About a little more than a year ago I started devoting myself to SCII and worked myself up from bronze to gold during the summer. (took me forever to discover team liquid) I was very proud upon seeing my promotion to gold, which was two leagues higher then anyone I knew IRL was at. It's been about three months since I really got to sit down a ladder the crap out of my keyboard though, and I was nervous.
It had been so long I had to redo my 5 placement matches, and I was super rusty. Misclicks were flying every where, my drones missed the mineral line oh-so-many times, and needless to say those replays have been purged from my computer. I practiced hard and threw myself at those 5 placement matches.
First up were three easy wins against new players who cringed when they asked "league?" and I would respond 'well, I used to be gold...". My fourth opponent gave me a real fight, so much so that I lost. Really badly. Turns out he was a grandmaster and he was doing the placements for his smurf account. Finally I got to play a gold level guy, whom I just threw my economy at until I got my fourth win.
I was pleasantly greeted by a message informing me of my placement into the Platinum league. I was quite pleased. :D
tl;dr took about three months off due to school and work, came back only to get promoted to platinum.