And this MLG I met and talked with a ton of cool people so I just wanted to thank a few for their company while at the event.
Number 1: Gianni (whose name i am sure I am butchering) formerly a writer for gosusports was a super cool and informative guy. Was one of the coolest and most normal guys I have ever met at an event. Was very similar minded, and hanging out with him on day 1 was amazingly entertaining and fun. (If you read this, my friend was the MLG volunteer staff VIP seat monitor lololol)
Number 2: Christian and Company. Haha you and your friends were endlessly entertaining. And were cool to chill with on day 1. Glad i could hook you up with a blizzcon ticket, since none of my friends could make it, and you were the only one of your group who didnt have a ticket, I am glad i could hook you up with one. You will have a killer time with all your friends. (i sold it for face value dont start thinkin i ripped him off or something, adn though he offered to pay this weekend I told him to just pay me when i give him the pass on Blizzcon weekend). But ya I have enjoyed the last 4, and you will LOVE going to this one with all of your friends for your guys' first blizzcon. Tell me how the GSL is live.
Number 3: Girl with leapord green top on day 2 whose name I am forgetting. Haha seriously you were truely hilarious. Was cool to meet a girl who was proud to use her charms to get attention from pro's. And you actually understood and played the game. You were also the most normal/real person it was completely hilarious enjoying Day 2 with you.
Number 4: Dude in the homemade TL shirt- thanks for the TeamLiquid horse pin (like the one Day9 was rocking!!). At first i said no thanks not realizing what it was, but then snatched it out of your hands once I saw exactly what it was. Look forward to keeping this thing, forever. Thanks again, sorry if I was rude at first, was completely exhausted by the end of day 2 and your offer took me by surprise.
Number 5: Strangely enough the dude who was friends with the guys who tried to jack my best friends seat on day 3. Your friends tried to jack my buddys seat and made me argue/fight for his seat. But when you apologized on your friends behalf and compeltely understood why the people around you were upset, when you came and sat down in their seats later, it seriously was HUGELY appreciated that you understood why people were upset. Also it takes a HUGE man to apologize when he realizes he was wrong in doing something(or even when it was actually his friends who did it, not even him), so I truely appreciated it and can't say it enough. I am really glad you did that, even if your friends were dicks about it. Completely made a big impact on what my friend and I thought of you (though i doubt 2 strangers' opinions of you is really worth a damn, but still)
Everyone else from the high desert/pretty much every person I sat with. Its always fun talking to a bunch of different people who all share a similar passion and are all crazy about esports and SC2.
Always a good time at these events, and though there are the occasional dickheads, for the most part 99% of the people you meet/talk to are pretty awsome.
OO and cant forget #6... something Anemone some "semi-pro" who kept talking about how his bestfriends wife is in love with him and wants to have sex with him, though he cant do it, cause the guy is his best friend (this guy literally kept telling this story to complete strangers, and if you would have seen the guy you would be rolling laughing too, direct quote "There is just so much chemistry between the two of us it is just palpable" zomg i was dieing laughing). You sir, were truely hilarious, and the most full of shit person I have ever met in my life, and you are truely unforgettable.
Seriously if you are ever at one of these events ever, talk to the people around you. 99/100 times you will not regret it. Everyone is there because they share a huge interest with you. Like its the coolest parts of these events, being surrounded by people who really understand/get it.