About Me
So, I am a 17 year old male, boy, guy what ever you call it. I live in St Louis, Mo and yeah. I play starcraft(obviously?). I have been thinking about writing a blog here for awhile, and as starcraft because one of the biggest hobbies in my life, I have no choice but to write here.
The Beginning
I have actually "started" playing Starcraft 2 twice per say. During like the end of S1 or the beginning of S2 I tried it because my friend from gradeschool, Logan, who I had played MMOs with (WoW, Tibia etc) told me how amazing it was. I tried it, got into like mid to high bronze and was like whats the point >.> and quit. I never delved deep enough into the game to get into how amazing it truly is. I continued watching day[9] and MLG etc but I was playing Call of Duty (TT so bad) for some reason. I started talking to some old friends again, mainly M40a3 Kaables(now in OpTic) and almost joined the M40a3 clan. Around this time I got angry at both the community and the multiple holes in my wall. Yea cod = anger. So I quit console. I tried playing some cod4 pc and even CS:S but never really got into them, so I tried SC2 again. It was better than before. I started learning builds, starting with the 4gate. I began to move up the ranks
Getting Better
I began reading TL posts daily, watching streams, and playing as often as possible. I got promoted to silver in the last month of S3, and by the end of S3 I was top 5 silver. I started playing gold players and I was really hoping to get moved up. Finally the day came when the leagues reset and I had my placement match. I was nervous going in and I got a zerg on Shakuras Plateau(I think). I went for a FFE and he went for a 6 pool. Somehow I was able to get the wall-off complete, similiar to HuK vs Moon at Dreamhach. My cannons were able to hold off most of the lings while I got zealots to hold off the attack. I remember him gg'ing, leaving, and I thought I was going to get gold. I didn't happen. I was crushed. I thought all of my hardwork was for nothing, and that I was still that shitty silver player. But I kept trying. That night I played about 15 games and went like 12-3 trying desperately to move up. It still did not happen. I began playing less for that week, but still getting about 2-3 wins a night, until finally I got moved up. It was about a week and a half into S4, and I was finally gold. Currently I am staying at top 5 gold, and starting to play some mid to low level Platinum players. Hopefully I get play soon? <3
My Expectations/Goals
I am currently really busy trying to get my grades up, apply to college(senior in HS) and get Plat. I am hoping to be at least high platinum by Christmas and diamond ASAP. I like setting goals like these because they allow me to strive to get as good as possible.
Why I Love this Game
I love starcraft because it is a beautiful, magnificent, challenging game with an absolutely amazing community(that means you, TL<3!) It is a game that has a huge reward when you win a game you feel you should not have, or you get a promotion and feel like all the hardwork you have put in really pays off. You cannot get good because someone told you what to do, or because you have money, but you have to put the work in and you must improve for yourself. It truly is an amazing feeling. The community around SC is amazing. I can spend hours on end reading posts on TL about others experiences, and really get a good feeling of why others love this game.
Overall, SC2 has had a huge impact on my life, from spending hours on end grinding out games, to all the lessons I have learned and continue to learn. eSports is truly something special, and everyone on TL knows that and should never forget it.
In the end, SC2 is more than just a game. It is a lifestyle. We do not just "play or "waste time". All of the practice and perseverance is proof of that, even I know it and I am merely a gold level player. <3 you guys !
PS: Anyone who wants to play add Exzires,999 and sorry for the wall of text hope you enjoyed/got something out of it.