction of the 4 GSL players, I only got to Hyun
Interviewing the two winners
Alright, day 2 and 3 will come in a little while, but enjoy these for now!