I recently started studying engineering. In the beginning I wasn't quite sure if I would be smart enough to understand all the maths, physics and programming, and it made me quite worried. I kept on working though, and right now I know that I will make it through the semester.
Even though I know this logically, though, the worry that I will fail have started to take roots in me, and now I have problems sleeping. This makes it harder for me to study, as I'm constantly sleepy. This makes it harder for me to study, and I start to fear that I will not make it again. If it wasn't ruining my life quality this much, I guess I would find it kind of funny.
I don't know why I write this. As a kind of therapy I guess.
Any tips on how to let go off my worries and/or tips to getting sleepy is appreciated. Right now I listen to Karl PIlkington to make me relax and forget my worries, but as soon as I turn it off and try to sleep, I know the terrible thoughts will wake me up again.
Thanks for reading.
If you don't know about it already, I would advise you check youtube for 'ASMR' videos. It's no point explaining it, rather you could just look at some videos, and if they relax you, good. If not, your woes continue until you can settle your nervousness.
There is a classic piece of advice on this attached to ban reasons, but I'll just paraphrase and suggest you try getting some psychical exercise if you have a chance. It doesn't have to be anything strenuous, but take a walk in between classes or something. And gl with your classes, best wishes!
Even if you fail, it's not the end of the world, just remember that
United States24579 Posts
Sometimes Insomnia can be masked by other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.
Do you snore at all? What is your BMI?
I work at a sleep clinic, and our Dr. here suggeste trying melatonin for things like this.
If that doesn't work, go get a sleep test done!
Nortac's got it right. Build the confidence that no matter what happens, you can handle it. Because you can.
When do you go to bed? For me at least, worrying thoughts usually spawn around 2am and last untill 7am, so if I'm able to go to bed earlier, that usually helps. Also, having some noise to drown out the thoughts might also help - an audio book on an mp3player or stream going on a laptop or something.
On October 03 2012 10:14 marttorn wrote: If you don't know about it already, I would advise you check youtube for 'ASMR' videos. It's no point explaining it, rather you could just look at some videos, and if they relax you, good. If not, your woes continue until you can settle your nervousness.
Thanks! Didn't really work, but I'll check it out again later!
On October 03 2012 10:14 Jaaaaasper wrote: There is a classic piece of advice on this attached to ban reasons, but I'll just paraphrase and suggest you try getting some psychical exercise if you have a chance. It doesn't have to be anything strenuous, but take a walk in between classes or something. And gl with your classes, best wishes!
I exercise 3 times a week, and I really don't have time for more. I wish I did!
On October 03 2012 10:15 Nortac wrote: Even if you fail, it's not the end of the world, just remember that
No it's not, but it will make everything a lot harder for me. I don't have any more money to study after this, so then I'll have to settle on some shitty job that I don't like.
Thanks alot, will definitely check it out!
On October 03 2012 14:42 blazzerg wrote: Sometimes Insomnia can be masked by other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.
Do you snore at all? What is your BMI?
I work at a sleep clinic, and our Dr. here suggeste trying melatonin for things like this.
If that doesn't work, go get a sleep test done!
My BMI is fine, but my roommate have told me that I snore a lot! I will try out melatonin!
On October 03 2012 15:55 phantomfive wrote: Nortac's got it right. Build the confidence that no matter what happens, you can handle it. Because you can.
I know I can handle it, but it seems like my brain doesn't know that :S
On October 03 2012 16:05 plated.rawr wrote: When do you go to bed? For me at least, worrying thoughts usually spawn around 2am and last untill 7am, so if I'm able to go to bed earlier, that usually helps. Also, having some noise to drown out the thoughts might also help - an audio book on an mp3player or stream going on a laptop or something.
Around 11pm/12am! Maybe I'll try to go to bed earlier.
Thanks everyone, such a nice community <3
I know I can handle it, but it seems like my brain doesn't know that :S
You might fail. It happens.
Philip wesley and FT Island's Cheerful Sensibility (minus Reo Reo & FT ISLAND) are both very relaxing to me personally
I usually run some form of music that will last about an hour so that i have time to fall asleep-though i'm not sharing a room with anyone ^^;
my advice on how to fall asleep:
lay down in dark room... then just try to think less. it is difficult at first because you don't actually know what you're trying to do. you cant concentrate on not thinking because concentration will lead to more thinking. something i like to do is "imagine" my body as not something that has an ego, but as something that's just another part of all the stuff... something that is completely indistinguishable from its surroundings in terms of "meaning"
and if i can do that without accidentally having other thoughts then i can usually fall asleep pretty quickly.
however staying asleep is a problem that I've not found a solution to without resorting to shit like alcohol or weed
or just turn on an episode of sotg
TLADT24920 Posts
Write your worries down on a piece of paper before you go to sleep and leave it beside you then when you get up in the morning, read them. For some people that helps them relax. Alternatively, you can just burn the paper after writing down your worries which would symbolize that you are set free from your worries. That also helps some people. I think being worried is natural although if this continues, you may want to see a doctor to get some sleeping pills. For me, when I study, I relax because I'm doing the work so there isn't anything that I should be afraid since I'm prepping and such.
make sure u are eating enough. i was gonna say go to the gym, as it helps to give u a DAILY feeling of achievement rather than a longer term feeling of achievment that studying might give. but u said u already do that.
it might help to have a list of what ur gonna do tomorrow. this removes any inherent worry or guilt because u have a plan for tomorrow and know u will be satisfied following that plan. u only have to worry about tomorrow anyway, right? coz if u get every tomorrow right then itll all work out
missed ur thread micronesia thanks i will read it sometime
snoring can be indicative of poor quality sleep as it can wake u up a lot without u knowing i think.
i currently have MAJOR stress dreams (with many reoccuring themes such as being chased or killed), wake up at 3am, insane itching & pain problems at night due to contact dermatitis on my hands (like a burn victim) & raw painful balls covered in microcuts that wont heal (like 8 weeks now) after i got sweat rash from tight underwear during/after gym, shoulder pain if i lie incorrectly, and back uncomfort if ive been working, i also dont eat enough especially if i get in late from work and cant cook because family is asleep, and i also suffer from guilt and worry due to poor time management, stress from a new job & new college that will pass over time, occaisionally a sore face & head due to sebbhoreic dermatitis and psoriasis, and emotional swings due to an unrequited love & general feelings of hopelessness and inadaquacy which come and go, also i tend to wank when im feeling low as a comfort thing which drains further me of energy, and i smoke, also if i forget to pee before bed then that will get me up aswell
Sounds it's candida related. Try to cut most sugars and make sure the Carbs come mostly from low GI foods. Let go of white breads and choose integral ones. Also aim for an overall rich fiber diet. Use a probiotic supplement and eat low fat yogurt/kefir.
http://www.thecandidadiet.com/foodstoavoid.htm http://www.thecandidadiet.com/foodstoeat.htm
And stop wanking, you're an adult. Or at least reduce it to 1 or 2 times per week.
@topic starter Did you move to get to college?