Lets get anoying stuff out of the way first before we talk about sc2 shall we? My life is horrible atm, many thing stacking up overtime and prob. will blow up in the next few months. Luckily in moment like this, I just have realized that my life before that is even worse.... Yeah thats right! They call it FML KMN on big bang theory, things didnt turn out the way i planned them to be few years ago.
To be clear, I dont drink, dont smoke, no drug. Life is clean but ugly from my point of view. Guess there is always a need of something to compare(as contrast to) with happiness and thats where im standing atm. Under this circumstance I dont even wana have a girl friend, which most people at my age are looking for... Weird, some of them are even married... 19-20 For Fuck Sake! Good luck living with who ever ur choose for the rest of ur life, My uncle is trying to divorce my aunt even though they have 3 kids and the oldest is like what? 16? LOL....
Not much or at least i think im no longer a guy who brag about personal boring stuff on a blog. Experience has shown that human is a limited space of story storage and most likely your story is not worthy for them to give a fuck about. Unless they are your parents, which in case i want them not to know, the only people i can share shit with are completely out of touch and contacting them just give them more burden in life they have to care about. A good friend wont do that, I wont do that, I want them to be happy and in this case, they are. (wana somehow quote Jinro 'i wont fuck over a friend like that' here but that seem a little too strong)
Thank god new season of sitcom just start. HIMYM, Big bang theory, 2.5 men, etc...
GAMING: (yes, the good part ^_^)
1/Non-sc2 related:
Have been playing a TON of dota lately. Huge thanks to TL-Diamondbar community to support me getting back into the scene. Living oversea make me lost all of my SEA dota contacts, I still have them on facebook or Yahoo messenger(yeah we use that in SEA) but its almost useless. Loving the meta game shift once smoke and the new heroes came out. Cant believe Invoker had become so OP especially if u raise him QW.
I am SO SO SO excited for DotA2. No Key yet but I AM EXCITED!!!! DotA is what keep me in the gaming scene despite parents and school works. Without it i would be a souless corporate intern now. Trying to enter as much contest as possible and ready to switch to DotA2 for at least a month after get into beta. I dont have a favorite hero to pick but i prob will go with SandKing as my first dota2 pick.
I also wanted to try out D3 but since im not that found of the market real currency thing, i doubt that i will buy it. Unless the entire Waterloo university is playing it (like they are playing LoL now), i dont think i would ever touch that game except beta. Speaking of which i just update my LoL, hvnt play since april fool and gona play few games this week with my friend Patrick and Allen and Daniel. Heard they have goten pretty good lately, gota test out .
SC2 Related:
Huge shout out to CSL staff and UWaterloo CSL team, They both have done a good good job. CSL new season just kicked in with a bigger player pools with some drastic change in term of power ranking and line up. Even though we at Waterloo still foresee a final between UBC and UWaterloo (which in my opinion UBC will win unless Blizz nerf Stalife), The number of contestant and their identity into this playoff will change with quite a few upset. From 3 to 15 in the CSL power ranking, there will be huge changes.
One thing really good to note about the past CSL result is that on the same level, team with Terran players will always have a better result than team with P or Z heavy. The main reason i think is because Terran dont have to suffer the mirror match up as hard as other races. They are also not map dependent if not to say the map are in favored of their side. This is not a tournament map issue but more about a bad design concept of the other 2 races. In away they want to keep the franchise of SC:BW on the new engine with different AI system. Of course things will crash down eventually. People can go on days and days about this in the balance design thread but clearly, no one has admitted that sc2 has a good balance design system, EVER.
Since we mentioned balance, lets talk about the new patch a bit shall we? 1.4 and the current meta game. (from a Protoss point of view, i could speak for other races as well since i do coach and give my friends advice but i dont wana type them out)
PvP: It is interesting how people think 4 gate would not work. IT STILL DOES!!!
To clarify, most people in lower league dont even understand a bit about 4 gates in PvP and there are a lot of misconceptions in master + GM league. The simple reason is that no one care to study how a cheese actually work except combatex or deezer. Let me tell you: before 1.4, there are basicly 2 types of 4 gates. The first one is you have a proxy pylon somewhere close to the enemy base, once your wrap research done, you wrap in 4 stalkers + (2 stalkers 1 zealot) = 6 stalkers 1 zealot. Then u go to his ramp, poke up the zealot and try to snipe stuff up hill while ur pylons(2) at ramp goes up, wrap on the ramp to get high ground vision until eventually break the defense . This has been 99% negated in 1.4. However, there is the 2nd type of 4 gates where you push with 1 stalker, 1 zealot, 1 probe into enemy base. This push is designed to "trade units" before the 4 gates kicked in. If you trade units, the enemy simply will have less DPS than what they need to kill your pylon(could be down or upper ramp). By forcing the unit trade (even thought you could lose), you assure the pylon(s) will survive once your 4 gates kicked in and you simply will out produce the non-4gate player from then. 1.4 didnt stop this. It takes a lots of time to kill 1 zealot 1 stalker early on, long enough for a pylon to go up and fully function. After that, a 4 gate will be a 4 gate.
Now what does this mean? it simply means that you cant really cut corner too much. Even if you cut on stalker to get a sentry out early, you simply wont have enough gas to support both tech and sentry at the same time. Not even counting your production is nowhere closed to a 4 gate. As a result we can see a lots of 3 gate pressure(aka fake 4 gate) /4gate on korean ladder through out sase or HuK stream.
So what did patch 1.4 helped in PvP??? You can safely tech to colossus vs blink stalker. Thats it. If the enemy go blink, u can block it with 1 Forcefield and there will be no blink up ramp without air vision. This means that 3 colossus 'timing attack' (all in) is BACK. Knowing this people try to go blind stargate sometime when they scout a quick robo... silly guy, i canceled the robo and go DT -> free win. The match up becomes a soft coin flip early game with room for players to wiggle, expand and turn into a 2 base robo fest with the occasionally double stargate VR.
Good players are now placing their robo/structure between nat and main to be safer from a blink in snipe. The match up is evolving but slowly and steady. With wrap prism health increase, robo is now the ultimate choice despite a slight vs stargate weaknesses.
huge shoutout to Nimbus aka AresEffort for helping me practice. Playing dota make my macro in 30-40 mins games slip so bad... There were a point i made 12 DTs at once and turn them into all archons @_@.... Apparently you need some major AoE damage (aka good storm aka dodge all EMP aka impossible) to deal with terran once their medivacs raise around 5 or more. I have been beaten with 1-0 Terran despite my 2-3 upgrades before. Positioning also has a major factor into it.
The meta game vs bio has not change one bit, once you get ahead, try to get forge upgrades. That will give you a bit edge to get 3rd up. Its interesting how sage decided to use DT mid game recently with wraprism. I find it a briliant way to force scan and secure map control. Watch this 1st game http://www.gomtv.net/2011gslsponsors6/vod/66256. The theory is basicly rotate around T's 3rd base: is it an orbital or a PF. If its an orbital, position pylon/prism so you can do a small 3 zealot counter attack into his 3rd mineral line. If its a PF do DT drop to force scan and gain map control. There will be no real answer for this unless T start getting raven in TvP.
1/1/1 still common but Protoss is being more aggressive with their army now a day which make the rush much weaker. Some people want to be Hero, phoenix switching to deny banshee. Others, choose to be creative and skip the 3rd immortal, get a prism and execute a bulldog BW style. Just like 4 gates, 1/1/1 comes in different style, different format for both player which make it a rock paper kinda game and Terran is the one who decided to take a risk. hope in the next few weeks we will see sage/Oz show the world wassup in code A final.
Note to self: hallucination is underused and there is no arbiter to stop a wall of death. Need to find solution!!!! Nexus 1st is actually safe on a lot of map!!!! DO THE SAGE BUILD ASDASF!!!
PvZ: immortal buff make Z start using muta more and more in this match up... more spine/lings early on into muta, the most anoying style accoring to 80% of protoss player in low-mid level. This however is completely free win for high level protoss if you watch stream of minigun or HuK... i dont know how they do it but... it happens.
As prism play occurs more and more, people start realizing how BAD colossus are. Obs: awesome, Prism: awesome, immortal: ok, Colossus: MEH. Reason? 200-200 + 200-200 for a robo bay with range + giant build time. Thats the cost of the storm research right there! HT you can produce them under wrapgate CD, colo? lol.... Also HT has basicly no 'hard counter' in the ZvP match up mean while corruptors muta just rape the shit out colossi build. Mineral light also help u set up cannons/ nexus. Conclusion: HT route: 9.5/10, colossus route: 6/10. Notice how with Prism play, you can execute "Plexa' Shock and awe" play style so effectively late game with HT cannons defense while teching into VR carriers. Not to mention having archon/zealot heavy army lategame will help a tons vs the ultra switch.
This match up has so many stuff to exploit. Take a look at HongUn game yesterday, he went 2 stargate blink. Imagine what if with the same execution,instead of 2nd gate it was a robo, instead of another VR it would be a prism and 2 sentries? quick blink directly into Z main using phoenix vision? LOL... No in all seriousness, the lack of anti air on zerg has been discovered since beta phase 1. Once you combine it with the lack of Force Field counter of zerg, it will leave them less and less options. Sadly these strat requires a perfect execution and not much master/gm level player could pull it off.
Idra also commented how mothership in PvZ is good now due to infestor change :D... yay, more storm vortex!!!!!!!
-------------------------------------end strat rant 1.4--------------------------------
Hmmmm, i do have a ton more stuff i wana write about on sc2... but SoTG is starting, gota watch :3
So here are the bonuses:
Check out Yiruma album In the yellow room if your 18+, if 18- go listen to Album First love.
+awesome stuff:
ever wonder how gateway turn into wrapgate?
+must watch if ur into dota/dota2
+lightgirl is healthy and tweeting everyday
+did you know TL has a free/awesome teamspeak sever?
ts3server://ts3.teamliquid.net: 9988
some wallpapers i never use:
well, thats about IT! have fun scrolling! Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/uw_NB im out!!!
P/s: dont really feel like adding spoiler/quote tag or editing this entry... Will see :-/
Edit: nvm, the 2 wall papers are giant