It's now been about 2 months since school began, and i moved into a dorm with an internet connection that blocks eSPORTS in pretty much every form. I use a browser based proxy to get onto TL (It's blocked during the school day and study halls) but my attempts to open steam, connect to bnet, ond play minecraft, have all been thwarted by the school's firewall proxy thing.
In about a week, i'm going to go home for a dentist's appointment and to spend time with my family. I plan on downloading sc2 onto my laptop, so that i can play offline during my free time. I'm probably going to take advantage of my inability to play online and switch to terran, because toss really got the shaft when it comes to HOTS
Because I haven't been playing starcraft, i've branched out and found some new stuff, too. I've got emulators for the nes, snes, and n64, and have been tearing my hair out over how hard nes games are (I can't get past world 2 in Super Mario Bros) I've been getting better at CS 1.6, and i'm trying to be the best in the dorm at broodwar.
On the subject of broodwar, does anybody know the best way to beat a turtling terran going mech? This guy has sick mechanics, and always seems to have more stuff than i do (I play zerg mostly). He never has stuff early, but once he gets his factories up he's unstoppable. I guess the right response would just be to rush with lings, but we mostly play team games/ffa, and i can't always find him in time or his teammate defends him.
Any suggestions?
side note: + Show Spoiler +
does anybody know a good way to get porn through a proxy? every time i try it tells me to update my flash player, but my flash player is up to date. the proxies all seem to fuck up videos. If anybody has a solution to this, i'd be very greatfull