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The camera slowly turns on, the room it focuses in on is dark and grimy, suddenly a large blonde
man steps in front of the camera. He looks as dishevelled as the room he currently resides in. The
man is dressed in army fatigues, ACU camouflaged pilfered from some military surplus lying abandoned in the war torn city he is in. In the distance, gunshots and screams are heard. He sighs loudly, placing a heavy M249 Squad Automatic Weapon down on the ground before settling into a chair in front of the camera.
"My name is Geoff Robinson, but most people call me either Geoff or iNcontroL." he finally speaks "I promised some guys I know that I would meet them somewhere in the city, and I have accomplished that goal, but before I can go over there, I've decided to tell my story, should anything happen to me inside the wretched place I am heading into, this will survive, at least."
"This is the last part of my story, I explained earlier about how this entire fucking mess came to be, now I'm gonna pick from the time I fell out of a moving helicopter two nights ago up until this very moment."
"I remember it clearly, the thing jumped at me and grabbed my boot, gravity did the rest and we plummeted down, the fucker was trying to tear into me as we fell and all I could think about was how nice death by concrete sounded compared to turning into one of those belligerent, idiotic retards.
However, to quote a movie I like "Is it better to be smart or lucky?" I was lucky. very fucking lucky, I fell into a pool, what are the odds. I couldn't believe it, I climbed out of the pool, barely glancing at the twitching, mangled corpse of the thing that had pulled me out of that chopper and managed to link up with my buddies after they threw me a bag full of weapons and ammo." The man looks down at himself "The ACU cammo and M249 I got later, when I stumbled onto a destroyed Army checkpoint, poor bastards probably got run over by the swarm, like a million hungry lings rushing to destroy your mineral lines. I wonder if they're dead or wandering out there as I talk to you"
"Anyways, my first order of business was getting off the roof and onto the streets, I had roughly 10 miles to cross to meet up with my team, 10 miles seems like nothing until you have to navigate a city crawling with disfigured motherfuckers out to fuck your shit up so bad you turn into one of them through an agonizing process."
"Thankfully, the building was empty, though as I ran through the still air-conditioned corridors and hallways, breaking or finding ways around barricades, all in soaked cloathes, teeth chattering in my head, I cursed Nazgul for flying so low and allowing the fuckers to even reach me. I sighed, my head felt like a pixie orgy was taking placing in it, or fairies decided to build a condo and had brought in a jackhammer team to start on the foundations. Wait....what? Never mind"
"I got on the streets, it was a fairly secluded side street so there were no monsters around for now, that would soon change when the sound of the chopper dissipated and the crowd would resume its aimless wanderings. I made it about two blocks before I found the army checkpoint, that was also when they found me. I had time to grab a spare uniform, the SAW and as much ammo as possible before I had to duck into a building"
"I swear, nothing can compare to the wails and pounding of hundreds of those lost souls out for your life. I ran, I ran like the fucking devil was chasing, and for all intents and purposes, he was. I lost them after 20 minutes, and after having traveled 6 blocks in the wrong direction. At that point, all I could think was "Fuck" but it was dark, I was soaked and tired, so I changed, found the warmest room I could in the building I was in and slept."
"A few hours later, a roaring blast woke me from my slumber, I ran to the nearest window and peered out. Flames were broiling against the dawn sky, and in my muddled mind I could see muzzle flashes, though I now realize those were just hallucinations. The meaning was the same either way, the assault had begun, and I wasn't even there!"
"I grabbed all my gear and ran out, the explosion had pretty much cleared out the streets and I managed to make it to within two miles of my destination before the end of that second day. Lucky, again I suppose"
"Since I hadn't had the time or foresight to grab any night vision and the power grid had finally shut down, I decided barricading myself and sleeping through the night would be safer then trying to navigate the streets of post-apocalyptic New York in the pitch black, especially with millions of soulless monsters out looking only for the next living, and quite dashing, guy to tear into."
"When I woke up it was well after 6 AM and yet it was dark, and I mean really dark. That explosion had cast a dark balm over the city with oily black smoke covering the sun and barely any sunlight filtering through. Still, I could see and that was good enough, I started to make my way out to the streets. That's when all hell broke loose"
"about two dozen were in front of the door when I opened it, they didn't hear me, they just wandered there and decided to chill or something, guess I wasn't so lucky after all. I had to open up on them, there was no time to barricade the door. I'm a big guy, in a good way, I can bench press a shit ton, but 20 or so well sized men pushing against the door and only of me trying to hold it closed was a disaster waiting to happen."
"The SAW did short work of them, cutting some in half and shit, guess it really deserves its name, huh? The only problem was that I had basically put up a giant billboard saying 'FREE BUFFET' to every fucking creature in a two mile radius, and they were now all gunning for my position."
"Subtlety was out of the cards, the area I had to cross was large and wide open, the buildings around me were all barricaded shut and I'd never get the time to break one open and close it up before they were on me"
"So I ran, I used the SAW and I gunned down whatever freak stumbled towards me and tried to outrun the rest. Eventually I ran out of ammo and had to pull out my pistol. It gets interesting after the ammo for the pistol ran dry. Now I usually love to bash those fuckers with a nice blunt instrument, but I now recognize the effects a machete have on both the human body and the morale of the wielder" Smiles coyly and looks down at the bloodstains on his cammies :It was pretty fun."
"Anyways, sun's up in 20 and I got an appointment to make, I hope I get to send this tape, cuz if i don't, means you found either my rotting corpse or you finished me off when you killed off the last of those disgusting freaks out there. Peace"
With those last words, the man sighed, stood up and reached behind the video camera, turning it off.
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Hey Guys! I hope you like this, just finished world war Z so i thought I'd give it some stylistic flair based on that book for Geoff's entries. I'll try to finish up the apocalypse soon, hope you liked it.
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