EGL4. From a viewers perspective, on day 1, the Saturday, it was terrible. There was no stream, there was no Mr. Bitter as promised. Were either of these the fault of EGL staff or the admins? No. The venue was a major issue for us. We were into allowed to set up in the SC2 room until 10pm, games were due to start at 10AM. Next issue, the PCs arrived at 12noon, Awesome! They're on site! Not the venue procides to put them in a room and forgets where they are for the next 12 hours. We finally convince them to check CCTV at midnight, after hours of pestering them to do so. They find them within 10 minutes. Next issue? only 16 of the 32 are there. Where are the rest? We never found out. Ok fine, we can run a 36 man tour of 16 PCs. Oh wait, 8 of them don't boot. Ok ok we have 8 PCs, that's going to be tight but doable... Oh wait, 4 of them don't have working sound drivers. Ok we're down to 4 PCs to run a 36 man tournament. How fun!
Now that the negative is out of the way, lets get onto the positive. The event itself was epic. I met some awesome people, The LondonBarcraft guys that were there dong interviews and taking pictures were all awesome people. 4k.dream, DignitasTan and Bling were both also pro at everything ever. And then theres
My favorite part of the weekend
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My favorite part of the weekend was after game 1 of Tan vs Dream. Dream went into it thinking he couldn't win and would be happy just taking 1 game off of Tan. After he won game 1, the look on his face and his reaction was just amazing. Then after game 3 he just game over to me and told me he did it, he beat Tan. 2-1. He was overjoyed and almost speechless.
I took a few pictures of the event, they're not up to the standard of JoRoSaR, but they're mine!
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The first set of group games are just starting!
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