On April 25 2012 13:13 bokeevboke wrote:I wonder how many programmers are in TL. Maybe we could do our own open source project. We will make the game as it should be, and who knows maybe it will work
I'd be up for that in a second. I completed my Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment with a major in Software Technologies (Programming) with Distinction at the end of last year, and have been working on a game with a couple of guys I met at uni, but I still have free time and would definitely be keen to contribute.
Also, something that no one has touched on, and I think should be mentioned, is the fact that this hypothetical game would not be released for 3 years. By then Legacy of the Void will/should be out and all the complaints you have could be fixed (could be a bit optimistic I know as people can always find something to complain about, but regardless you will have to compete with an entirely new product as well as the possibility of other good large company RTS's). Assuming Blizzard does pull their finger out and fulfill all of the reasonable requests of the community I seriously doubt that a new, small company could compete with 3 years of additional development on top of what is already present in SC2 on top of whatever development has been developed for HoTS.
I'd say a more reasonable/realistic model would be to create an Indy game in a much shorter time span with a lot less money to begin with in order to build a fan base and build yourself up into a larger company before trying to take on giants like Blizzard.
what... the... fuck why do people always ask and ask but never think about giving. Can you truly put a price on satisfaction if you force yourself the other way?
this is interesting, i dont really get the numbers, but the thing for sure is that blizzard just screwed starcraft 2 over in the areas like customer support and little things like clan support.
Reading this post made me cringe due to the flaws in assumptions that you made.
Also, I am tired of this SC2 vs BW debate that some of the Liquidians seem to always have to throw in. Wait untill Legacy of the Void is out, and Blizzard stops tweaking balance on SC2. That's when you can actually compare these games, as then they are both finished games. Untill that time comes, you just look silly discussing SC2 vs BW.