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[P][Tal'darim Altar][Loss] sjelkjd - He went early void ray pressure into colossus and I went roach hydra. I'm terrible against mass colossus. I didn't scout it at all, but had a feeling it was coming. I had planned on massing roaches a busting into his base, but I also began teching to hydras to hold off the couple void rays, took my third, and I feel it delayed my push by quite too long.
[P][Shattered Temple][Win] Tridium - I felt like I kinda cheesed this guy... I did my 21 speedling expand, but I noticed he didn't have hardly any units out, and no sentry in his walloff. I think he delayed his shit by a TON by trying to kill my scouting drone, so I just pumped lings, killed his walloff zealot, then pumped lings and killed his stalkers then his base.
[P][Typhon Peaks][Loss] Carnage - I saw alot of sentries so expected a passive 3-gate expanding protoss. My lings at the front got killed but I didn't see what by, so I didn't see the sizeable force he had with stalkers as well. I droned and teched too hard, and he pushed in, force fielded my ramp and slaughtered me.
[T][Shattered Temple][Win] gerator - He was going heavy rax play, I went sling/bling. Tried to do a baneling bust at one point, did some damage and took out a rax, but ultimately didn't do that much I think. Droned up after that, got some banelings, teched to lair for burrow, but never got burrow. He moved out and I got good baneling splash on his mmm army, then went for another baneling bust at won.
[P][Tal'darim Altar][Loss] JasperJones - He did a Dark Templar rush that I scouted and held off. I expanded really late and mineral income was poor for a while. I expanded a bunch but really didn't pump out an army like I should've, don't know what I was thinking. I get really thrown off when I don't have any minerals. I'm also pretty pissed after this match. I don't actually remember getting this pissed at a match before, I don't even know why I'm this angry. He built up a massive blink stalker force and just rolled me. I managed to simply gg and leave, which is a plus I guess.
[P][Shattered Temple][Win] Tridium - I felt like I kinda cheesed this guy... I did my 21 speedling expand, but I noticed he didn't have hardly any units out, and no sentry in his walloff. I think he delayed his shit by a TON by trying to kill my scouting drone, so I just pumped lings, killed his walloff zealot, then pumped lings and killed his stalkers then his base.
[P][Typhon Peaks][Loss] Carnage - I saw alot of sentries so expected a passive 3-gate expanding protoss. My lings at the front got killed but I didn't see what by, so I didn't see the sizeable force he had with stalkers as well. I droned and teched too hard, and he pushed in, force fielded my ramp and slaughtered me.
[T][Shattered Temple][Win] gerator - He was going heavy rax play, I went sling/bling. Tried to do a baneling bust at one point, did some damage and took out a rax, but ultimately didn't do that much I think. Droned up after that, got some banelings, teched to lair for burrow, but never got burrow. He moved out and I got good baneling splash on his mmm army, then went for another baneling bust at won.
[P][Tal'darim Altar][Loss] JasperJones - He did a Dark Templar rush that I scouted and held off. I expanded really late and mineral income was poor for a while. I expanded a bunch but really didn't pump out an army like I should've, don't know what I was thinking. I get really thrown off when I don't have any minerals. I'm also pretty pissed after this match. I don't actually remember getting this pissed at a match before, I don't even know why I'm this angry. He built up a massive blink stalker force and just rolled me. I managed to simply gg and leave, which is a plus I guess.
Games Played: 55/60