last month i got promoted into diamond, i was quiete happy about that. I began to rape my Platinum opponents along with those dimond guys. 5 weeks have passed and here I am. Same status i had in Platinum, I now have in Diamond. About 50% is the win ratio against Master and about 90% versus Diamond. Only problem is Protoss.
I´ve been around since the beginning of Starcraft II and there weren´t such furious balance discussions since patch 1.1 Terran, as you may recall, August 2010. Back then there was this whole "imbaness" about reapers and bunkers along with the mighty 2-rax.
It feels like we have reached the same point with Protoss, only difference: Is it true this time?
Terran nerfs were good and helped alot, especially in TvZ. There was a radical change for Terran openings; you now were forced to build a depot before rax and reaper-speed was delayed with the necessity of a factory before upgrade. The effect was that 2 rax wasn´t gone, it was delayed a whole lot. The strength was the strong timing on those little maps. Now as the game evolves 2 rax is an element that you through in every once in a while. As it should be. A strategy that works 100% of the time on every map and position possible was never good till now (Talking about the early game).
Four-Gate was one of these strategies. It is gone now, especially in ZvP and TvP very hard to pull of, PvP only certain maps!
So patches were always announced way before they were released. To date there was no new patch released or announced, and people ARE complaining.
Talk like "Protoss imba! Impossible to play against." is daily, but not some lost nerd is saying that, in fact there are thouands complaining.
But is it really the balance? My ZvP is bad and i know that, i lose most of the time being way to greedy. Fixing problems in ZvP seems harder than in any other matchup. Timings are too crisp.
Maps, full of tiny chocke points, hard to engage, third bases so easy to get up for Protoss.
Is it the maps? Is it Protoss? Is it Zerg? But what you really should ask yourself,
is it me?
Most people still hope it is so imba like Terran in August 2010, but if it isn´t and I can´t be certain about that (as no one can), we got to improve, got to improve the matchup, playstyles, mechanics (for me and every other guy not as good as high
master ).
Improvement only works with the right mindset. The mindset here, at least for me is to think of the game as perfectly balanced. And bam, my winrate just went 20% up against protoss (of course after the proper training, with the proper
mindset ).
And do not rage when you lose, everything is allowed, hell we´re at war!