I really want to write a blog post, and I know what I want to say, but don't know how to phrase it, so I will try my best to make a list and then go over what each thing means to me and if you care enough to read it, thanks.
Since I Started Blogging
I have gone from Bronze to Gold
Switched from Toss to Terran back to Toss
School starts in 3 Days
I will be attending my first MLG (Raleigh) in 4 days
Bronze to Gold/Race Switching:
When I first started SC2 I sucked. Like a lot of people I'm sure, this was my first RTS and I had no clue what I was doing. I thought I would be stuck in practice league, so with no former gameplay, I went straight into my placement matches. Oh how I wish I could watch them right now. Needless to say, I went 0-5 and was put into the Bronze League. I was very demotivated to play so I made a blog post so I could keep track of my games and get feedback on how they went and what I could do better. Since then I was promoted to Silver in the beginning of Season 2 and somewhere along the way I have achieved Gold League. Now in Season 3 I have switched to Toss and have been getting better games but still need a little help before I make it to Plat like my original goal said.
<sarcasm>I'm excited for school!</sarcasm> Really, this School year will be hard for me. I'm only a Sophomore but 7/8 classes are going to be Honors classes. Once school starts I will be very busy and will have to try and balance school and practicing SC2. I don't have much else to say about school because I don't want to think about it.
MLG Raleigh
So. Freaking. Excited. I didn't get to go last year (on the 50th event of course) because it was "cleaning weekend" and my parents were busy. But this year I get to finally go, and I already am excited for the people I'm going to meet. Not only the progamers I have asked to meet and possibly an autograph (like Grubby and Pokebunny), but the community as well. I have heard stories of great people and I'm excited to talk to and meet new people.
Well that has been one of the longer blogs I've written which means it's time for the cheesy ending. Please rate what you feel it deserves, and leave a comment, responding to them gives me something to do and makes me feel a lot better. Thanks!