I was just thinking of this idea during a time where starcraft wasn't available to me, and how it could have real life meanings. Now, once you read this title you will probably be like, "wtf, why wud u transfuse banelings, there supposed to die. wat a nub"
Well think about it. The objective of a baneling is to get the the marine ball and detonate, where they will kill 7-8 marines for 1 baneling. (banelings cost 75/25, marines cost 50/0).
Then why would you want to tranfuse a baneling?
People tend to think (by that I mean me when i first started playing) that banelings obliderate anything in their way and forget to realise they benefit from armor upgrades, attack upgrades, have a certain amount of HP and roll at a certain speed etc etc.
If one could survive one tank blast yet only have 1 hp left, any marine could shoot it from a distance.
However if you transfuse the baneling after it gets hit by the tank blast, it gets replenished to full health, making it more likely to reach the promised land and hitting into that bunch of marines.
I just felt like talking about this as in ZvZ many players take off one zergling to attack a baneling, knowing that even if the baneling kills the ling it will not be cost effective. To counter that, the other player would kill the ling attacking their baneling. That concept is basically on par with the transfusing baneling concept.
I remember spanishiwa would do insane things with transfuse. he would transfuse queens lifted by the phoenix's graviton beam, he would tranfuse overlords, he would even tranfuse drones and extractors. Yes you heard me drones.
Now back to the real-life meanings. It's kinda like the meaning of life-support before someone is confirmed to die, and there's one last goodbye/something important to do. Even though you know they're going to die, maybe there's one last thing you can do?
Anyway, I just thought of transfusing banelings as a funny topic.
Well, i once transfused marines in a team monobattle where i got queens from the random selection... but well, there is a reason why people don't do it:
Banelings/Zerglings/Marines have too little health. They die a lot faster than you can transfuse them at the point where you have enough queens to actually have enough energy to waste transfuse on a single baneling.
You can just send in a queen first and transfuse her, buys you the time to send in your banelings, too.
This made me feel kinda morbid after reading, now i have to plan out a ton of useful things to do on my deathbed
Reminds me of in zvz some guy was telling me how good +1 armor was because then zerglings dont die to 1 baneling. But then they have 1 hp and aren't useful in fighting they die in 1 hit to zerglings.
anyway I probably value life less than anyone i know... I think "psychopaths" are just people that value life so low that people would rather believe they suffer from a mental illness than any obvious/explainable thing.
Reminds me of in zvz some guy was telling me how good +1 armor was because then zerglings dont die to 1 baneling. But then they have 1 hp and aren't useful in fighting they die in 1 hit to zerglings.
Gives me nightmares of trying out old infestors in ZvZ. Fungal leaves the lings at 1hp and you proceed to lose all your drones to a swarm of 1hp units..
One zergling can kill 3 1hp zerglings alone. 6 zerglings could kill 30 1hp zerglings. Having a zergling have 1 hp after a baneling shot is a waste of resources spent on +1.
I'd like to see you transfuse banelings in TvZ where contrary to your example; terran actually has more than one siege tank or are only hit by one "Tank blast".
Furthermore, messing around with a queen trying to transfuse banelings in this scenario is a waste of APM. The banelings need to be microed towards the rines for starters; on top of that you need to macro and keep up injects at the same time.
It just won't work.
Haha, I can see it as an impractical example in most situations - in fact in basically all situations. I guess what I'm trying to say is in those one in a million situations when this could actually work.
I once transfused a creep tumor 3 times just to see it die in the end to hellions. I felt quite stupid
Banelings cost too little to be worth a transfuse. Also, it would be too micro intensive. Not only that, it wouldn't make a difference since its hp is already so low...
United States25550 Posts
As I start getting +2 Infantry attack and the like, since I already have an armory, I get +1 Vehicle weapons. With just that upgrade, the siege damage goes from 35 to 38, letting the tank 1-shot lings with 1, 2, or even 3 carapace upgrades.
I think xfuse is more often used on high hp units, like mutalisks, ultralisks, roaches, and other queens. I've seen it happen on broodlords as well.
I once kept an Overlord alive for 2 min with about 7 queens in a 3v3 until my opponents got enough vikings to one shot it. I was really sad.