On June 10 2011 22:01 ThatGuy89 wrote: im starting to get a really negative view of professional starcraft players. especially koreans. Fair enough they're good at the game, some of the best in the world, but why cant they go get their own dam food? MMA nearly fainted cos he was dehydrated and you all run round trying to get him a drink? slap him in the face and tell him to get himself a drink.
You did an awesome job, but it seems like you spent more time chasing round doing little errands for the players instead of giving interviews and enjoying yourself. Id be pissed tbh if i were you....
You sir, are one of the biggest shits in the world. I was gonna say something about putting you in a foreign country where you speak absolutely none of the language, but you've probably never stepped outside your neighborhood before.
Milkis fighting! Amazing job man
I was so looking forward to this, thanks for finishing up the account. Don't beat yourself up over the translating, I thought you did amazing, and the slip up was one of my favorite memories from the event. It showed how hard you were trying to focus on what was being said.
It is obviously a lot of work, but I hope you have the time to share your experiences at Anaheim.
Thanks for writing this Milkis. Perhaps MLG should hire you as their main translator from now on?
Thank you for part two. So interesting!
Finally had time to read all of this. Completely worth it. Thank you Milkis for your hard work and also for this fascinating window into the event and the players.
Great stuff, had funn reading, thx.
While you did say that MLG columbus staff put a lot of work in and that it opened the eyes of the Koreans to e-sports around the word I think overall Milkis I have to admit that you did the most if not all the work in opening their eyes. Without you they'd have been pretty lost you gave them the impression of America and the idea of how foreign events are. You put a lot of work in showing them the joys of playing outside of Korea and if they decide to return for other events I think a lot of it is down to you.
Good job Milkis I thank you for taking a step to bring the Koreans into foreign events.
also - Did you end up getting their autographs for yourself before they left?
i think people usually avoid getting this detailed because they think people in the community wouldn't be this interested, but that, my friend is bs. Ty so much, this was an amazing post, and i'm always interested in hearing more about the players, and glad to hear MC actually isn't a dick. XD I half suspected it was just for show, and he actually seems like he is the least likely to underestimate the foreign players.
Also, idras gf. LOL. I knew she was crazy from the moment i saw her in interview, just needed proof.
Ty! Milkis for Anaheim!
Glad to have found the long awaited part 2, now I can close the part 1 tab and stop refreshing the page every so often
I really like to get to read about MLG more from a player perspective
Thanks a bunch for the write up, hope you get to go to Anaheim