Also, a little off topic but today is my birthday ^_^
congratz to me.
Back to starcraft, Im currently in this swedish league called doed. There are really good players in the higher divisions, there are some swedish semipros/gms. (Vipro, bobson etc.)
I have only played 3matches in the league and I have lost 1 and won 2. I have never been really prepared for a match yet so Im kinda happy with my games so far. (2 of them was master league)
Also, I joined this clan called EchO. Some friends of my is in it. We played a clan war versus some clan. I lost my first match but we won 6-4. Im not really the ace and I was the only protoss online at that moment.
I have decided to always link to a replay for every blog entry. This replay is from one of my league games.
I was down 2-1 in a bo5 series. The previous game I did the same fe build. I have treid to copy one of sases builds including 2 gates and a fast expand. I get attacked by some early blink stalkers that really do so much damage.
I lose both my nexuses, cyber core and a twilight council. But I manage to comeback and win the game. I had a really strong immortal based army so the only thing he could do was killing buildings.
I go 3 fast bases after he was done with his aggression into 3 robos. he attacks me when I jut had 3 colossi popped and manage to hold his follow up attack like a boss.