For as long as I've been the StarCraft 2 community, I've heard the same thing parroted over and over: "LoL is for scrubs!" or "LoL is SOOOOO EASY". I'm a bit mystified by this myself, I simply do not understand. Here's why.
In StarCraft 2, I'm what the community considers a "bad" player. I use the quotations because according to the ladder system, I'm in the top percentage of players on the ladder (1080 points, master league). My greatest accomplishment of my StarCraft 2 career is beating a few low ranked GM players. But compared to the professionals, I don't even come close!
Shortly after StarCraft 2 was released, I was introduced to League of Legends. I played LoL whenever my ladder rage was so great that I simply couldn't play anymore, but HAD to be distracted from my calculus problems somehow. I mostly played normal games all the way up until season 2 started for LoL. Then I decided that I should play ranked, see how good I've gotten! I'd mistakenly assumed that my casual play, and my expertise in StarCraft 2 would carry over to LoL, and I'd be in a good elo after playing a few games. Alas, this has simply not been the case.
In fact, I discovered that I am TERRIBLE at LoL. I've played about 70 ranked games, and my elo is roughly 1200. Every game I win it's because I got carried hard. Every game I lose it seems to be MY mistake that costs the game. It's so frustrating to be bad at this game that everyone says is easy. What am I missing?
Obvious case: you have not yet mastered the MOBA way of blaming your team mates exclusively for losses.
Either that or you are just really really really bad.
Anything competitive won't be easy, you are not missing anything Takes hardwork to be good at league just like sc2
Good at RTS=/=MOBAs or whatever you want to call them. Only thing you transfer over is knowing how to click your mouse and press hotkeys. Completely different skill set, try and actually improve at LoL then rather than assuming you're start off amazing.
70 games. If it makes you feel better you're doing better than I am at both games ^_^
I think it's just the competitive aspect of games. Even if a game is mechanically easier (lasthitting vs macro) in an absolute sense, all that matters is relative skill level. Some people know to hit you when you're last hitting and can pick better trades and snowball ahead early on to carry games. It's stuff you learn with experience. I'm sure you'll get to the master's equivalent of LoL with the same amount of effort.
Consider tetris. Tetris is a pretty fucking easy game but there are pros that can shift blocks faster than I can follow them with my eyes. Some of them just memorize the blocks for certain random seeds... but still. I never bother to try tpsins even though they give the most points.
Thanks for that link, it was very interesting.
As for everyone else, thanks for the feedback =]
Mogwai's defense of lol being, why don't dota players come take our money is a very bad point, his arguments are rather terrible.
I think it might be because... Wait for it... Because LoL and SC2 are different games, entirely different genres even
I wouldn't necessarily ask why, I'd ask how.
Thats not a big surprise, being good at RTS doesnt automatically make you good at MOBA games
LoL is easy mechanically. Ridiculously so. As a starcraft player you probably have no problem at all moving in between your last hitting, retaining map awareness and managing large scale battles (teamfights). However, LoL is a game that doesn't have a very high mechanical cap. So your ability to macro well doesn't actually carry over too much. Instead I'd say almost all of it is, at least at a decently high level (1700 elo+) decision making and game knowledge. You're probably missing a ton of little things that add up. You probably miss cs, don't play aggressively when you can and play too passively when you can be aggressive. You probably don't build the most optimal items - in fact, optimizing your item choice every game gives you a huge edge over people who don't. You probably are unfamiliar with many lane matchups that you haven't played enough, and mis-estimate your kill potential or your opponents. All of this will improve if you actually dedicate yourself to it by watching "pro" games and noticing+mimicing vital aspects of their play, just like how many players study casts and replays for insight.
The argument “why aren’t old DotA pros flocking to LoL for free money?” is awful and is similar to the other equally awful argument posed by Starcrafters which is "if your race is so bad then why not change it?" first of all people do not become progamers to make all the moneyz. They are truly attached to the game that they play, or race if you are talking about starcraft, people do not choose their race for shits and giggles they choose it because they like the way it plays. Second of all it would be pointless for them to switch as it will take a long long time for them to become competitive again and well, they probably do not want to switch anyway.
I really really enjoy LoL and I have around 900 games played on it over the last year and a half to say that it requires as much skill as DotA is farcical. In DotA you make one mistake and a competent player can exploit that weakness and then make you his bitch for the rest of the game.
I do however agree on the mechanics section and agree on how in the grand scheme of the universe it isn't very important for one game to be harder than another. In a way I think it is just Starcrafters trying to 1up another community.
imo it's just that sc2 is all about yourself and how you use your mastery and skills to hit the apex of your ability to play the game. LoL & Dota2 is again, all about mastery and skills related to the game, but you have 4 other idiots to account for too.
8748 Posts
LoL takes a ridiculous amount of knowledge. You are probably doing almost everything wrong haha. You should try watching some pro streams and be very observant of the context that they're playing in and exactly what they're trying to get done. This way you can learn pretty fast. But you can easily be misled by misinterpreting what the player is doing or by failing to observe what circumstances made them decide to play the way they're playing.
Also there are some mechanics that are gonna take a lot of experience to perfect.
And of course the bane of all casual gamers who are trying to be as competitive as possible: panic. If you can't make correct decisions very quickly when the pressure is on and things are hectic, then there will always be a level that you can't reach.
sc2 takes skill (comparatively), LoL (unless you have a dedicated team with a gameplan in mind), is just a pub mess of cluster fucks. For a slightly better experience, i recommend dota 2. At least it takes a little more skill.
On April 05 2012 09:12 da_head wrote: sc2 takes skill (comparatively), LoL (unless you have a dedicated team with a gameplan in mind), is just a pub mess of cluster fucks. For a slightly better experience, i recommend dota 2. At least it takes a little more skill.
DotA 2 pubs are honestly just as bad as LoL pubs, even though the players are (somewhat) more knowledgable about how to play. I mean, just bad team comps.
More skill is debatable, as they are different games that deviate from a common formula.
On April 05 2012 08:42 NexUmbra wrote: The argument “why aren’t old DotA pros flocking to LoL for free money?” is awful and is similar to the other equally awful argument posed by Starcrafters which is "if your race is so bad then why not change it?" first of all people do not become progamers to make all the moneyz. They are truly attached to the game that they play, or race if you are talking about starcraft, people do not choose their race for shits and giggles they choose it because they like the way it plays. Second of all it would be pointless for them to switch as it will take a long long time for them to become competitive again and well, they probably do not want to switch anyway.
I really really enjoy LoL and I have around 900 games played on it over the last year and a half to say that it requires as much skill as DotA is farcical. In DotA you make one mistake and a competent player can exploit that weakness and then make you his bitch for the rest of the game.
I do however agree on the mechanics section and agree on how in the grand scheme of the universe it isn't very important for one game to be harder than another. In a way I think it is just Starcrafters trying to 1up another community.
It is harder to be dominant in a game where everyone is at the same level because of a lack of mechanical depth. It is why lots of BW progamers dont want to switch to sc2. In dota you can win a lane with shear skill alone because of the deny mechanic. In league picks matter much more and you see less of that. Obviously there is also the free blink mechanic as well.
On April 05 2012 09:12 Liquid`NonY wrote: LoL takes a ridiculous amount of knowledge. You are probably doing almost everything wrong haha. You should try watching some pro streams and be very observant of the context that they're playing in and exactly what they're trying to get done. This way you can learn pretty fast. But you can easily be misled by misinterpreting what the player is doing or by failing to observe what circumstances made them decide to play the way they're playing.
Also there are some mechanics that are gonna take a lot of experience to perfect.
And of course the bane of all casual gamers who are trying to be as competitive as possible: panic. If you can't make correct decisions very quickly when the pressure is on and things are hectic, then there will always be a level that you can't reach. define 'ridiculous' .................. i dont think it is outrageously hard, you will find your way eventually!