Im a high Terran masters on KR. Since I have free time I was thinking maybe I should do some sort of group coaching on skype with a couple ppl from TL.
Just so everyone is on the same page it is perferable that you are a terran player and you must have skype. If your interested post here with your skype or PM me it and I'll get back to you once we have a couple ppl interested.
I'm not really interested in coaching as I'm grandmaster on EU myself, but if you are really high on the KR server could you share some replays as you must have really solid builds and mechanics and I'd like to watch through some :-)
Sure but I'm pretty nooby when it comes to posting reps I'll see if I can compress them into one file. I havn't played too much since the new patch so most of the reps will be from last patch.
Thats makes TvT and TvP replays mostly useless, I'd say :p! But it would still be appriciated.
I don't know what kind of students you're looking for but I got the game 3 weeks ago and could use some help, especially in TvT.
Elite.156 on NA
I'm interested in some high level Terran coaching, but I only play on NA. Some input on my game would be greatly appreciated.
My ID on NA is Jugan.271, please send me a PM if you're willing to help me out :D
I'd be most interested.
Do you have an NA or EU account?
PM me, plat Terran on NA. I have skype and would definatly like to learn more especially if we had a group to work together, never had anyone to really talk about the game. Vulture.612 in game.
gradually jumping back into the game as im getting used to my new schedule(s), diamond~low masters NA
plat~low diamond KR
skype name: shabbirrr
would love some insight and improvements, especially in a group setting, i imagine that'll be a lot more effective
if anyone has skype wants to talk now you can add me
Skype: joe19907
Hi I am currently a plat, player in NA and EU, Diamond through beta and season 1-3
I think i'd benefit from coaching and it seems like alot of fun.
my skype tag is Chileansneak.
Are you still coaching with Skype? Would be awesome. But im Plat Terran on EU. Is EU a problem?
Greetingz Alrac
yes anyone who really needs coaching can talk to me on skype just pm me your skype i'll get to you when i can
Hum... you play on KR but I'm assuming on NA time schedule right?
I'm in Seoul right now and I'm switching to T from only KR plat Toss... T_T Terran is hard. Any help would be much appreciated....
My skype id: sjscschagrin