TEAMLIQUID! Hi, I fucking love you people. I love you people. You are great, you know that? Seriously like I can't get over how much I absolutely ADORE this website, you know? Goddamn everything about it is wonderful, even the pricks that get banned, even the stupid drama. I LOVE IT ALL.
SO I'm gonna start a blog. I mean fuck why not, right? Everyone else seems to and shit I have a lot of stuff in my head that I want to say and this GLORIOUS website seems to be as good a place as any to let it hang out.
I am going to write a girl blog, THE girl blog of my TL existence, which has EVERYTHING, all of my female escapades in one post. Honestly it probably won't be that long. HAHA. But none of that matters. None of that matters...
Because TONIGHT was a night I will remember. Why? It is a long story. A long one that I am happy to tell in another post, OH MY GOD will I be euphoric to tell it!
So I am going to leave that all behind, and just tell you that I went walking around the dark backstreets of suburbia with the girl of my dreams. I felt as though every time I closed my eyes to blink, I would wake from a fantasy. BUT I DIDN'T!
We lay in the darkened field of a local elementary school, discussing everything, holding hands, and each other. How fair a lady, how intelligent. Oh how I've been needing someone like her in my life, for so many years. Oh how she has reciprocated... oh my.
Then I walked her home, and was introduced to her mom. It was awkward, as to be expected, but not... tense. A relaxed awkward. Her mother knew the drill, and wasn't going to go about questioning me in an attempt to discover my "true intentions." And then I left.
But before I left... I was outside, on her porch. We were standing there, smiling at one another. We are both new to this relationship stuff, and we knew what we wanted... but how were we to know if the other person wanted the same? So, after some shuffling, she asked, laughing slightly, "Do we kiss or hug each other?" I said, "Haha, I was wondering the same thing." *pause* She goes, "Umm..." And I just went up to her, clearly displaying which path I was aiming for. And we just... kissed. For what seemed like... like a long goddamn time. And it was wonderful. Her subtly sweet taste... her gently rolling tongue.. her intoxicating scent. It was empowering. I felt it in my chest, like a balloon that makes me feel like everything is cold and I am the only warm one. Alone with her. Wonder.
I love this girl, so very much. If she could see herself through my eyes she would melt inside.
Look later on for the Whole Story. I can't wait to tell it.
I remember when my crush told me she liked me. I think I had a mini seizure. Too bad she then proceeded to hook up with one of my friends, but congratz man! And we love you too.
We love you, TL, and girls!
Congratulations man 
GL HF with your relationship.
Reminds me of when I first kissed my wife 
Good times man. Happy for you.
she better be a fucking princess to justify all that caps lock
Congrats hahaha :D it's a wonderful feeling. Kissing someone you love never gets old
United States11637 Posts
On May 07 2012 12:18 mastergriggy wrote: I remember when my crush told me she liked me. I think I had a mini seizure. Too bad she then proceeded to hook up with one of my friends, but congratz man! And we love you too.
Wait, what? Did your friend know about your crush?
Ha dam man you seem very happy, good for you : )
Haha I can feel the excitement dripping off your blog post! Awesome job man cute!
On May 07 2012 12:14 CyDe wrote: Because TONIGHT was a night I will remember. Why? It is a long story. A long one that I am happy to tell in another post, OH MY GOD will I be euphoric to tell it! <3
....200 words later......
=.= not sure if full story.
or still intoxicated on tongue juice.
in all serious though congrats man!!
i'm glad to see you doing better than you were a while ago CyDe 
Good job man! Don't screw it up, she sounds like a keeper. One of these days i hope to be able to have a similar experience.
Hahaha, many congrats man. It's good to see such HAPPY around here sometimes.
Keep loving life and make sure to glhf with the future. ^_^
at first was like "You're in elementary school?". Then I realized that you just laid there. mmmm. makes more sense.
Pretty awesome blog, 5/5!
Make sure to always have good breathe. You may or may not realize how fucking gross it can be to be up close to someone with bad breathe, and it's really awkward to try and tell them too. I once dated a girl whom I'm fairly convinced would eat roadkill for at least 2 of her 3 meals a day.
This isn't a rant, I'm happy for you, just make sure to brush twice a day and eat breathe mints.
May your relationship have as much love as you have for TL 
I hope you continue to be happy
Canada5155 Posts
This blog is cuter than this:
reminds me of my first relationship so much...haha, lots of "oh should i do this now? maybe she doesn't like, or maybe she is just too shy?" moments lol
just curious; how old are you?