I was just reviewing some of my replays to try and better myself as a player. I came across one of my replays where I was on Xel'Naga Caverns, spawned top against a Terran. Funny little side note before I forget, did you know if you type Xel'Naga and right click on it when spellcheck says it's wrong, it's closest correction is Flanagan?
Anyways back to the story.
I am still young in the StarCraft II scene, and I play Zerg as some of you may already know. I had a basic build I was following that I found on these forums stating that by minute 16 you could be fully teched up and upgraded. It went fairly well, probably did all that around minute 17 or 18 just because my macro can slip bad at times, but good none the less.
After I made my lings/infestors/ultras/banelings I felt like I was still kind of in a stalemate with my Terran opponent. I decided I am on 5 bases, I have tuns of minerals and gas, so I went for a greater spire and got some broods out. I had about 25 lings, 4 Ultralisks, 3-4 infestors, and about 3-5 Brood Lords, with probably about 8 banelings or so. I made my push around that comp and to my surprise those Brood Lords complimented the army rather nicely. I noticed a couple other replays of me where I did the same thing, to a gratifying degree of success.
What I want to know is how come people don't do it a little more? I mean people tell me because it's too gas intensive and you simply can't afford it, but I seemed to. I mean the Brood Lords themselves weren't upgraded, but the Broodlings they spawned were because they were technically considered ground after being fired. Of course I notice I only did them on base 5 so I don't know if you could get away with doing it on 4 or not.
What are your guys' thoughts and opinions on this? And for the comp of other races too such as adding battlecruisers and carriers into the mix?
cha·grin (sh-grn) n. A keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event: To her chagrin, the party ended just as she arrived.
Battlecruisers are awesome units for their supply, but horrible for their cost. The limiting resource for bcs is gas, so you have to use them with a mineral sink. Terrans get extra minerals, so I guess that's fine for them.
haha thanks for the definition upgrade. I thought I used it in the right context hehe. I'll edit it out so I only look stupid to the 26 people that viewed this.
When I played Terran in SC1 battlecruisers were my favorite unit in the game next to carriers.
Well Broodlords are hard to tech to as Zerg since it takes so long to climb the tech tree. Most Professional games only last 15 minutes tops and Zergs tend to tech to Lair pretty late and almost never go Hive.
As for the other races using BC's/Carriers, maybe it's because they're too slow. Broodlords are useful because of the broodlings, if they worked like a guardian I don't think we would ever see them used. The Broodlings act like an infinite number of zerglings and tank damage from very far away, not to mention they share the same upgrade as zerglings (+1 melee is popular).
Edit: It's Limelights btw
haha what up limelights, haven't seen you on in a while.
Well i'm Boston.994 now and I cleaned out my list. Feel free to add me!
Why'd you change everything?