I'm looking to start a summer project of mine that I hope will eventually end up to be a strong resource for the Starcraft 2 community.
Currently, there are a lot of resources for Starcraft 2 players. There are tutorials, build order guides, forums and so on that all help players of all levels improve their Starcraft 2 play. But I've found a severe lack of resources for small time casters. With that, I want to start a video series that discusses some of the mechanics behind good casters, how to control your camera, how to improve your show-casing abilities to display a game in the best way possible.
I've created a small Youtube video that talks a bit more about my idea and I would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to listen to it and direct some of the amateur casters you know to me.
I know that I'm not a professional caster, and I know that I'm bound to make mistakes. However, this is a learning experience for me, and I know that ultimately, I'll be able to fix those mistakes and work out the kinks, but I can't do this on my own.
I'm looking for Starcraft 2 casts from any amateur caster who wants to gain some feedback, or has a cast that he or she believes will provide valuable information on mechanics for small casters who want to try their hand at casting. If you know any, please direct them to me. In the meantime, I will be browsing Team Liquid and r/Castit for amateur Starcraft 2 casters and give analysis of their replays if they've asked for them.
Thank you very much for your time!