The following tale was created by the mind of my fictional character's imagination. I am merely a medium for him to share his tale for the rest of the world, although he prefers to call me "his bitch." I on the other hand do not agree with said name, and this has led to many-a-discrepancy. But I digress...What I bring to you, is a story of love, and maybe corruption, deceit, murder, suspense, mystery, and comical drama if I wish to put in the effort to write all the necessary amount of words, but I probably won't...enjoy... ...
In the valley of Tal'Darim.... Our hearts were fused at the same time through a weird combination of minerals and gas harvested from various workers; the only problem was that while my heart was crafted through the improbable engineering of one guy in an SCV suit, hers was forged by the unrealistic construction of the Xel'Naga, or the Protoss, whichever sounds cooler - I think the Xel'Naga is like the Protoss's Gods or something, or just a blueish map that I always lose on in 1v1. Our minds and bodies may have been different, but our timing in this mysterious universe gave us a strange feeling, as if we were made for each other. Its as if the universe was saying, "hey, these two are going to have some freekishly sick offspring. I mean, how would they even do it?" or maybe the universe was saying it makes no difference what one looks like, because life and love are interrelated - this is probably why on a terrible, terrible day I witnessed my neighbor having sex with his dog in the garage; I just wanted to borrow some gas for my lawn mower god dammit. But our love was different, and anyone reading this should require no more logical explanation, so what would have been a "hole" or "gap" in the story is no longer any such thing.
As fresh recruits we were all eager to get a piece of the action. Ever since the first day of training, which I have no recollection of, all of us were prepared to kill something. The feelings of war ran through our blood stream and were implanted into our minds making us unlovable killing machines. This one time, Jimmy, a recruit in the 10001st reaper division, had to kill his own family to get past the final test of his training. When he murdered his baby brother, who was about to be birthed by Jimmy's pregnant mother, he turned and looked to me and said, "OJ didn't do it," which made me lul. At that point, as with every other reaper who finishes training, he became unlovable. But as for me, I was cute, that's what my mom had always said and she was right. I was too cute, and it made me lovable. Still, I had finished my training, murdering my entire family, which happened to be anyone with the last name Johnson. And now here we all were in the valley of Tal'Darim; magically cramped in one barracks not yet built, and strategically placed with just one command center and 6 SCVs - luckily the Protoss used the same tactic.
alright i'm done, its late, im tired, and my buzz is wearing off making this all seem kinda fucked up
User was warned for this post
This seems rather stream-of-consciousness and needs refinement. It's good in parts and incoherent in others. I'm not sure what we're to make of it... 3/5.
I came expecting the blog to be about H.P. Lovecraft. Needless to say I was very disappointed.
I don't understand this blog. Is it supposed to be on the first SC2 related things that come into your mind?
On July 22 2011 18:37 Zergfur wrote:
alright i'm done, its late, im tired, and my buzz is wearing off making this all seem kinda fucked up
well... as long as I'm not the only one. ^^
So much potential, to be wasted by needlessly raising expectations of H. P. Lovecraft. 1/5
Lolwut? I don't know what to make of this...
On July 22 2011 18:37 Zergfur wrote:+ Show Spoiler +The following tale was created by the mind of my fictional character's imagination. I am merely a medium for him to share his tale for the rest of the world, although he prefers to call me "his bitch." I on the other hand do not agree with said name, and this has led to many-a-discrepancy. But I digress...What I bring to you, is a story of love, and maybe corruption, deceit, murder, suspense, mystery, and comical drama if I wish to put in the effort to write all the necessary amount of words, but I probably won't...enjoy... ...
In the valley of Tal'Darim.... Our hearts were fused at the same time through a weird combination of minerals and gas harvested from various workers; the only problem was that while my heart was crafted through the improbable engineering of one guy in an SCV suit, hers was forged by the unrealistic construction of the Xel'Naga, or the Protoss, whichever sounds cooler - I think the Xel'Naga is like the Protoss's Gods or something, or just a blueish map that I always lose on in 1v1. Our minds and bodies may have been different, but our timing in this mysterious universe gave us a strange feeling, as if we were made for each other. Its as if the universe was saying, "hey, these two are going to have some freekishly sick offspring. I mean, how would they even do it?" or maybe the universe was saying it makes no difference what one looks like, because life and love are interrelated - this is probably why on a terrible, terrible day I witnessed my neighbor having sex with his dog in the garage; I just wanted to borrow some gas for my lawn mower god dammit. But our love was different, and anyone reading this should require no more logical explanation, so what would have been a "hole" or "gap" in the story is no longer any such thing.
As fresh recruits we were all eager to get a piece of the action. Ever since the first day of training, which I have no recollection of, all of us were prepared to kill something. The feelings of war ran through our blood stream and were implanted into our minds making us unlovable killing machines. This one time, Jimmy, a recruit in the 10001st reaper division, had to kill his own family to get past the final test of his training. When he murdered his baby brother, who was about to be birthed by Jimmy's pregnant mother, he turned and looked to me and said, "OJ didn't do it," which made me lul. At that point, as with every other reaper who finishes training, he became unlovable. But as for me, I was cute, that's what my mom had always said and she was right. I was too cute, and it made me lovable. Still, I had finished my training, murdering my entire family, which happened to be anyone with the last name Johnson. And now here we all were in the valley of Tal'Darim; magically cramped in one barracks not yet built, and strategically placed with just one command center and 6 SCVs - luckily the Protoss used the same tactic. alright i'm done, its late, im tired, and my buzz is wearing off making this all seem kinda fucked up
Oh. That seems to explain.