On August 10 2012 10:33 Release wrote:
Electronic journal imo is no substitute for a pen-and-paper journal.
Electronic journal imo is no substitute for a pen-and-paper journal.
I think I feel the same way.
On August 10 2012 12:08 Azera wrote:
For me, I just (as cliche as it sounds) go with the flow. Just let your emotions happen, ya know?
For me, I just (as cliche as it sounds) go with the flow. Just let your emotions happen, ya know?
It will be a lot easier for this to happen if I don't suppress them!
On August 10 2012 13:56 EffervescentAureola wrote:
As ironic as this sounds, just imagine that if you don't wake up tomorrow morning the world is just going to go on the same way it was before. Nothing is going to change when you die because nothing changed when you were born either. Realize that in life, either Nothing matters or Everything matters. Try to appreciate that as a human race we've managed to come as far as we have, that's a miracle in and of itself. But as much as we have already accomplished, we only see and know the tip of the iceberg, look into the night sky, the universe is seemingly infinitely limitless with possibility, there is so much that we do not know, that we will never know, but that we can always appreciate from a distance. No matter how fast or strong or smart you think you are, you can always be better. Those who believe themselves to be absolutely the best are setting themselves up for failure and crushing defeat, because the only way to be truly wise is to completely let go of your ego and realize that you are no more than a grain of sand on a beach or a drop of water in the ocean
As ironic as this sounds, just imagine that if you don't wake up tomorrow morning the world is just going to go on the same way it was before. Nothing is going to change when you die because nothing changed when you were born either. Realize that in life, either Nothing matters or Everything matters. Try to appreciate that as a human race we've managed to come as far as we have, that's a miracle in and of itself. But as much as we have already accomplished, we only see and know the tip of the iceberg, look into the night sky, the universe is seemingly infinitely limitless with possibility, there is so much that we do not know, that we will never know, but that we can always appreciate from a distance. No matter how fast or strong or smart you think you are, you can always be better. Those who believe themselves to be absolutely the best are setting themselves up for failure and crushing defeat, because the only way to be truly wise is to completely let go of your ego and realize that you are no more than a grain of sand on a beach or a drop of water in the ocean
That's correct. I want to be better.
On August 10 2012 15:49 Shock710 wrote:
Sometimes i do this as well, like i'll be super sad casue no gf, and than i tell myself u know what, theres no reason to be sad just be happy, i'm wasting time being sad, i dont like being sad so why should i spend time being sad =D
p.s ofc there are days which just suck..
Sometimes i do this as well, like i'll be super sad casue no gf, and than i tell myself u know what, theres no reason to be sad just be happy, i'm wasting time being sad, i dont like being sad so why should i spend time being sad =D
p.s ofc there are days which just suck..

Good luck to you man!

On August 10 2012 16:34 ReketSomething wrote:
I guess.