My final months in high school were normal, honor roll student who got his acceptance letter to a prestigious (expensive) school, girlfriend, loving family, etc. My plan was to go to U of M Ann Arbor in the fall, study, graduate, and the family, house and other stuff would just fall into place. There was one thing though, a General Motors referral of employment by my step dad I had put in at 17 years old...
When the summer came after school, I found that I had been denied my federal student aid which would have paid X amount of dollars for me to go to school, as well as various scholarships and grants on the state level. My dreams were shattered, I had this plan, and now this plan wasn't attainable. I was lost. So, when fall came, I decided to attend a community college level AP course (in Macroeconomics if interested). That was the only class that I was able to take due to the classes being full from registering late.
I finished the class and got a B. Nothing new. Then one day while getting my coffee from Tim Horton's, I had a phone call from a strange number. Normally, I take after my mother, and don't answer them, but something felt different about it, and I answered. It was General Motors, telling me that I've got a job so long as I pass the physical training and drug test. Woah. What the hell? I'm suppose to go to school, can I even balance school and working full time? (I'm fit, active, and don't do drugs so those weren't ever an issue)
So, I made my first real adult decision of my life...I took another year off of school. I'm still deciding if it was the right or wrong one, but still, it was made. I decided this 6 months ago.
** I will make another post tomorrow telling the next chapter
"In the workforce"